who hatched eggs of their hens only,ON THE BACK GROUND OF OBC COMMISSIONS RECENT ORDER~~1 Hi you all Non Untouchables Indian Hindus, you prided in sipping Brahman’s foot wash and enjoyed torturing the dalits at the hints of Brahmans, from last 5000 years. You were bound to pay Dakshana to Brahmans just for chanting something, not understandable to you and if they allowed you to touch their feet. Those acceptors of your alms were your masters. Till now all of you are in favor of that tradition, though not in open. You are Brahmans’ free slaves only, to be used as tools for keeping Hindus’ cruel inhuman Indian caste system intact. You were used by your master Brahmans, to torture the innocent Untouchables of your own DNA. For mere offence of unknowingly touching of any part of a dalit or his belonging too, to any part of body or belongings of any upper castes, dalits were liable to be punished. Even falling of mere shadow of a dalit on any upper castes or his belongings was held as an offence of that dalit. For such and other offences, dalits were used to be punished with punishments sever than punishment exhibited by Muslim’s most defamed ISIS in Syria, like putting melt lead into their ears, cut any organ and beheading. You were implementers of those punishments for Brahmans. Though you were original natives of this India like untouchables, you accepted & revered dominance of first Indian invader foreigner Aryan Brahmans, voluntarily. You are now proved shameless beggars of provisions of facilities of Socio Reservation, introduced by India’s untouchable’s constitutionist, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. ~2Brahmans are first foreigners in India from Middle East’s desert and are of proven blood linage of Muslim’s Prophet Mohammad. Yet you openly Muslim’s haters fool Hindu Indians, prefer to revere Brahmans as next to god. Brahmans were never seen as warriors, till Maratha’s great king Shivaji put sword in their hands, as Peshava in Maharashtra. Non warrior Brahmans are never seen fighting for protection of Hinduism or themselves too in the past. You were only tools of Brahmans, to protect Brahmans, Hinduism and its dirty caste system. You were used also to boost image of innocent dalit hermit Shambuka’s murderer lord Rama, as a model king, husband and god. These Islam’s founder Mohammad’s related Brahmans, who are only 3, ½%, are seen as masters of nearly 100 time more population of you Hindus, from last 5000 years. ~3 Brahmans served more loyally than any original Indian kings, to all foreign rulers in India, including Muslim’s Mughals, Hyderali, Tipu, Nawabs of all princely states, Christian’s, French, Portuguese and British in India. Had not a Brahman, Arya Chanakya had fucked his master king Nand for his ego only? Maharashtra’s Brahmans had refused to perform throne ceremony of Maratha’s one great king Shivaji. While working for his Muslim master Afazalkhan, one bastard Brahman, named Bhaskar Kulkarni, had fatally attacked to Shivaji. Brahman Peshavas doomed, and lastly surrendered king Shivaji’s and Maratha’s only kingdom to British. Now indirect Indian ruler Brahmans’ RSS, who claims as patriotic, did not participate or support India’s freedom fighting too. King Shivaji and his heirs were only self respecting Hindu kings from India, who hammered Muslim’s Mughals and other kings frequently, and never compromised with them, like India’s so called brave Rajput and other kings had done, by offering their princesses and other family females to Muslims. Treacherous and agents of foreign rulers Brahmans, are now seen grasping and using King Shivaji’s greatest image for projecting own image as most patriotic.~4 Brahmans and Brahmans’ Shankaracharyas are heads of Hinduism. Hinduism is defined and described through Hindu religious books. All scripts or books of Hinduism, including Vedas, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Purans and Manusmruti etc; describe and impose importance of Brahmans, as next to god. Right of education was reserved exclusively for Brahmans by all religious books of Hindus from last 5000 years. Hindu Indian kings were also denied right to education by Hindu holy books. Right of education was first time awarded by British rulers, to all native Indians. If the right of education was totally reserved exclusively for Brahmans from last 5000 years, then all Hindu religious scripts and books prove as scripts and creations of Brahmans only.~5 Hence so called Hinduism along with its inhuman castism, all traditions and festivals also is production and creation of Muslim’s prophet Mohammed related Brahmans’ brains’ only. Irony is Muslim’s related foreigners Brahman’s found and imposed concepts, culture and traditions under label of Hinduism in India are seen prided in India. And great joke is Brahmans, who helped Muslim’s Hussein in his war in Mecca, now are seen provoking all Indians against their related Islamic Prophet Mohammed’s Muslims. ~6Hinduism describing and imposing importance of Brahmans as next to gods is a creation of Brahmans. No prudent non Brahman Indian would have preferred to created any religious script or book, accepting free slavery of small numbered first Indian invaders Brahmans’ such voluntarily, as seen in practice in Hinduism. Brahmans are known as non fighters, till King Shivaji made them. Being only 3, 1/2% only, they were 100 time less than native Indians. Their