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On 11/3/2015, one group on twitter named "RSS supporters" sent notification, of enlisting twitter, registered as "Add@Rokhtalk", in their group. Though twitter "Add@rokhtalk" has no doubt about patriotism of members of RSS +, which may be of different type for reason and intentions better known to them, but Twitter “Add@rokhtalk” has been seen, not sparing a single chance to criticize and cut to pieces to, only Brahman’s started and dominated, RSS, BJP, their leaders, followers, principles, pretentions, their boasting and bluffing, juggling nature, double standard mentality, and mostly, about their ancestor’s introduction of heinous, hideous and dirty caste system, in Indian society, where by a group of about 33% of native Indians, recognized as Achhots or Asprushya, meaning Untouchabes, was made free slaves for the rest of all, in its own land, and made to suffer and bear torture, as per punishments, prescribed in, so called Hindu religious books, like Manusmruti etc. scripted by them only, at the hands of other natives, placed in between Untouchables and Brahmans, in that caste system, and also for shamelessly enforcing system, of cleaning and carrying the dirt, including upper caste’s stool too, on their head, on them, along with eating dead cattle, and lastly for insisting of that inhuman system maintained unending, till now. Though reasons behind this invitation, seems to be vague, Add@rokhtalk felt honored, on his enlistment into this group, whose name, it self indicates, its intentions, attitude and mentality, as to back and strictly follow, decisions, plans and moves decided by RSS. Yet Add@rokhtalk will definitely like to join this RSS supporters group, because, he has trust in brilliance of Brahmans, because he is knowing that the introducer of this inhuman caste system only has the ability of removing its though seemingly permanent, but not hard for them, effects of impressions, from the heads of the natives, other than untouchables, who were fooled, brain washed long back ago for near about 5ooo years and are still possessed. Add@rokhtalk will also like to join this group, because he has came across quality of repenting for past mistakes, in Brahmans only, which has not entered in these other adamant natives, though our revered and strictly their claimed Chhatrapati, Shivaji and Maharaj Shahoo, tried their best to impose on them, by acts, speeches and life style. Non involvement of Brahmans in all torturing cases of untouchables is significant example. Add@rokhtalk, will like to join this group, because Brahmans are innovative and always ready to accept or make changes according to situations and surrounding. And Add@rokhtalk, will like to join this group, most importantly because he knows that Brahmans still hold capacity of counseling these other natives, who are many time more than number of untouchables and Brahmans + ,combination, as like, they had fooled them, 5000 (five thousands) years back. Add@rokhtalk believes that his inviter’s group, definitely will not differ with Add@rokhtalk’s firm belief that, “a nation is called strong nation if its nationals are disciplined and united”. Equality is discipline’s first important part, patriotism, non corruption; cleanliness, selfless charity etc. are obvious sure products of disciplined society. Being from Maharashtra, impact of recent saint’s, Shahir’s and social reformer Maharashtrian leader’s, speeches, life styles and cautions are not erasable from his stock of feelings. These all social reformer’s abuses to Marwadis and Baniyas have become a routine part of Maharashtrian’s life. Rather it is acceptable in other parts of India too. It is general feeling of common Indians that, Marwadi’s and Baniya’s life style is based exclusively, on principle of,`lot of gain, without pain, on other’s strain’. It is my personal experience, that though Brahmans has acquired vocabulary attached with great oratory, they did not use that skill for sucking the poor, that too pretending as generous. If you are also thinking about making our India strong, then deceases & stains like untouchablity, inhuman abnormalities, inequality, corruption and inhumanity from Indians, are must to be uprooted. Come on let us start churning of points, where by our line of action for making united and hence only strong India can be fixed. RSS is called as mother of BJP. Most of the leaders of BJP are, from RSS. In short BJP is, political wing of RSS, like and along with other wings i.e. VHP, ABVP, Hind Mazdur Sabha, ( had forgotten its name, as it doesn’t seem to be that much active since past few decades), Bajarang dal, Ram sena, and many