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#1 Maulana Owaisi, I m touched deeply, by your stand of calling Pakistan as enemy. First time a Muslim has expressed dedication toward his motherland. To address you as Maulana is not by mistake. All Maulanas speak for Islam and Muslims only, as if Muslims are the only existing group of people in the world, confined in an isolated cave or island, disregarding or ignorant of natural co-existence of other people and animals who has also rights of, normal life, protecting their own faiths, thinking and speaking, beyond the bookish instructions. #2 Actually, I also like such isolation, with my own only. It helps, to keep feelings of insecurity away. Except honorable Mr. A.P.J. Kalaam and few others, all Muslims, including those who has topped in their lives and careers, by any means doubtful to some public, and Muslim leaders of non Muslim political parties too, are witnessed promptly delivering promptings of all Maulanas only. It is done in style and spirit of those Maulanas, ignoring their qualifications and standard of thinking too. #3 On the basis of narration from your Holy book, which imposed an Adam as father of world’s mankind, you have claimed that all Indians are Muslims by birth. Thickly populated parts and countries of the world, like most populated China and especially we Indians not only disagree with your claim, but strongly oppose also.#4 Just for time being, if your claim is taken granted as true, then what about Mr. Jinna and Pakistan? Mr. Jinnah is recognized as the father of Pakistan. Your, arrogate, as proven ahead, statement of claiming all human kind as children of Adam and hence are Muslims by birth, is confusing for majority of Indians like me. It compels us to bring it to your notice that, if any country and its people, are child of only father namely Adam, then Pakistan and its Muslim nationals, have two fathers. First your common father Adam and second Mr. Jinna. Baby of more than one father is, commonly called, bastard, baby of bitch or an HARRAMI. I do not know what their mother of two husbands will be called by you. Thus by your one foolish statement, Pakistan & Pakistanis this way are proved Harrami with their mother. Just because of outer Muslim countries’ pressure and funding, without any struggle or jailing for Pakistan’s so called freedom, Shiite Jinnah and mostly Sunni Pakistanis got their Pakistan. Only known freedom fighter who was jailed from Pakistan’s Pakhtun province is Mr. Khan Abdul Gaffarkhan. #5 Native Indians don’t know any Adam or Eve, except in imaginary story books. After India’s freedom, first time an Indian Muslim, who could collect and influence Muslims, in remarkable large quantity like you, declared Pakistan as enemy. Horrible rate of breeding shows, Muslims prefer India to Pakistan or any other Muslim country also, as safest place. Hope this changed mentality and thinking of you, will dribble down into rest of all Indian Muslims too. It is also hoped that, they too will start naming Pakistan as enemy & Harrami as you said & highlighted. It may help to prove that, honesty i.e. IMAAN, is not being ignored by and missing at, in Indian Muslims at least, though dedication toward mother land India is rare. World’s non Muslim countries, where refugee Muslims are seen enjoying modernized life, better than their own countries, may have different opinion about their Muslims citizen’s honesty and dedication.#6 Imaan, i.e. honesty is one of the best qualities of not only mankind, but of any living creature too. Imaan, i.e. honesty means tendency of remaining attached with somebody or something as a token of gratitude, for his or its obligation or favor. Concept of honesty may have arisen from science’s principle of tendency of matters of resistance to changes or maintaining status quo, till not forced enough. Dog is hated in Islam as pig. But not only dogs or pigs, poisonous snakes are also seen honest with their masters. In very rarest situations only, these animals are seen attacking or biting their masters, who in real oblige them by providing food safety shelter. When, an ant’s gathering is disturbed, they attack and bites to the disturber or intruder who tries to disturb their position. Birds coming to Asian countries from distant countries like Siberia or Atlantic are pulled and return to their respective abode, without changing their fixed routine. This quality of Honesty is prided and respected by all prudent and sensible humans. Naturally any person, who may be a king, saint or Prophet too, leading any group of people, will certainly expect this naturally gifted quality from his followers too. He will expect also strict implementation of honesty, from his followers or disciples, though he himself is a pretender.#7 Being not follower of any bookish faith, I am in habit of thinking and expressing myself, beyond contents of any book. It is observed and I strongly believe that, universal human kind, either independently or united deserve liberty to freely express itself, as they are not factory made dumb blocs exhibiting ditto as others or caged animals. Here cage used for confining animals and human, does not mean any fenced room only, it can be a faith or book too, disallowing human to think beyond that faith or book. While enjoying liberty to speak any thing, any where and any time without crossing Islam’s so holy books, seems you also to believe in liberty to speak. Sadly, though you boast about modern education, you do not and can not speak other than contents of Islamic books. You ignore advanced modern science, while saying that all human kind is born as Muslim and later it is labeled with different religions. I don’t want to deny your right, to express anything as I have already labeled you as Maulana who delivers return, what has been fed via Islamic books. But knowing about your membership of Democratic Indian Parliament, people like me are assuming that, you are prudent enough not to hurt others feelings, by such arrogating, hence foolish statements.#8 Your statement regarding all human kind’s birth as Muslim can be true up to some extent if religions born in desert are concerned. But it is insulting and totally indigestible to worlds’ all people, who know sequence of desert born Prophets. All desert born religions are believers of the theory or story of Adam and Eve. They all strongly believe in Entity and its almightiness. But after witnessing the miracles accomplished by human with the help of science, worlds most spread & most modernized desert born Christian religion’s science admirer head, Pope has now doubted about ability of that so called almighty. That so called almighty is never seen by any human, nor is seen helping people for peaceful life, while world is witnessing massacre of Muslims by Muslims only in Iraq. Scientists from all religions have achieved miracles, which are, not imagined even from that so called almighty. #8 All prophets, of these desert born faiths or religions, sequence wise known are, first Moses, second Jesus, and lastly is your Mohammed! They all claimed having not only seen or met, but claimed relation also with, that so called almighty as son, incarnation or as a messenger, directly. If this sequence of prophets of those desert born religions or faiths is to be denied, then your boasting theory of human kind’s birth as Muslim, may have some base in case of people born in that desert and surrounding area. #8 Fortunately modern worlds’s learned, curious, progressive and stable minded people, including few Muslims also, are well aware with world’s history and sequence of prophets from desert. And unfortunately, as the western world is loaded mostly with desert born Christian and Islamic people, few of them know about prophets of out of that desert. Though people, from places other than desert, where religions and their prophets were born long before all desert born religions and prophets, knew about desert born prophets and their period wise sequence, and their crusades, despite disagreeing with you, they may not try to protest or counsel you, labeling you as psychic and hysterical for your claim. Such psychic and hysterical acts are frequently observed in all terrorist and Jihadist, who unfortunately but always are only Muslims, from non Muslim countries too.