scripted creation of Hinduism is only cause and base of making divisions in the natives’ in categories. These divisions in native Indians made India vulnerable to later invaders and encroachers. ~7 It is true that Brahmans are also seen divided in categories, but different religious functions wise only. Rights of counselling and preaching the free slaves natives and extracting the money from them in the name of god as dakshana, are seen reserved rights for every category of Brahmans. It is seen in nature too, in a group of lions each of whom is separately called as king of jungle, is seen lead by mighty ones while in group. Via their introduced and imposed Hinduism only, these 3, 1/2%, non fighter or rather cowardice and powerless Brahmans made the natives Indians category wised slaves. By scripts and books of Hinduism only, Brahmans are entitled to be chiefs of Hindus as Shankaracharyas and to enjoy all facilities and services, including unnatural sex too, free from all categories of illiterate natives. Extraction of money in the name of god as Dakshana from natives by cowardice Brahmans is surely origin of corruption, matching with any poor clerk holding an official post, demands bribe from people who are otherwise more powerful than that poor. Traditions of Devdasis, kinnars, waghya murali, i.e. prostitutes and eunuch or gays, dancing for gods in Hinduism, is clearly product of abnormal wishes of these cowardice Brahmans, swollen with ego of free dominance over large numbered natives. ~8 Such abnormal, trend is being presented now by present Indian Govt. of Modi too, who is in power on minority Brahman’s majority. Though elected on the strength of only 31% out of total average voting of 52% to 56% of total voters of India, Baniya Modi is seen behaving abnormal. Baniyas are pompous proven cowardice, if they could not prevented frequent looting of their now boasted important temple of Sorati Somanath and their historic famous trade city Surat of Gujarat also from Muslim and Maratha kings. Mr. Modi wearing NAVLAKHA coat is boasts about his air filled chest of 56”. But we Indians knew how he is regularly flattened or punctured by the world’s leaders, especially by army of Pakistan. ~9 On the base of castism, though you all non untouchables were enslaved natives in your own Indian soil as not only free but paying slaves also to Brahmans, you too enjoyed all perks and privileges of it’s, and enjoyed unbarred dominance over untouchables shamelessly, like Brahmans. You mostly enjoyed the Ego of being upper castes over untouchables, though you were also of their DNA and incompetent than them.~10 Provisions of socio reservation were introduced by post British Indian rulers, with target of offering human rights to untouchables, who were suppressed and deprived of normal lives also by you people, from last 5000 years. That socio reservation is meant for uplifting of deprived Indians to the level of other Indians. It was meant for bringing equality among all Indians. It is meant for making the suppressed and dalit Indians capable to compete with other Indians. It was meant to eliminate the dirty and inhuman mentality of castism from its obsessed Indians. It was meant to end the divisions among all Indians, to make them united and to make India strong and non vulnerable as in past.~11 It is seen not achieved, if continuous torturing of Dalits, at the hands of all non dalits, is witnessed till recent. It is not seen achieved, if Dalits still are not in possession of land according to their % in Indians. It is not seen achieved if Dalits are not in entertainment industries according to their %. It is seen not achieved if dalits are not occupants of all buildings and towers according to their %. It is not seen achieved if Dalits are not builders, factory owners or are in possession of India’s wealth, either black or white, as per their % in Indians. It is seen not achieved if entire media owned by upper castes’ Hindus and non Hindus also, showing ignorance about dalit’s unending tortures and reluctant to publicize any Dalit movement. It is seen not achieved if dalits are still kept away from leadership of non dalit Indians’ groups, though they have proven their patriotism, honesty, brilliance, morality, skill and quality of leadership superior than you all. Universally known Dr B.R. Ambedkar from Indian untouchables is the example. ~12Brahmans’ imposed 5000 years old mentality of castism seems is rigid in you people. It has occupied a large space in your brains’ cavity. Hence you have no space to accommodate new concepts or thoughts. You are simply ever unchangeable hence dumb. The Dalits torturers mainly are from you non untouchable bastards. I. e. main obstruction in uplifting of grass root’s people is from upper caste’s dalit’s DNA holders only. You people opposed Equality among Indians. You people are responsible for making India weak and vulnerable. Peoples insisting for inequality in the name of castism are enemies of the nation. Can you claim patriotism still? Why you upper caste and OBCs demanders of facilities of socio reservation, did not insist for uplifting of grass rooted dalits to your own level at least if boast about patriotism? ~13You bastard upper caste and OBC were first hostiles and fooled natives of India to foreigner, small numbered Brahmans. After observing the way you enjoyed your position and upper caste’s ego in caste system for great period of 5000 years, your demand for socio reservation itself is pitiable. It shows how you hostile natives were incapable to survive without Brahman’s help. It shows how you are jealous of 5000 years’ suppressed untouchables, who overtook you within only 60 years, since facilitated. Right of education which was banned by Brahmans to you and to their women too, was offered to you all non Brahman Indians by our British rulers, who are also of Aryan DNA like your gods Brahmans. Of course then also at the beginning, that right was not opened to untouchables and women on Brahmans’ refusal.