Hinduism imposing wings, though some of which are not affiliated directly, like Shiv sena, M. n. sena, Bajarang dal, Sambhaji brigade, etc. All these wings, acts and talks strictly, on hints or guidance of RSS. It is clear that recent win of BJP in elections of Parliament, is the fruit of hard, dedicated, efforts of strongly bound unity of, RSS’s volunteers. Yet from last term of BJP Govt., led by veteran leader Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpai, this political wing BJP, of RSS, is seen differing from RSS’s decision and guidance. Present BJP’s Govt. led by Modi is also seen adopting policies, unintended by RSS, though Modi is not a Brahman as veteran leader Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpal. RSS was formed by Mr.Hegadewar, a Brahman, from Maharashtra, where Marathi Brahman ‘Peshavas’ ruled for some period. From the beginning, RSS was meant for Brahmans only. Till now, only Brahmans are appointed as chiefs, and members of its apex body, as like Hindu’s religious heads also, who are appointed from Brahmans only. But now days, RSS’s this political wing BJP, seems compromising on maintaining of strict Brahman’s dominance policy, at least in politics. Now BJP has appointed people from castes, lower than Brahman and even from their most hated Muslims also on important posts. It may be according to policy of suitability or immense political requirement. But while offering important posts in BJP, to persons from communities, other than Brahmans, they have strictly observed and maintained criteria of appointing no one, at any small post also, from Buddhists. Why Buddha’s idol smasher Muslims and this BJP, child of Brahman dominated RSS and RSS it self, are so anti Buddha and his followers, can be understood by, as put forward. Recent RSS’s seminar`s photos exhibits, personalities from Brahmans only. All head Brahman leaders of RSS, present in that seminar, has declared their recent most awaited line of action at the end, after churning of subjects related to nation. Without criticizing P.M.Modi’s Navlakha coat wore on the festival day of U.S.A. president Barrak Obama’s arrival, or about their backward class’ Sadhvi’s, whose ancestor untouchable hermit Shambuka was murdered by lord Rama, labeling Lord Rama’s rejecter, as Harramzade, or controversial program of Ghar wapasi, they talked different. Most important decision of them was, labeling all Indians as Hindus only, though number of followers of other religions is significant, in India. Being main cause of invasions, of Muslims and Christians rulers, by dividing native people, in their introduced castes, in this India, they still ignores that followers of, those invader’s desert born religions, definitely prefer no to be called, as RSS decides and intends. They ignore also that after British’s ruling, due to education, the native Indians are also changed. This right of education was offered to them, by British, first time. It was denied to them by Brahmans. Hence Brahmans also ignored that now they can not be fooled so easily now, as were 5000 years before. To label them all, as Hindus, against their will, is encroachment on their civil rights. I my self feel proud to declare that I have abandoned Hinduism, and am a Buddhist now. Like me, many will retaliate, by my way of expression on, such foolish and hysteric statement of these Brahman leaders of RSS. I would like to mention here that, same way one Muslim leader had also made hysteric statement like this RSS’s chief, as a reaction, of Ghar wapasi mission started by RSS’s one wing. That Muslim leader had stated that all mankind of world, including us Indian, are issues of Adam and Eves and hence Muslims, as per a concept of desert born faith. This attitude or quality of making hysteric statement or act is generally seen, attached with deserters of west Asia, where world’s greatest desert Sahara is. It may be due to effect of that desert’s dryness, on brain’s wetness. This similarity of making such hysterical statements or acts, by both, is not mere coincidence. Blood of same DNAs only exhibit same mentality. I have extinguished the hurting fire of hysteria of that Muslim leader, vide my blog named “Maulana Owaisi + Indian Aryans BrahmansX lord Buddha”X, on ‘Google+’. That Muslim leader has won one seat of M.P. and MLA each, first time recently, on united votes of Muslim voters. This child of RSSS, BJP has also won parliament recently, after a big gap. Probably these rare wins, made both of them such way hysteric. RSS + BJP are experiencing greenery now. Hence their mentality at present is as ‘Hari Hari Ghas Dekh kar Sabhi Gaddhe Charane Lage’. It seems that, in the future also, at least