#9 However, due to fear of chase and risk to their lives, as being experienced by Mr. Salman Rushdi, Madame Taslima Nasrin and others, thoughts expressed by you, will definitely be taken seriously by the Muslims as pride, as they all are nourished from birth, to follow and obey every thing, imposed upon them under religious label, without scrutiny or ignoring reality. Such psychic and hysterical statements or acts made by you and some fooled and ISIS’ lured few Indians, though proved suicidal, are proved as booster dose for common Indian Muslims. This may also be one of the reasons, how Islam succeeded in keeping its followers obsessed. This obsessed condition of followers is loved and expected by any leader, who take care of barring the follower, from thinking or speaking different, as it may overtake or overturn him.#10 After knowledge of periods of prophets, clear picture comes as follows. Sequence wise Moses, is first, Jesus second and Mohammed was third born prophet from desert. First two prophets being older than Mohammed, copy rights of the story of Adam and Eve, on which your claim is based, go to first two prophets of the desert. Mohammed or Muslims can not claim fatherhood of Moses or Jesus, as Mohammad and Islam were born recently 1800 years back only. On the contrary Jews and Christians can claim fatherhood of Islam and Mohammed too. In other words, if your thinking is expanded genuinely, fatherhood of all desert born religions & disciples goes to either Moses or Jesus. #11 Secondly, as per history prophets or gods, excluding mythical Ram or Krishna born in green Asian region, were born many years before than those desert born prophets. They are Lord Buddha and Mahavir (Jainism). Lord Buddha and Mahavir, being oldest than any prophet from desert, later imposed story of parenthood of Adam & Eve, was definitely strange and inapplicable to Indians till Muslim’s invasion. Till your hysteric claim, this story of Adam was not known to me also. Thus desert born Prophet Mohammed, who was born after Moses and Jesus, proves to be, most junior to all prophets. Hence Mr. Owaisi your claim of India’s mankind’s birth as Muslims proves failed for Indians and for all non Muslims of the world. #12 Thousand years before birth of your prophet Mohammed and till Muslims invaded India; Indians were born as Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Though Mahavir’s Jain people worship Hindu gods, he and Buddha never claimed any incarnation, relation or viewing also, of any god or unseen things, to impress or allure innocent people. Were meetings or mere sights of any aliens in those isolated part of wanderers’ desert, by desert born prophets are being described, to connect them with so called almighty labeling those aliens as God? Lord Buddha, denied existence of any almighty or worshipping of any idols and stones, though his disciples under invader & intruder Brahmin’s influence are seen doing so. Jesus’ and Mohamed’s life story indicates that, in search of developed form of religions, one of them had come up to Kashmir. Hair of either of them is being worshipped as Hajarat baal, in Kashmir. #13 Thirdly, Mr. Owaisi, your statement, claiming people from Indian region, as Muslim by birth, can be held true if & only if you are pointing toward Brahmins of Indian region. They are Aryans by DNA, and had camped in that desert of Middle East after crossing Europe and wandering toward India.#14 According to DNA research of man kind, three breeds or types, of man kind, were initially formed .Those are Mongoloids of yellow skin & of Chinese eyes, Negroids of black color & stout i.e. India’s south Indians and African continentals, and lastly Aryans of fair complexion & of blue or gray eye. Descriptions of features of Mongoloid breed mach with East Asia’s China Japan and their adjacent regions. America’s native Red Indians also match with description of Mongoloid breed. Red Indians, who were there in America, before European Portuguese captain Columbus clamed its discovery, are basically from our East Asia. Negroids searched Australia and New Zealand before European Aryan captain Cook, as they match with Aborigines and Maoris of respective places. #15 Brahmins, being, Aryans by breed, effused from North Pole. While travelling up to India, these Aryans camped at various places of Europe and adjacent Asia. En route India, they camped in that desert region, where above described desert born faiths and their prophets were born. Most possibly it is the reason, why Brahmans are more attached and loyal to Mohammedians and Christians, than native Indians. #16 Janab Owaisi, you will be surprised to know that, these Brahmins, who provoked and influenced all non Brahmins for falling Babari mosque and were cause of social disturbance in India, are originally from your prophet Mohammad’s birth place and blood. They had rushed to help Mohamed’s grand son Hussein, in his war for throne, with his relations in Mecca’s Karbala war. They had pronounced their blood relation with Hussein. They served loyally to Europeans and Muslim rulers. They are seen so loyal to every foreign rulers of India that, one of those Brahman, by name Kulkarni had deadly attacked Maratha’s great king Shivaji, for his Muslim master Afzal Khan. Afazalkhan was one of knights of Delhi based Muslim ruler Aurangzeb. Being friend of Shivaji’s father Shahaji, this Afazalkhan had planned to murder king Shivaji, during their meeting fixed in the forest of Javali, a place in state of Maharashtra in India, deceivingly.#17 We know that you are annoyed by the Ghar wapsi mission started by one plank of this Brahmins dominated RSS. But remember that, these Brahmins only had opposed most famous supposed to be ‘Ghar wapsi” of Kashmir’s Muslims to Hinduism. Original Kashmiris were converted to Islam, by Muslim invaders forcibly.#18 Though these Brahmans are provoking the Indians against Muslims an Christian, to find a bye pass to their own imposed rule of, not crossing the sea on native non Brahmins, Brahmin families from Kerala & south India had not hesitated to convert, their one male family member to Islam them selves, with intension to share huge profit from sea trade of Arabs. Thus converted Brahmans are named as Mopalas, #19 Brahmins knowingly and cunningly fixed the Babari mosque fall on 6th December, which is day of death anniversary of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. All world knows about the gathering of huge crowd of more than 10 lakh peoples of all untouchables and depressed class’ from world & India, at Shivaji Park in Mumbai, on that death anniversary day, 6th December of every year, to pay homage to Dr B.R. Ambedkar. Brahmans & their dull brained devotees from Hinduism’ upper castes, knew their own limited ability; against tremendous ability of followers of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar from Indian scheduled caste. In fixing the Babari mosque fall on death anniversary day of B.R. Ambedkar, RSS and BJP had two wily intentions. First intention was, to pull that huge crowd of Ambedkarite peoples in expected riots after Babari mosque fall, and second, to spoil the most important day of all Ambedkarite people!#20 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is as a Messiah or god , to the Indian untouchables and world’s depressed class’ people. He only scripted world’s most praised Constitution of India. None of your any Mr. Munshi or Funshi has any credit of contribution too, in making our such a great Indian Constitution, as a vulgar person like you had stated, to show Dr. B.R. Ambedkar down. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar only pulled out & livened the untouchable Indians, from their graves of slavery, where they were coffined for last 5000 years, by Brahmans’ owned & mastered Hinduism’ dirtiest caste system. Like Mr. Abraham Lincoln to imported Negroes slaves’ freeing Mr. Martin Luther King, like Vatican City to Christian and like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and world’ all Muslim countries to you Muslims peoples, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had no source of any physical aid or fund, from any where in India or from out side of India. Any type of help or funding, from all non untouchables devotees of Brahmans and of Brahman too, was totally impossible for Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s mission of uplifting of his untouchables.#21 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s, Indian untouchable followers, were seen honoured for their bravery and great fighting spirit, by world’s once rulers British too. British formed separate army unit of Indian untouchables only, like Gorkhas, Rajputs & Marathas, named Mahar Battalion. After Maratha regiment from upper caste’ only Maratha community, untouchable communities’ Mahar only is seen honoured this way from whole of Maharashtra. Though top caste’ of Hinduism’ caste system Brahmas too, were seen made as warriors in whole India, by only king of Maratha community, Chhatrapati Shivaji, in shape of Peshavas, known warriors British were not seen considering them worth like Mahars & Marathas as true warriors, if they did not honour Brahmans, naming any unit of their fighter army. That untouchable’s Mahar’ unit of British army, has proved that, in wars fought as per prescribed international rules of war, they are superior warriors in India. Marathas’ army was seen rushed up to Afghanistan too. Untouchables’ Mahar Battalion’s army of only 500 soldiers had killed army of 25000 Maratha soldiers, led by Brahman Peshava, in a war of Bhima Koregav placed in Pune district of Maharashtra State, in India. Unfortunately supported by every rulers in India, who are mostly from Non Brahman and Non untouchable native, Mahar community, along with other scheduled castes, is still seen targeted and tortured dirtily by unity of larger number of all non untouchables communities of Hinduism, ignoring ethics, humanity and prescribed rules of war. #22 Brahmans are still seen revered by all Hindus for their religious chief’s posts. Since their entry in India, from last 5000 years, these religious heads Brahmans had developed their ambition, and wanted their all round dominance over all native Indians. They used all upper caste’ Hindus Indians, for forming & maintaining their dominance, from last 5000 years and now to collect votes in elections. Brahmans are seen some times, favouring Hindu untouchables and OBCs too, but only for their selfish plans of keeping their imposed & mastered Hinduism live, which ultimately helps to maintain their abnormal dominance. Example of ex President of BJP late Mr. Bangaroo Laxman, Mr Govindacharya, Sadhvi Uma Bharati, and other their madefamous people from Hinduism’ untouchables, are bold enough to show, how Brahmans use them, though cases of torturing of untouchables are seen increasing in their controlled states’ & Indian government. Only for a case of otherwise small corruption, seen as their official job nowadays’, ex untouchable president of BJP, late Mr. Bangaru Laxman was seen totally abandoned till his death by his party. While now cleared Mr. Yedi Uruppa of Andhra Pradesh and others higher caste Hindus, connected in serious corruption offences, were and are seen honoured & awarded by BJP. Even heinously murdered Brahman, late Mr. Pramod Mahajan, is also seen honoured, by naming a park after him, in Mumbai. In spite of doing all this tricks & treachery with native Indians, they still manage to keep, themselves at, top of Indians.#23 Brahmins are really admirable. Though not famous for braveness & being small in number also,(only 3,1/2% of total Indians), their topper position of most heinous & hideous caste system in India, indicates that, they gained their this top position, only by fooling the native Indians, either under threats of god & devils or by luring them with blessings of gods & dreams of heaven, like Islam.#24 I know that, many so called Indian scholars will come forward showing the references from all Hindu Holy books to oppose my above expressed views, on the point of how this Brahmin breed deserves its top position in Hinduism & Indians. But I don’t trust or feel any holy books or literature of Hinduism worthy, at all.#24 At the first place, which prudent man will believe that these Hindu Holy books are written by any non Brahmin person, or a group of society, who wish him to be placed at the bottom or middle position of most famous Indian caste system, instead of positioning himself on the top of it, to avail all free services enjoyed by Brahmans? None! Same way, why tribal hermit Valmiki will support murdering of untouchable’s hermit Shambuka, at the hands of Hindus’ most revered model king Rama, when Valmiki too is imposed as out caste like untouchable hermit Shambuka? That means, under false names, all Hindu Holy books are written by Brahmins only, which raised and maintained their importance in Indians.#25 Yet if somebody comes forward to claim that this Indian caste system is gift of that so called God, then nowadays’ blaming and abusing to that caste system, by all Indian & Brahmans too, naturally becomes as abusing to that so called god or goddess of Hinduism. It is clear that may be indirectly, but all abusers Indians, who are mostly Hindus are abusing gods of Hinduism. #24 Secondly, when I am aware with freedom fighter B.G. Tilak’s finding about Indian Brahmins that, they were also invaders in India, then there is no question of believing those invader’s written books, which support, keeping the invader Brahmins only, on top of Indian natives. #25 If orthodox south Indian Brahmin pleader Mr. Subramanian Swami of B.J.P. can demand deleting of books of Indian history, written by Europeans then, all non Brahmans and especially untouchable Indians are too more eligible and rightful than him to distrust, deny and destroy, those all so called holy books of Hinduism supporting, heinous, hideous castism written by Brahmans & their Mr. Manu. #26 Most of the non Brahmin Indians, who are seen nowadays, well educated & progressives too, still insist and rely upon Hinduism’ those above described holy books for their day to day life’s guidance & revering heroes described therein. I do not have idea, whether they still sip Brahmans’ foot wash as holy water, as practiced from last 5000 years. # 27 From observations, experiences & knowledge snatched from history, myths, culture, practiced traditions, general behaviour and present literature of Indians, inferable reasons for deep trust and dependence of all non Brahman Indians on Hindu holy books, defining their rank inferior than Brahmins in caste system, can be placed, as follows.# 28 First, the non Brahman native Indians must be extremely impressed at first sight of Aryans of extremely fair color, blue or gray eyes and tall personality, remarkably contrasting, than the native Indian’s color and appearance of mixed feature of Mangoloids and Negroids breeds. In addition to that these Aryans must be expert fool makers and talkative also, as it was necessary in their wanderers or vagabond life style developed during journey from North Pole to Middle East’s, in search of food and stability. (That first timer charm of Aryans’ may be one of the reasons, why many non Brahman native Indians of appearance contrasting to Aryans, name their children as Aryan or Arya.) Secondly, as reading and writing was defined monopoly of Brahmins only, being illiterate, they were incapable, to write any script. Thirdly, and most importantly, they were, and still are incapable of finding and establishing innovative thoughts and things, better than Brahmin’s created and imposed Hindu holy books. Fourthly, by denying Brahmans dominance and their scripted Hindu holy books, the higher ranked natives who were offered superiority over their same DNA holder native colleagues by Brahmans, must have guessed fear of loosing their higher rank’s dominance over their colleague natives of inferior ranks. Because of that lingering fear of loosing their Brahmans’ awarded higher rank in Indian caste system only, the