~14 One non untouchable, Mr. Jotiba Phule insisted for right of education for women. But he did not insisted on that right for untouchables from British. He preferred adopting a Brahman orphan child named Yeshvanta as his heir though he only had started first, abusing Brahmans for their abnormal dominance in India. If he had adopted any most deserving untouchable’s child instead of then well placed and developed Brahman’s child as his heir, then only probably he was entitled to be called as Mahatma. Brahmans were closer to him than untouchables and with only intention of showing standard of them lower or equal to his Mali community, he adopted a Brahman as his heir. This Brahman’s closer Mali caste is also now forcibly pushed into socio reservation, as OBC. Avoiding imposing importance of equality of untouchables on Indians, Mr. Jotiba’s choice of heir exposed himself as pretentious social reformist only. He is not witnessed demanding equal status of dalits with others, when he was seen crying for farmers, who were and still are in better position than landless untouchable labours. His pretention is seen vividly exposed, when his Maali caste’s ex Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Chhagan Bhujabal had publically washed the Hutatma Chowk place in Mumbai with cow’s urine, to wash out signs and sins of visit of one protester group of untouchables to that place.~15 Mr. Sayajirav Gaikavad a chief of a princely state of Baroda, first time opened the schools for untouchables in his state, in 1982. And second great king from Marathas, Chhatrapati Shahu introduced 50% socio reservation for untouchables in his princely state of Kolhapur in Maharashtra. Anti Brahman movement was started in Maharashtra by non untouchables and non Brahmans castes, who were humiliated because of Brahman Peshava’s abnormal dominant ruling, dooming and lastly surrendering that only kingdom of Marathas in India. Right of education was offered to untouchable long later than non untouchable’s natives. Brilliant Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, i.e. Dr B.R. Ambedkar from untouchables was born in1891, i.e. 9 years later after gate of education was opened for untouchables.~16Worries of bitter exposure of your incompetency, impotency, incapability of creating new or accepting newer, and fear of loosing your Brahmans offered rank in caste system, where by you got ego of dominance over your lowers, are the disturbing factors behind your demand for reservation. You are not capable to compete and win over topper and your revered Brahmans, who are seen over shining you due to their practice of last 5000 years of mastering you. Being obsessed and charmed from last 5000 years by Brahmans’ spell, you are unable to win over Brahmans. You were the first fooled hostile subjects and prey of Brahmans from all native Indians. You were selfish and brain less opportunists too, like Africa’s Negro kings or agents, who sold their own subjects in foreign to foreigner Europeans and Arabs, as you accepted mastership of small numbered cowardice Brahmans, pushing your own DNA holder untouchables in hell. Due to Brahmans only, you incompetent, impotent, incapable fool could become owners of big pieces of lands and business, other wise you were proved useless like useless and big bellied idle Brahmans, who had preferred job of worshipping gods only in their caste system.~17 All non untouchables non Brahman Marathas, Agaris, Kunabis Dhangars, Salis, Koshtis, Bhandaris, and Malis of Maharashtra, Thakurs, Jaats, Gujjars, Yadavs, Vanjaris from northern and western India, Reddys etc from south are in possession of almost all land of India. Adivasis were and are non untouchables. Though they are being looted by others, and deprived of many facilities and civil amnesties, they had and have not to suffer inhuman treatment and cruel torturing or punishments like untouchables. Adivasi Valmiki is portrayed as writer of Hindus’ most holy epic Ramayana. Adivasi woman Shabari’s tasted gooseberries were eaten by your most revered god lord Rama. Yet they deserve socio reservation facilities next to untouchables as they seen sucked by illegal poachers, corrupt contractors of mines and jungle products and jungle land’s encroachers. ~18Untouchables are landless or their lands are robbed by all non untouchables. When Dalits were denied basic human rights too from last 5000 years, they had no chance of accumulating any wealth. Non Hindu minorities like Jains, Christians Muslims and Parsi were never Untouchables in India. They had equal rights and opportunities to earn money in India, without discriminatory treat. You Brahman’s foot wash sippers have unlimited treasure in your temples stacked via Brahmans by extorting it from you. While demanding share of socio reservation’s facility, you should demand that treasure from Brahmans. Demand reservation for the posts of Hinduism’s heads Shankaracharyas reserved exclusively for Brahmans, from last 5000 years, unlike dalits who were bestowed facilities of socio reservations, for just from last 68 years only. You fool hostiles you don’t have courage of stopping that sipping of foot wash of Brahmans. You first Brahmans’ fooled and hostile natives have no your own Messiah except Brahmans to guide you and for your survival also.