for five years we will have to bear them. Only 31%, well preserved and strongly bound voters of India’s total population, has shown them these “Acche Din”. RSS is the chest of thinkers, for BJP, called in public as Chanakya Mandali. On orders and guide line of this RSS, all plans of BJP are hatched and implemented. Brahmans are free toppers, of the closed closet of castes, a social living system, formed and found in India only. As per researches of great Indian freedom fighter and Brahman scholar, Mr.Baal Gangadhar Tilak, Brahmans are Aryans. They were effused from North Pole. As told above, India’s castsim is these Brahman’s finding, though they try to impose upon us that this castism is defined by god itself, seeking support of Hindu’s holy books. As per native oldest and Buddhism founder prophet Lord Buddha’s teachings, I don’t believe in god. But for the time being, if believed that, god has written those Hindu holy books. Then questions arises like, 1) why that god did not make such rules for desert born or other religions, in other parts of the world, by forming castism, dividing them, in many scattered groups like in here?, 2) why such imposed free slavery of natives, is not seen in other civilizations, apart from slave trading of people of foreign countries or in living things of universe?, 3) if god is from the beginning of the universe, then how castism is five thousand years old only, seemingly started since Brahmans arrival in India ?, 4) is not god bias in offering top position to handful Brahmans, who had no quality of warriors and, were never known as kings in India, and are proven invaders?,5) and if Hindus most revered Ramayana is to be quoted as Godly book, then question may arise, as to why an out caster Hermit Valmiki, believed or imposed to believe as scripter or writer of Ramayana, is shown supporting murder of other out caste Hermit Shambuka, that too at the hands of Model Hero King, “Lord Rama”?. It is astonishing and shocking; that this handful of Brahmans ruled, lives of native people’s groups for a long period of 5000 years, who, if had united, were hundred times more than Brahmans. Brahmans are not known as war winner warriors in Indian history, though were seen remarkable in brilliance, attached with extreme wily cunningness, personalities like Vishnu Gupt or Chanakya, later Shankaracharyas are evident. Topping position of this handful of Brahmans, in this large population and caste system, clearly indicates that it was and is possible only if, these native Indians were either hypnotized in mass, or were brain washed. Hypnotization or brain washing, both are arts, applied for fooling or making people to act on hypnotizer’s hints. It is clear that, to gain top position of caste system Brahmans fooled the natives i.e. they fooled whole India. It is sure that Brahmans did not impress Indian natives with any scientific boon or any deed, where by natives were benefitted. Otherwise also, dividing this originally civilized society can not be described as beneficial. From long Brahmans are treated as next to god, by natives. Their blessings were & still are required for every occasion, for and by the natives. Though air of anti Brahmans mission, started from Jotirav Phule, has already benefitted lot, to the natives, who are below Brahmans and above untouchables, ( Achhoot or Asprushya), in caste system, these large numbered beneficiaries, still crave for Brahman’s blessing, for every occasion on every step of their life. Here the secret of skill of fooling the natives is hidden. The natives were either lured or threatened on the and by the name of god only. This style is seen in case of desert born faiths or religions too. God! Almighty! Are the words for one, who is unknown, still unseen and proven inexperienced, who now, one of desert born faith’s chief Rev. Pope, also has made questionable. Concept of this God was firstly rejected, and denied, like idol worshipping also, in the world, fortunately by, original native of India, Lord Buddha. Indian castism is a weird and unique social system. It is not noticed ever existed any where, in this whole world. It is so unique that, not only humans, but other living things also do not exhibit, any existence of such system in them. In Indian castism, free slavery can clearly be seen arranged rank wise. In Indian castism, class just one step above is not entitled only, but on the name of that so called god, is authorized also to utilize, his below class’s members, as per own wish and will. That utilization may be of any kind, any type, including natural and unnatural sex too. Brahmans being the toppers of all these three classes of castism, pompous nature of