higher ranked natives intentionally ignored Best alternative of ready made Buddhism, to faulty Hinduism. These higher ranked natives might have preferred to serve free the minority Brahmans, than loosing dominance over majority of natives Indian. Especially, they must be reluctant to loose their unquestionable right of fucking and torturing the untouchables. Irony is minority Brahmans were provided with any female members of family, by these higher ranked natives, when Brahmans demanded. (Read speeches of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and Marathas’ last great personality King Shahoo Maharaj). It can be seen that these higher ranked natives of caste system are the protector of Brahmans, Hinduism and preserver of heinous caste system, merely for their selfish dominance. Forgetting their own original traditions and incident of dooming of India’s only Maratha kingdom, by these Brahmans, these non Brahmin Non untouchables Indians are seen blind followers of Brahmins, for of course reasons described above. In the recent past, till the Brahmans’ Peshava ruling was not surrendered to British, and till the anti Brahman trend was not started, this Non Brahman, Non untouchables Indian natives used to sip too, foot wash, of all Brahmans, labeling it as god’s gift. They, still feel pride in boasting about their upper position in Indian caste system, offered to them by toppers Brahmans. #29. Brahmans never implemented the cruel punishments, imposed by them, on innocent untouchables. This Non Brahman, Non untouchables Indian natives were bound to implement those punishments on their own DNA holder untouchables. Still, these united bastards from all non Brahman and non untouchables only are seen enjoying torturing the untouchables Indian, availing the upper position awarded to them by Brahmans. Brahmans are not seen in any torturing of the untouchables from long past. #30. Non Brahman, Non untouchables Indian natives were the first bribed or influenced subjects of first Indian invaders Aryan Brahmans, like African Negros’s heads or chiefs, who helped as agents in slave trading of Negroes, to British and Arabs. Non Brahman, Non untouchables Indian natives, do not wish to come out of charm of Brahmans. They do not wish to loose their Brahman awarded upper position in Indian Hindus and work hard for maintaining the mould of castism intact than their master Brahmans. Agents or pimps are incapable to survive and unsafe, without their masters and in changed system. From above inferences, how Brahmins gained their top post in India can be cleared.#31 You Muslims are well aware with India’s heinous and hideous caste system. The scheduled castes placed at the bottom of this system, were tortured and suppressed by all, except British. Indian scheduled castes were, either threatened or lured for conversion, by both Christians and Muslims, and, were converted too, in remarkable number. Brahmins had not shown guts, or wished, to oppose that conversion. They preferred to remain dumb, while Kashmiri pundits were also forcibly converted to Islam. Not only that, they did not oppose or criticized their own Brahmins, like Kaphir Malik, Baba Padmanji, Rev. Tilak along with his wife Laxmibai, Pandita Ramabai, Vanarse of England etc and many unknown, were converted to Islam and Christianity. Recently USA’a presidential candidate Hindu Bobby Jindal’s conversion to Christianity is also disclosed. Doesn’t this attitude of Brahmins indicate favors and, inclination toward desert born religions, faiths and people, or does not it mean that they don’t bother about being converted in any faith from that desert? #32 Forcible and alluring conversion of Indian scheduled castes, to both, Christians and Muslims religion was and is common, in India, till now. This thirst of these desert born religions for followers was so heinous that, while addressing public meetings of Congress and other parties, many Muslim’s so called freedom fighter leaders also, had shamelessly, demanded conversion of half of the scheduled castes of India, to Islam, offering other half to Hindus to continue their forced free slavery in Hinduism. Were the Indian untouchables, parental property of those bastard Muslim leaders? One of that, shameless Muslim leaders was one Mr. Mohammed Ali. One piece of road is also named after him, in Mumbai. If interested in reading books, and literature, except those written by Muslims and in Urdu only, you will find proof of above incidents in biography of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, written by famous Marathi biographer, Mr. Dhananjay Keer. #33 This dirty caste system of Hindus is unending. You people have witnessed how it has torn India. Castism is a biggest hindrance in uniting divided Indian people. Disciplined nationals help making nation’s image and strong unity of nationals of any nation defines power of that nation, like Israel. Equality among all nationals diminishes discriminations and differences too. It helps in making the nationals disciplined. Division of Indians in different sects and castes, is proved to be main reason of opening free entry to the all invaders.#34 It was different before Brahmins imposed this heinous caste system, in India. India was ruled by real Emperors like Asoka the great and Harsh Vardhan, who had dashed up to Greece, and had shown guts to win Greece’s one princes too. Today’s Muslim countries like Afghan Pakistan etc, where Muslim rulers of India and your claimed ancestor belonged, were part of their vast empires. Same way Buddhist Kublai Khan, from now famous Muslim’s Khans community, was also a king from place adjacent to today’s China and ruled in India also for awhile. They all were Buddhist, by religion.#34 British historians have portrayed images of rulers from Europe and from area across Sindhu River, larger than real, labeling them as Emperors. But by braveness, by nature of quality of charity, generosity, and as true human, they were not up to, standard of matching any, from India’s Buddhist Emperors. Emperor Harsh Vardhan exhibited extreme quality of charity and generosity. He used to beg pledges from his sister also, for offering it to the needy ones from his kingdom. Asoka the great after noticing, the after effects of massacre in his last won biggest Kallinga war, scabbarded his sword and grasped Buddhism for peace. He was the real peace lover and follower of universal peace defining religion, Buddhism! Ashoka the great has set a great example of humanity, which is not seen in any, Indian or foreigner kings of all religions, or in so called foreign emperors too. He chose his revered Lord Buddha thought fully. #35 Lord Buddha is the PIONEER PROPHET, in the world, as described above. Lord Buddha was not a wealth less poor as other all prophets. He was an Indian king! He kicked his throne for defining peace for universe, contrary to, who got kingdom or lordship, after becoming prophet. Both Lord Buddha and his disciple Asoka the great, are unique examples in world’s history! It will not be improper in this article, to high light that, if Great Asoka had not scabbarded his sword for universal peace and if had acted like kings, thirsty for collecting more disciples, for their later arose desert born religion’s, then there were very remote chances of birth or existence also, of any other religions on this earth. India could have remained strong and prosperous, as in time of famous Indian golden era, without dominance of selfish Brahmins and Aryans. Of course without traces of any forced enslaving caste system also.