~18 Jains are mainly Marwaris from Rajasthan’s desert Marwar, spread in all corners of India or rather of world, are known money lenders. They have lot of sucked blood in the shape of wealth, favors to them is not understandable. Parsi’s reach status is also not unknown. Christians and Muslims are seen openly funded and helped from their gods’ homes in foreign. Most wanted Indian Don Dawood Ibrahim also was made of larger image than his Hindu or Buddhist patriotic rivals who could have smashed him easily if he was not supported by neighbour enemy Pakistan and other terrorists factories of Muslims’ nations. Do these all non untouchable non Hindus need facilities of untouchables who were denied simple human rights too? ~19 Untouchables and Adivasis deserve maximum part of fund intended for uplifting of grass rooted people. You all non untouchable native Indians and few Brahmans still treat untouchables as before. You were and are witnessed offering your female members for gain to other, like Hindu princess Jodha to Muslim Akbar. You bogus boasters of Hinduism do not hesitate to throw away that Hinduism for gain, as exhibited by presidential candidate of USA, Mr. Bobby Jindal. Other socio reservation demanders Marathas of Maharashtra, Jaats of Punjab and Rajasthan, etc upper casters and OBCs too are of mentality and trends like Patels. None of these Bastards ever showed closeness to untouchables. None of these Bastards accepted leadership and thinking of Dr B. R. Ambedkar, though he compelled RSS’s Brahmans to salute him. These Bastards chose leadership of Brahmans or their counter parts i.e. CKPs, SKPs etc, who easily changed themselves according to their gainful situations.~20 If Dalits have nothing to invest, if the policy of uplifting them is not taken seriously by you Brahman and non untouchable’s rulers, uplifting of down trodden is impossible, equality among nationals is impossible, making this nation called India powerful is impossible. You bastards are depriving the untouchables their basic human rights too, as practiced since last 5000 years, by demanding share in funds intended for them constitutionally. All prudent Indians must strongly protest offering of socio reservation facility to all non untouchables, including their monetarily weaker sections too. If these non untouchables and Brahmans are so considerate about their weaker sect, they should fetch required funds from their wells of wealth accumulated since from last 5000 years in the temples and palaces, instead hiding it as treasure. If these upper castes and OBCs natives agree to part with their lands, funds and properties, earned at the mercy of Brahmans, to untouchables and Aadiwasis, for uplifting them to their own level, then and then only untouchables and Aadiwasis- tribal may allow them to share the reservation status with them.~21 Instead of robbing the people, whom they tortured , these fool should know that Brahmans deserved mastership of them fool, as to enslave them was priority for survival of foreigner small numbered Brahmans. These Brahmans created Manusmruti to enslave the natives, as it was their urgent need in those days. But they are the people who gave idea of burning that dirty Manusmruti supporting castism, to untouchables’ leader Dr B.R. Ambedkar, and burnt it also themselves, in Mahad a village of Maharashtra, supporting a protest rally under leadership of Dr B.R. Ambedkar. You non untouchable fools may start murdering any aged peoples too, who criticized Hinduism or lord Rama. But you fool Brahman’s foot washers must remember that these wily Brahmans will not hesitate to remove that lord Rama’s image also, whom they used for creating atmosphere against congress by falling their related Muslims’ Babar mosque, from pictures also when they are convinced that lord Rama’s image as murderer of untouchable hermit Shambuka is harmful for their image of secularist. They did not hesitate to salute the brilliance, moral and excellent quality of leadership of Dr B.R. Ambedkar; ignoring which caste Dr B.R. Ambedkar belongs. For keeping their dominance intact, now they have appointed dalits of south India as Pujaris in the place of Brahman. It is a new move of divisions among dalits by these wily and bastard Brahmans. Seems those south Indian Dalits from those who adopted Islam due to upper caste’s and Brahmans’ torture recently are next hostiles of Brahmans after you. It is remarkable that, here also you first fooled non untouchables were denied by wily Brahmans. Perhaps in future they prefer to appoint any one from untouchables as Hindus head Shankaracharya, as a better option than you, though untouchables followers of Dr B.R. Ambedkar, who are converted to Buddhism, will definitely refuse their offer. What is picture on your side you Brahman worshipers, non Brahman non untouchables native Indians? Jay ho Siya Ramjiki!
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