their privileges, benefits and unquestionable powers, can be imagined only. Yes slavery is not new. In colonization slavery is seen existing. Europeans and Arabs also traded slavery. But difference between caste ridden slavery in India, and slavery existed in European colonies is that, the slaves used by Europeans, were not enslaved native Europeans, or not enslaved native Red Indians in America, or not enslaved native Aborigins in Australia, or not enslaved native Maoris in Newzeland, of Europeans colonies, like in India, where original natives were enslaved. European’s and Arab’s slaves were from distant continent, Africa. Contrary to that, enslaved caste ridden Indians were, original natives of this land, utilized in any bad manners, that too, by foreigner invader Brahmans. No where slaves were punished brutally and inhumanly, as were and are still punished, under god’s authority, as per so called holy Hindu books. Beheading of untouchables for any default by the untouchables can be labeled as common now days, as we are accustomed to view it done by ISIS, in Iraq, on regular basis. But to punish the defaulter for fault of mere touching the upper castes, with pouring molten lead, in his ear, as described in punishment manual of Hindus, i.e. Manusmruti, is certainly beyond imagination, for those badly defamed ISIS’s volunteers too. This Indian caste system, introduced by Brahmans, in India is shameful than insects also. It can be seen from example of Termites or ants. Queen ant is mother of all ants, which are divided into different categories, for different works. But all categories are taken care of, by their mother queen ant, none of those ants are punished by their own, brutality is far away. Neither invaders Aryans, i. e. Brahmans did gave birth to us natives i.e. upraised, nor they took care of natives, or native’s welfare. They were never heard or witnessed, of opposing any foreign invaders, any time. Indian natives, are apparently comprised of mixture of two breed i.e. of Negroids and Mongoloids, out of 3 defined breeds of mankind, third being Aryans. It was smartness of this handful of Brahman Aryans, who created their dominance over all of us, original Indian natives, by fooling and cheating, as explained before. They renamed also us as Hindus, as per their convenience. Hindu! There is lot of controversy about birth of this word, labeled as name for most of Indians. It is known that, one Marathi author, Mr. Bhalchandra Nemade is recently awarded with Dnyanpith national award for his novel named by this name, i.e. Hindu. Being an original and proud of Marathi, I am double proud of him, though had no opportunity to read his any book, like many other author’s books, though wished to read. I don’t know whether Mr. Nemade has discussed about birth of Hindu word in his book. But as per knowledge stored so far, from the books of my education and additional, I have also taken liberty to form my ideas about creation of this ‘Hindu’ word. Of course while doing so, I have used vague concepts about this word, heard, read or discussed, by many in the past. After effusing from North Pole, these Aryans camped at places of Europe's, and west Asia, on route to Sindhu River. Their last camp, before crossing Sindhu River was naturally, North West Asia, attached with known biggest Sahara desert. Now, ISIS’s, defamed Palestine is also a part of that desert’s vicinity. It is also known as birth place of 3 desert born main religions, e.g. Jews, Christians, and Islam, though Yezdan, Baha’i etc. so called faiths, are also other desert born faiths. As per these campers groups of Aryan's practices, of creating separate identities of each group separately, Aryans, who entered India's territory, crossing Sindhu River, were labeled as Sindhu group, and pronounced in their (wanderer’s) language as Hindu. They were handful, but, still they were and are, at the top of Indian caste system. After defining their identity as Hindus, naturally we fooled native were too, imposed to follow it along with them. Researches of civilizations of Mohonjodaro and Hadappa, indicates that we had oldest and well cultured civilization, than these wanderers, effused from North Pole. Adjacent China, consisting of total majority of Mongoloid breed, also has older and developed culture than these wanderers. These invader Brahman heads of the Hindu RSS, never offered head ship of their core group in RSS, to any non Brahman, as their ancestor founder had formed this group with only intention of maintaining Brahmans dominance continued. Only reason of making efforts of building such strong organization RSS was, just to maintain, Brahman’s dominance in India, to occupy