#36 Lord Buddha was not an Aryan. Though he was anti Hinduism which introduced castism, to take advantage of his glory and publicity, he was named as hermit Shakya of Hindu cult, by Brahmins. Shaks or Shakya is one of tribes from Non Aryans, originally belonged to area near China. Hence desert attached Aryan Brahmins, naturally were against different DNA holder Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha believed in humans’ brain’s capacity of progressing. He did not claim as only clever person in the world. He defined the path of peaceful living and humanity, without bindings of any hard and fast rules, on his followers. He allowed his followers, to think and act as per bound progress of mankind and universe, though advanced than him, by not making any agreement of his followers with him vide any book like Bible, commands or Koran. #37 Actually then and now also Brahmin did not wish to loose their dominance, where by only, they could enjoy all privileges and services, freely obtainable, from the rank wise divided natives in castes. They wished to keep their fooled enslaved Indian natives same for ever. It seems that their charm is still not vanished, if Dalits are still tortured.#38 Brahmins has caused a great loss to India. They are hidden enemy of India as Trojan horse. Is being originally attached with that restless Middle East desert, the only cause of such mean and treacherous behavior of Brahmins, toward natives? India was invaded by various gangs of Aryans from across Sindhu River, including Jews Parsee, Yazdis, Iranis, & Europeans, Indian Brahmins being first. All mentioned Aryans are not known for any notorious deeds in India. On the contrary, they were proved helpful, by their unselfish charity. Europeans are abused by Indians under Brahmans dominance, it was them who proved helpful to extract many dirty traditions from this imposed Hinduism, and from all Indians. In their ruling only Bhopal’s kingdom in India, could give a Muslim lady as ruler of Bhopal province in today’s M.P. state of India. She is known as Begam of Bhopal. She ruled Bhopal without the famous compulsory veil i.e. Paradaa system of Muslims. If British had not came to India, situation in India would have been worse more than like today’s Pakistan, Gulf, African Sudan and Nigeria, etc. countries. Probably as per mentality of great Maratha king Shivaji’s attacker Brahman Kulkarni, all Indians mentality could have been changed in favor of Muslim rulers by the Brahmans. And foot wash sippers from upper caste’s native Indians, had also acted as per those Brahmans, ignoring their priding sacrifice of great Maratha King Shivaji’s son Sambhaji. #40 Hinduism which now is being mentioned in every day’s news, is not a name adopted from any prophet’s or faith’s name. Otherwise all Indian kings before Buddhism, had named themselves as Hindu “Pat Patshaha” as king Shivaji did, or at least had mentioned Hindu word in their any orders.#41 It is the trick of these tricky Aryan Brahmins, who in order to highlight their differentness, from those Aryans, across the Sindhu River, used, for naming themselves as Sindhu Aryans. It pronounce as Hindu in their, then spoken language. And the culture they were living ultimately was named Sindhu alias Hindu culture.#42 It is wanderer’s practice, which is observed in Muslims too, where many peoples have same names. E.g. if four persons are named Usuf, each may distinguish himself from others, by attaching his profession area or bodily default to his name Usuf, i.e. Usuf Batata can be name of Usuf selling potato or Usuf Langada, for the Usuf who is lame.# 42 The gang of Aryans entered India, crossing Sindhu River named themselves as Sindhu, to distinguish them from Aryans across Sindhu River. Fortunately those Aryans were not led by any eunuch then! God knows, what name they would have adopted, for themselves, in place of Sindhu or Hindu! Of course charmed native Indians too had no alternative, than to accept that name for them too.#43 These Brahmins have packed native Indians in a multi decked closed closet, putting themselves totally free, out and on it’s top. It was in such a way that, each inner deck, of that closet has two holes to each deck, one in the down, other in the upper roof. Any upper deck’s occupant , inside the closet, had right to intrude any lower deck’s area .But unless and until, upper deck’s occupants allow any lower deck’s occupants to enter in their upper deck’s area ,lower deck’s occupants, were not permitted to encroach , in any upper deck’s area. Naturally upper deck’s occupants only enjoyed privileges and chance to push down, any lower deck’s occupant, trying to climb to enter their upper deck’s area. Upper deck’s occupants had all privileges of enjoying all types of services, totally free, from any lower deck’s occupants. Those services included all type of unnatural sex also. Of course outer toppers free Aryan Brahmins, were to be the most advantageous. They were entitled for all types of services as mentioned above, from all inner decks occupants any time, by entering in any lower deck’s areas inside the closet, through their only hole on top of the closet. In case, if lower deck’s occupants were seen troubling or over powering to it’s upper deck’s occupants, topper free Brahmins, would immediately send help from the hole, strictly meant for their free movements, to any deck inside the closet. In short and plain, it is a most cunning, inhuman system, which enslaved native Indians, rank wise in a closed closet, in the and by the name of god.#44 Obviously, most deprived, unprivileged & suppressed in this closet or system were the lowest deck’s occupants scheduled caste i.e. untouchables, named now as Dalits. At the same time, free toppers Brahmans, the real minorities, had full right to extract or draw out any number of persons, of any or all inner decks of that closet out of it, to protect or help to these Brahmins, whenever they were in trouble or under attack of so called Asooras or savages (Aadiwasis). #45 The people, who were named as Aasur, probably must be people ran out of that closet or natives who opposed to accept system of that closet made and preserved by Brahmans. Of course, after utilizing those caged ones, they were again pushed down to their respective decks, from the holes, which led to downward only.#46 Surprisingly for pushing down, these out drawn closet dwellers back in their respective decks, topper Brahmins were helped by other variously ranked closet dwellers natives only. These, all ranked closet dwellers could have refused to disobey orders, of pushing them down back to the closet combined, if they only had wished to over power these topper masters Brahmins to enjoy, their fresh air of freedom. It was not impossible, if they had stood united, opposing, those Brahmins minorities’, whenever, they were allowed to come out of that closed closet. #47 Why these fooled ones natives, refused to free themselves, when they were strong and had majority, is not hard to realizes from part of above all narration and from, being put as ahead.#48 Albeit, the mentality of these Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians, shows the intensity of level of hypnotized, and obsessed condition of those fooled. They prided their position given to them by the Brahmans, which empowered them for limited dominance over the lower ones. The clinch of Brahmins charm is still so tight, that the fooled ones, once closet packed, are still feeling proud in enjoying same status, of decks, where they were conveniently placed by these Brahmins, since their entry in India.#48 These Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians, are extremely loyalist to Hinduism, its feeders and leaders Brahman, and their Brahman gifted authority, to punish and torture the untouchables.#49 Are they not bored of guarding the Hinduism and its founder small numbered Brahmans, for last 5000 years? Are they so dumb and sense less to ignore the cunningness of Brahman? Are they still unable to think about whole nation, beyond limited selfishness? Were they angry with Brahmans for dooming their only Maratha kingdom only? If they pride and boast Hinduism, do not they wish to become chiefs of their boasted Hinduism? Do not they know that Brahman will never allow any non Brahman Indian native to become chiefs of Hinduism, like Shankaracharya of any Pithas (bench)? And lastly if all Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians, regard Non freedom fighter RSS, as Patriotic, do not they know that Chief’s post of RSS, i.e. ‘Sar Sangh Chalak, is exclusively reserved for Brahmans only? #50 British had awarded right of education to these natives, which was denied to them by their revered Brahmins. It was not denied to them only, but to their native kings too. Forget about Brahmins dominance, but knowing that Brahmins had drowned Maratha kingdom, as Peshavas, they i.e. Marathas of Maharashtra, were supposed to be prudent enough, to throw away burden of dominant Brahmins.# 50 In general, servant touches feet of master, for reward, but contrary to that, these natives, who are bound to touch Brahmins feet and prided in sipping Brahmans’ dirty foot wash, instead of being paid by Brahmins used to pay the Brahmans. You can find privileges enjoyed by these handful Brahmans from total Indians, described in the thoughts expressed by Maharashtra’s so called Mahatma Jotirav Phule, father of reservation, Maratha king Shahoo Maharaj, and of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s.#51 Aryan Brahmins have caused a great loss to India & its people. They still don’t want to leave their dominance over native fooled. It will lead to destruct India in some or other ways. However, it is not their mistake. One who, once is introduced to power, naturally will not abandon it easily. They took full advantage of the invading foreign rulers of India, by making themselves highly educated and skilled, than they were before. They never hesitate to adopt newer or conversion too, to other faiths for exclusively their benefits. Brahmans’ innovativeness is already proved, when they rooted, the unique caste system in Indian soil firmly. It may be their prime requirement for finding their safe seat in this new place of India, when they first crossed Sindhu River. But the system they rooted as their life saving requirement, is so deep that, fooled natives still avoid throwing that dirt away. Prudent, learned Brahmins like veer Savarkar, Gokhale, Agarkar, and, Saane Guruji, knew their own wily and tricky nature. And most of the Brahmins excluding R.S.S. possessed are also aware of this past, as described above.#51 Irony is that, still the fooled Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians, have not started thinking different, except, the path set for them by their revered Brahmins 5000 years ago. They know that their path setter Brahmins, who imposed Beef eating as great sin on them, are open beef eaters without any guilt. All the Chefs are Brahmins. They exhibit all non veg. foods, including crocodiles and elephants meat too. Strictly vegetarian Brahmans have started eating anything and any animal on the earth. I wish to warn these enslaved Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians. If Brahmans developed their liking for flesh, reaching highest to cannibalism, then probably, Non Brahman and Non untouchable’s native Indians may be first easily ready food for them, as they are already possessed and preserved ones, like crocodiles farm. Of course then also these fooled ones will be slaughtered by Brahmans, in the or by the name of gods only. And these fooled may be seen accepting that slaughtering also as god’s blessings.# 52 Many of Brahmans have left calling themselves as Hindus. They never care to pray god, if not paid. They drink all types of alcohols.#53 Brahmins have totally broken the barricades of marriages also. They don’t bother to marry, not only Muslim, Christian, Negros, Afghanis, Japanese, Chinese, but they enjoy marrying to their once prime enemy, scheduled caste Dalits also. Revered late Maaisaheb Ambedkar, second wife of untouchable leader Dr B.R. Ambedkar was a Brahman.# 53 These fooled natives are still stuck to those paths, set by their fooling Brahmins. Native fooled Indians still clap their hands till, it is injured in Kirtana, Pravachana, Nirupana, Pathan(chanting), Parayan, Aakhyaan,Dindis, and other sorts of god’s worship, imposed and hammered on them, by Brahmins, to keep them busy and dumb, as planned long back. All serials, and programs, on Indian TV channels mainly, owned and produced by Brahmins or people under their influence, have continued the hammering of all traditions and systems, from Hindu books, useful for keeping Brahmins dominance intact, with bogus stories. Their all so called Indian saints also are seen and respecting Brahmins, in their so called Abhangas or Poems, after god, as if they are alternatives of gods. These so called saints’ existence, performance and creation was also a part of Brahmans’ mission of making their community’s position, respectable and strong, among the natives.#54 None of the Indian saints condemned castism strongly or fought with the dirty system vividly. They did not vouch for equality of scheduled castes, with rest of others. They wasted their and others time in engaging them in worships, as per plans of Brahmans from last 5000 years. Non Brahman and Non untouchables native Indians still boast about being non alcoholic, when Brahmans are seen describing tastes of various alcoholics brands, in public. Non Brahman and Non untouchable native Indians show themselves more devoted and dedicated to gods than rest, forgetting humanity, while priding in torturing the dalits. Though they are of only one or two step upper than dalits of their own DNA, and useless than any lapper or beggar, they stand united against all of scheduled caste/ Dalit’s (Untouchables) bride or groom, who wished to marry legally, to their son or daughter, in love affairs.#54 It is highly notable that, though Indian Aryan Brahmins introduced castism, single incident of torturing of Dalits (untouchables) is not seen done by any Brahmin. Those torturers of dalits are from, Brahmin’s obsessed fooled from native’s Marathas, Vanjaris, Kunabis, Agris, Kolis, Bhandaris Maalis, Telis, Shepherds, Iron+ Copper smiths, Vaani, Yadavs, etc, non untouchables’ castes.#55 Enslaved natives take pride, in torturing and even burning or murdering the scheduled castes, as per rules from Hindu holy books. Incidents of Khairlanji, Jaavkheda, Nagar‘s massacres in Maharashtra, are the best examples of the conditions, describing mentality of these fooled natives.#55 We must salute these Indian Brahmins Aryan’s brilliance, for finding such treacherous Non Brahman and Non untouchable native from all natives, helpful for their dominance and convenience. Indian caste system is never seen in any human habitation, or lowest ranker creatures except, notorious and harmful ants and termites.#56 These, claimants of Prophet Mohammed’s blood linking Brahmins, fought for Muslim Mohammed’s grandson, Hussein. They opposed Muslim converted Kashmiri Pundit’s re-conversion to Hinduism. Now they are seen, leading cause of provoking native Indians against Muslim, and arranging “Ghar wapsi” mission.#57 Such contrasting attitude and tendencies are seen in whole world, in these Indian Aryan Brahmins only. British, French, German, Russian and north+ south polar are Aryans. They all traded slavery along with Arabs. But they did not enslave any natives in their own land. Then enslaved Negro had their place to refuge i.e. Africa, when set free. But there is no such place available for refuge, for Indian native enslaved scheduled castes. The unending dominance and charm of these only 3 ½% Brahmans’ over this comparatively very large numbered Non untouchable native Indians, maintained and preserved with the help of non untouchables native only is itself an irony.#58 By the by, it will not be improper to describe, the tendency of, these natives, still charmed pets of Brahmins. They, though, are from upper deck in caste closet, made for them by Aryan Brahmins, they fought for encroachment in the category of reserved classes, the provision introduced for, uplifting of the most depressed and deprived classes of Indian society, by constitutionalist, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It is amusing to observe also that; benefits of these reservations are being demanded by your once ruler Mughal’s priding Muslims also.