would be blank space of rulers, back again as Peshva’s ruling, after departure of British. This so called Hinduism is nothing but only a code of conduct, with lot of unethical errors, inhuman traditions and their implied trends, made exclusively for benefits of Brahmans and for benefits of their interest wise separated Indian groups, according to their defined requirements, of convenience, comfort, security, protection and most importantly, of provision of rank wise free slaves, under false label of god’s gift, caste system. These Brahman + groups can be recalled as Ckp, Skp, Kirvant, etc., including Mopalas of Kerala, of southern India. These Mopalas are known as Muslims. But one more patriotic, my model Brahman leader, Mr.Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, disclosed that these Mopalas were originally Brahmans. Brahman families of Kerala used to Baptismise (convert) or their one or more, male family members, to Islam, by performing Muslim ritual of ‘Khatana’ (cutting of penis’s cover), for just sharing the huge profit from mariner business of Arabs. Mr. Savarkar’s intention, in disclosing this fact seems criticizing, the greedy, opportunist and extreme selfish sides of these invaders, of his own Brahmans. But if Tilaks research about these Brahmans origin is connected with Savarkar’s research about Mopalas, then, Brahmans being originally connected with desert, not of some of them only, but conversion of all of them also to desert born, Islam, could have been stamped, reasonable and justifiable too. Native Hindus are so simple and humble that, they never claimed for head’s post in this apex organization of Hindus, though they are proved more orthodox, in strictly observing castism,( not a single case of torture of Dalits in matrimonial matter shows involvement of these Brahmans), in strictly remaining vegetarians,(if non vegetarian, then avoiding mutton of other than chicken or goats, forget cow), than today’s generations, of these (invader imposer of own code of conduct of Hinduism, as described above, on the natives,) Brahmans, who are not bothered about sticking , not to castes only while marrying, but choose any body, beyond state, nation, or continents, and even religions and gender too. They don’t bother eating any animal, on the earth and below the earth, including, now banned cow also. It is different that the posts of chief and sub-ordinate Shankaracharyas, past or present, were and are not meant for these simple natives. Same way head ship of RSS is also not meant for these natives. What about Dalits? “Shantam Paapam,Shantam Papam”, how can I dare to raise subject of Dalit becoming Chief or junior Shankaracharya or RSS’s chief, when, till few past days Dalits were no allowed to enter in Hindu temple also, and till today one upper caste bastard pissed in mouth of a Dalit in South?. It is different that despite witnessing untouchable hermit Shambuka’s murder in holy Ramayana, at the hands of model king Lord Rama, despite hearing and witnessing about system of cleaning stool of others, and carrying it on the heads of their ancestors, despite hearing of punishments like pouring of molten lead into the ears of their ancestors, some spineless creatures like so called sadhvis and others are attached with RSS and BJP. They have kept one option for sake of secular image of them. Their political wing BJP is otherwise also a cattle pound, open for stray cattle, where forced filling is in progress now days. As a effort to exhibit their anti caste and secular image only, probably they had appointed one scheduled caste,( do not know whether he was from, Asprushya, or Achhoot, or Untouchable’s class or was just from the class above this class of caste system), by name Bangaroo Lakshman ,as President of BJP. But the way, how that poor was sacked and abandoned, for his try to eat fruits, reserved for Brahmans and, or at the most, for their pets only, was saddening and tragedy. Only for accepting minor amount, as well known general practice, of every elected member of every body of Govt., of every political party, for raising particular questions, of interest of any individuals, he was totally, sacked and ignored. It is learnt that from childhood he was obedient volunteer of RSS. Mr.Bangaroo Lakshman was only person from backward class, who was offered, such higher post in this Brahman’s party. After Mr.Bangaroo Lakshman, no backward class is learnt, offered with such post. Yes Kum. Uma Bharati, Kumar Govindacharya are also backward class, but not from untouchable achhoots or asprushyas. They are also seen pushed below the dais. I am not proud of late Gopinath Mundhe, as I have seen his and his family’s and