#59 Non Indian Aryans mostly of Europe, as mentioned above have proved their gentleness time to time. Madam Kury etc British Aryans helped in forming Indian congress party, for India’s freedom. Their greatness can be judged when they begged pardon to American native Red Indians, for intrusion in America. They, elected half Muslim Negro, like Barak Obama, as their president. Height of gentleness and generosity is witnessed, when they offered Great Britain’s P.M.’s post too, to any Asian for future. Where upon in India, we witnessed, foreign ruler’s loyal INDIAN Aryans Brahmins never exhibited such attitude.#60 Brahmans don’t e have courtesy too, to beg pardon from Dalits, for suppressing and depriving them from normal life also, for long period of 500 years. Leave it apart, at least they should have begged pardon from the upper most deck’s occupants of that sealed closet, of castism, i.e. Marathas, for duping and drowning Maratha’ King Great Shivaji’s only Maratha kingdom! #61 After having the taste of power first time, at the mercy of Chhatrapati Shivaji, Brahmans developed ambition of being ruler. That taste of ruler ship, made these wily and once only religious head, god worshipper Brahman, ambitious for kingly head too. That’s why only they stood united against British. They shined in freedom fight with only intension of keeping their dominance intact, after British’s exit.#62 Albeit Brahmin Chaanakya, helped a lower caste Emperor Chandra Gupta, to become king. India never had a Brahmin king in its long last history, till king Shivaji first time handed over sword to them and made them Peshava. Though great Shivaji was the first who gave them taste of power of rulers, as per their treacherous nature, they drowned Shivaji’s kingdom also. Aryans created dominance in most of the part of the world, Jews Parsees, Yezdani, Iranians, are also Aryans, same as European Aryans. They are praised every where, for their gentleness, generosity, courtesy and liberal qualities, of human. Till today, they virtually are world’s leader. But if compared them with our Indian Aryans, who enslaved the native Indians, they are inferior. They lacked only one quality than Brahmins, i.e. treacherous cunningness! Leave aside creation, but they could not even imagine the heinous & hideous caste system, invented & implemented, by their Indian counter part, Indian Aryan Brahmins. It indicates that Indian Aryans had extra qualities, than their European counter part, though inhuman.#63 These Indian Aryan Brahmins did not hesitate to rush toward Karbala in Makah, to help Prophet Mohamed’s grand son Hussein, claiming blood relation with him. They even took pride to be named as Husseni Brahmins. One of them fatally attacked, great Shivaji also, to kill him, for one of knights of Muslim Mughal’s, Afazalkhan. They served invader rulers loyally. They did not claim their blood link, with European rulers, though they were also, confirmed Aryans. But they stood against British, by declaring them invaders; thinking of their only chances of would be ruler of, not Maharashtra alone but of whole India, since Mughal were weaker then. They never raised voice against Muslim rulers.#64 Then Owaisi brother, you must take pride on these Indian ARYAN Brahmin, claimant of relation to Prophet Mohammed, instead of anger. Not only that, being related with prophet Mohammed, they deserve respect from Indian Muslims also, though not worth to be rewarded as practiced by still charmed Indian natives! #65 It is not surprising that, these Indian Aryans Brahmins, claiming relation with Islam founder Prophet Mohammed’s grand son Hussein, did not keep any corner of their heart, reserved, for the original native Indian Prophet King, who kicked off his throne, i.e. kingdom, for not, his subjects’ only, but for world’s people’s welfare and peace, long before all so called prophet’s births. He is Lord Buddha! #55 LORD BUDDHA is the oldest Prophet on this earth. As explained above, desert born prophets’ parent’s story about world’s first parent pair Adam & Eve, is born far later after Lord Buddha’s period. Prophet Mohammed, who appeared after Prophet Jesus’ period, was third and last prophet born in desert. Then, if counted technically, Lord Buddha proves to be fore father of all known prophets of the world. In simple words Non Aryan Lord Buddha is DADAJI i.e. fore fore grand father of all known prophets, in the world.#66 It is not arrogate, psychic or hysteric statement like you, as it is based on real facts. I hope being a M.P. you are prudent enough to accept the factual things, keeping borrowed (imported) ego on borrowed faiths, aside. You have to agree also that, Buddha is Premier in all respects among all prophets! He kicked the throne i.e. a kingdom. He accepted begging, i.e. signs of leniency and exhibited sacrifice, which are his best exhibited qualities, on the back ground of history of later born prophets. Desert born prophets are seen earning lordship or kingdom after declaring themselves as prophets.#67 Lord Buddha was born as a king. He was, definitely trained as expert fighter, possessing other princely qualities and culture too. But Lord Buddha has no occasion of fights on his credit, made in efforts, to increase his follower’s quantity. He or his heirs had all the benefits to build bigger Empire than, their, then existed kingdoms, after his becoming a prophet. In short Lord Buddha was not poor, was not untrained warrior, was not uneducated, or was not of uncultured back ground. Being born before all other prophet, label of first abuser of idol worshipping also goes to his credit. His followers now bow before his idol as token of respect, thinking it better than to bow before any stone! He did not scared his followers with danger of unseen and god, did not claim any relation to any big personality, leave god, as he did not believe the gods. Lastly Lord Buddha or his disciples did not fight to collect followers or lured the followers, with total false dreams.#67 Looking at Non Aryan Lord Buddha’s Premiership in world’s Prophets, is it not contrasting to the attitude of a presumably learned M.P. of this democratic nation, calling all human kind as Muslims, relying upon a desert born story, not unbelievable only but unheard too, by largely populated countries like China, India? Was it necessary to remind you of desert born Prophets, Moses and Jesus, were born before Mohammed? If, for instance your story of Adam and Eve is to be believed, then Jews and Christians had right to claim all human kinds parenthood, including you and all Muslims, as Jews or Christian religions are senior to your Mohammed by birth, and as they only passed forward the story of Adam and Eve to you. Jews and Christians never claimed such way like you, though they deserved.#68 Mr. Owaisi here Brahmins match with Muslims. Hereditary habits of your prophet related, Indian Aryan Brahmins, of hammering lie, to brainwash, will not last long. Instead of imposing lies on people, who are brain washed to neglect scientific progress, teach them to go with science. Otherwise when time will come to leave this earth in air ships, they will remain stuck to this earth and their belief that some almighty may come for their rescue. Result?#69 You may see number of Muslim patients in many hospitals where doctors, educated in science only help them to cure. Please read news of how your ancestor’s desert born Christian faith’s, educated head and preacher Revered Pope, has also accepted importance of science. He expressed doubts about ability of so called almighty, on the back ground of miracles achieved by human; with the help of science, though it is too late. Naturally you, as your prophet Mohammed was born after Jesus, will take time to trust the truths proven scientifically.#70 If your target is of converting the whole world as per your holy book’s order, just wait and watch. Don’t be disturbed or loose your mental piece as now, by such mission of Ghar wapsi.#71 Were the Buddhists, from all over word, including countries i.e. Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia etc, who are proven defeater of great U.S.A. in wars and independence, unlike Muslims Arab countries, disturbed or angry, when famous idol of peace defining Prophet Lord Buddha was destroyed in Afghanistan’s Bamiya? No! #72 As they were true followers of truly peace defining faith, they preferred to ignore that destruction as psychic and hysterical act, attached with mentality of that dry deserters. They repaired the idol, as it was before.