in-law’s lives closely, when he was aided by BJP activist, dead Mr. Vivek Maitra. However being Marathi I felt sad when he met with an accident, rising suspicion about his death. Gopinath Mundhe was not from deprived class, and was well to do like other Vanjaras leaders, i.e. ex c.m.s of Maha., Mr. Vasanrav Naik, his nephew Mr. Sudhakarrav Naik etc. Though benefitted with privileges of reserved class at the sole credit of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mundhe’s class’s people, take pride in torturing ‘achhoots’, along with others, who are above than achhoots, if achhoot’s daughter or son wished to marry, a boy or a daughter, of above class in mutual love affair. Though above part of Vanjaras was unfit in continuity of our main subject of RSS, BJP, it was essential to expose how backward classes are not only divided, but scattered also in such way that no chance of their unity should be left. Any way we should start from sacked and pushed back leaders of RSS and BJP, i.e. Bangaroo Lakshman etc. On that back ground no punitive action like abandoning or boycotting or sacking, against BJP’s upper caste holder, Andhra’s Mr. Yedi Urappa , involved in scam of thousand million of mining , or one minister from Madhya Pradesh, caught fondling his Adivasi male servent,( Importantly privileged in reservation category), is seen taken. Predecessor of Prime Minister ship, before fortunate Narendra Bhai Modi, and ex prominent and pet Brahman leader Mr. Pramod Mahajan’s and his son Rahul Mahajan’s tragedy, along with doped Vivek Maitra’s death cases are, recently witnessed by public. India has witnessed severe incidents of deaths of political leaders, like Indiraji or Rajiv Gandhi. But those were glorious deaths of patriots, a kind of sacrifice for nation. They were not deaths occurred from family dramas or from share of wealth. Sadly Pramod Mahajan’s murderer brother Pravin Mahajan is also died now. Flourishing of Nitin Gadkari, Kirit Somayya, Prakash Javadekar, and many BJP and RSS’s simple leaders, though is subject of jealousy for me (being Marathi only), I wont dare to speak of them. It is field of well settled and placed people like Anjali Damaniya, Mayank Gandhi, in Maharashtra and of Kejarival camp out of Maharashtra. By the by Jaya amma is also a Brahman from southern India, like Dr. Subramniyam Swami, who is a BJPite. Southern Brahmans are more orthodox. That’s why, one K.Sudarshan (excuse if mistook) was also appointed as RSS chief. Yes I was off track, may be my bad habit of brandishing short knowledge, forced me, to do so. I was talking about Jaya amma ( it is respect), is heard nearing BJP. Go on, being Brahmans, all sins are excused.(Marathi proverb-Jari nicha hoonahi kanisht, tari Brahman jagi shreshth). This Brahman group was never seen as rulers in any part of India. Great Maratha King and only warzone and social pride of Marathi’s, (all residents of Maharashtra, speaking Marathi living Marathi, I am on top), Chhatrapati Shivaji, gave a first booster dose of ruler ship, to these handful Brahmans, offering Peshva’s post. It is not ironic only, but disgusting too, to remind that, Brahmans only had denied performing his (first free Maratha kingdom founder) throne ceremony rituals. One of these Brahmans, serving Delhi’s Mughal kingdom, had tried to kill this Hindu raja, on behalf of Muslim knight, Afzalkhan. Now, all shops of collecting, funds, faith, trust and votes are being run on the name of this great king. His traitor’s camp, as disclosed above, after pulling him from original shop, is on lead in the race. It is learnt that he is remembered in their morning prayer also, with recently included Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It is most admirable quality of Brahman’s, ‘first sit for dinner, and then gulp the host as dinner’. Shivaji’s, Maratha’s 1st kingdom, which had terrified strong Mughals of Delhi, was doomed by Brahmans Peshavas. Remembering their past lineage with Gulf’s desert and, declaring themselves as Husseini Brahmans, they had rushed to Karbala’s war for throne, in Arabia, to help Islamic Prophet Mohammed’s grand son Hussein. No doubt they are brilliant, like Aryan blood lineages. Jew and Christians have made most of scientific and chemical inventions. (Ex Indian President Sir Abdul Kalam is only exceptional case of Muslims). But when their counter parts were inventing for human’s comfort and welfare, here they invented a unique caste system, and tricks of, looting the native Indians. They looted the native Indians, by ways of Dakshina i.e. price of their blessings, after allowing the donor to touch their feet, and rewards for maintenance of their formed temples, Mathas, and