#73 You are witnessing inhuman activities as in France, Nigeria, Sudan, in terrorist packed Pakistan and lastly in defamed Iraq, as the effect of loss of mental peace of Muslims. The massacre, mass killing of Muslims and that too by the Muslims only in that desert of Middle East, may be saddening you too, like us. But note well, it is also due to loss of mental peace. For accomplishment of your fixed target of collecting more disciples, henceforth it is not necessary to depend on imported things, funds, aid and thoughts, if you can avail valuable help, from your own desert connected brilliant and wily Indian Aryan Brahmins.#74 Brahmans’ all activities though seems simple, are like ice berg, i.e. six time deeper than, actual appearance. They have started this Ghar wapsi, of previously converted Muslims. It can be only a visible part of their six times bigger agenda. It has created unrest, not in Muslims only, many like me are also disturbed, except still under their charm natives.#75 From the beginning, their acts and thoughts are anti Indian welfare. They have exhibited it much time as described above. They neglected and covered supremacy of native Indians over them and defamed them, just to maintain their clinch on these native Indians. Thus instead of real hero like native Lord Buddha, these Aryan Brahmins, imposed imaginary personalities on native Indians. As explained above, though these non untouchable natives were from founder and ruler’s community of great Maratha kingdom, they could not create any personalities like, king Shahoo after great Shivaji. They had no ultimatum but to accept those imaginary personalities like Ram or Krishna, imposed as gods on them by Brahmans. Same way, later they surrendered and accepted Brahmin leadership too.#76 Brahmins were successful in teaching charmed natives, to ignore and deny, most learned leader Dr. B.R. Ambedkar from scheduled caste, as like Lord Buddha. When Marathas could not produce any great personality after Shahoo Maharaj, though they had enjoyed power of rulers for centuries, Indian scheduled castes, deprived of all rights for last five thousand years, produced the greatest, most educated personality like Dr B. R. Ambedkar alias Babasaheb, just within few decades, after gate to education was opened to them by British, only 9 years before Ambedkar’s birth.#77 Dr B.R. Ambedkar was greatest than Negro’s leader Martin Luther king and others, who fought for the rights of suppressed and deprived classes. He only freed the native enslaved mass, which had no refuge, out of India, as Negros, who had it in Africa. Communist’s Carl Marx raised voice only for deprived labor class of the world, who are proved as masters in the future. But Dr B.R. Ambedkar, not only raised voice, but livened the coffined permanent labors from untouchables, who were never supposed to become masters.#78 Dr B.R. Ambedkar was from minority’s deprived class’ in British rule, he was opposition leader against congress, in the assembly, with his party’s elected, seventeen members in this Brahmin dominated and once pretty long time, Muslim ruled India, without help and backing from any outer foreign countries like Mecca or Vatican.#79 Observation of all Indian political parties, without any prominent scheduled caste, especially Buddhist leader, clearly indicates that still Brahmin’s anti Buddha and Buddhist teaching is not reduced from all of Indian’s mentality. Contrary to that, Muslims are not seen treated different, though they are always labeled as dishonest in private, by whole of world. Height of this is seen, when, anti Muslim B.J.P. has also appointed Muslim leaders on higher posts in their party.#80 Why Muslim, like In Bamiya of Afghanistan, and Brahmin dominated, charmed Indians, are so afraid of not only Lord Buddha, but of his followers too, can be a subject of thesis for students seeking PhD degree. Brahmins are even shy to mention that peaceful Buddhism is third largely observed religion in this world, after two fighter religions of desert.#81 Yes, Brahmins are founder of India’s heinous and hideous caste system, and they are number one culprits after non untouchable Indian natives, for loss to India and Indians. For that they were criticized and abused badly, by so called non Brahmin leaders, except scheduled castes, from Maharashtra. I label those non untouchables native’s so called leader’s stand against Brahmins, as bogus, selfish and pretenders.#82 To form the caste system, at beginning, was immediate requirement for these Brahmin’s survival in India’s land, which was new and strange for them. But the natives, who being larger in number than those handful Brahman, could have easily thrown away that dominance of Brahmans at least, after dooming of their first separate Maratha kingdom, by Brahmin Peshavas. Those Maratha and other upper class’ non Brahmin leaders raised voice against cast-ism, but tried to create their own caste’s image only, as superior than Brahmins, though they were proved incapable. They never tried to uplift Indian scheduled castes to their level. As usual they wished to lead Indian scheduled caste, obviously with the same mentality of occupants of that old closed closet of cast ism, but this time taking position of closet free BRAHMINS. On this scenario it must be noted and mentioned that, these non Brahmin non untouchable natives are only responsible for maintaining this caste system intact for, otherwise impossible dominance of them in India. These non Brahmin, non untouchable large numbered natives, were and are the only soldiers of keeping this caste system intact, for Brahmins till now.#83 Brahmins now days are seen started to change as described above, and have become considerate toward Scheduled castes, unlike Non Brahman and Non untouchable fooled Indian natives. Yet they are same way respected by non Brahmin natives. Still their blessing is felt as important by these natives, for any functions or festivals, like house warming, new inauguration, or of starting new projects in private, though they are badly abused and criticized publically in the nearest past by these Non Brahman and Non untouchable natives.#84 It is sure that now if even Brahmins tried to wash out the deep effect of their teaching of Hindu holy books, from the mind of these Non Brahman and Non untouchable first fooled natives, these Bastard will strongly oppose to their revered Brahmins also. That’s why only recently leader like Narendra Dabholkar and communist’s comrade Pansare, were murdered in Maharashtra. That is why only all Shankaracharya’s orders of declaring saint Saai Baba as non godly image, was fucked off by these once Brahman’s foot wash sipper Non Brahman and Non untouchable natives of India.#85 Hence Owaisi Bhai Jaan, note well, prophet Mohammed, who is revered by all Muslims is claimed by all Hindus revered Indian Brahmans as blood linked. Our dear Brahmans are more close to your prophet Mohammed, than any Muslims, who grasped Islam, by hearing (Sunni) only. You have these Brahmins and their charmed and obedient pet, Non Brahman and Non untouchable natives, handy for completion of your target of converting world to Islam, at your now declared own home India only. Be assured that, they are leading India toward disturbance and destruction, which will help in alluring or forcing, more conversions.#86 Ignore repetition, as while thinking about your hysteric and baseless claim and defining Indian Aryan Brahmins, you both might have inspired me to copy your style of hammering thoughts, to compel listeners to believe. But note and believe that, by Buddha it is not lie or base less. Once again congrats for calling Pakistan as enemy, as all nation loving Indians. Thanks from bottom of my heart, for influencing and inspiring me to sit before this junior idiot box desk top for a long time, seemingly waste but necessary on such occasion. May God bless you and the Muslims, especially from Iraq, in the future laid by ISIS! Allah Hafez!


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