different fairs and Melas. It is unique to observe that generally master pays to his servant or slave, for doing work of master or for doing any favor to the donor, but in here though natives were rank wised slaves of Brahmans, worked for Brahmans, touched the feet Brahmans, instead of Brahman paying them, they had to pay to the Brahmans. Only for mere blessings or chanting, natives were bound to pay to Brahmans, which is not evident as favored to native’s status or nation’s status. Brahmans served all Indian Invaders, loyally. Their loyalty to these invaders can be a part of attraction of same blood group, as Christians and Muslims are from the land of their last camping. No doubt, you must have decided to honor me in your group as I am also a great appreciator of these handfuls. I appreciate them for being impressed by the stand of German’s calling themselves as Aryans, linked with, Brahmans. I appreciate them for taking inspiration from Germans; to fix RSS’s line of action as per famous German secret agency Gestapo. I appreciate them for denying greatness of other more talented, more qualified, more patriotic, more darer, more scholar, more loved and respected, freedom fighters, social reformist, Brahman leaders, like Agarkar, Ranade, Tilak, Gockhale, swami Parmanand and Savarkar, etc ; to chose and support , Dr. Hegadevar, who was not famous for any patriotic or social reforming contribution, just with the intention of regaining their (Brahmans) dominance back as was in Peshwa’s ruling, obviously followed by unending observation of caste system. Most importantly, I must appreciate them for keeping the native Indians, possessed as before 5000 years, in this scientifically most advance 21st century also, ( don’t laugh on their reaction, when rumor of milk sipping by Ganesha’s idols was onair, I am waiting for news of dribbling of water from hair locks of Lord Shankar as Ganges water, when long awaited Ganges water cleaning will start.) though their own generation have smashed all barricades of Hinduism. Present win of BJP is mostly, because of their, own handful of orthodox members, and this lot of possessed. In short this win of BJP is fruit of fooling of the people by hammering propaganda. Their intention of forming the Govt. is implementation of their fixed agenda, of maintaining their dominance intact as 5000 years back. They chose appreciating King Akbar, and his Hindu in laws family of so called fighters from Rajputs, but feel ashamed to refer real native emperor Chandragupta, who had won Greek’s princess. While appreciating Hindu Jodha marrying a Muslim Akbar, or converted Pandita Ramabai and Rev. Tilak, they criticize badly to Mr.Rajiv Gandhi, who introduced digital era in real meaning in India. They chose to call incident of extraction of Pak invaders in Kargil, as Victory Day, though in real it was a kick on our ass, as we were failed to guard our boundary cautiously, while they ruled. They chose to spread defaming rumors about Indiraji, who tore our enemy, into two parts, and known for sacrifice while serving nation. Same way another member of Gandhi family, son of scarified Indiraji, Rajiv Gandhi had also scarified, while serving nation. Such patriotic and honorable incidents are not traceable on RSS’s or BJP’s credit. Yes, like RSSS I am also anti M.K.Gandhi. It is true that this man hijacked freedom mission. It is well known that every mission started by Maharashtrian is hijacked and later is proved beneficial to non Maharashtrian only. Mr. Kejarival’s and present P.M.Modi’s example is not far away. What a coincidence, P.M. Modi and M.K. Gandhi, belongs to Gujarat and M.K.Gandhi is reffered as Baniya, I don’t know whether OBC class’ claimant Modi is Baniya. RSS’s opposing to M.K. Gandhi may be for the reasons known to them. But I oppose M.K. Gandhi, because, he opposed Hindu code bill, and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. I oppose him because he was a fake anti caste, because he was pretender, and most importantly he was hidden strong supporter of Hinduism in its original form, i.e. with castism. It is known fact that, British winded themselves, not from India only but from other nations also, as it had become difficult for them to pretend as rulers of land where sun never sets, and not due to any danger from harmless Indians, then led by this harmless Gandhi. If this M.K. Gndhi, was anti castism, and if he and other, then leaders were claiming themselves to be as revolutionaries of freedom, then I must say that they all were pretenders. Revolution’s concept is attached with acts, intended to make big change, which is not ordinary or common. Just to replace things or rearrangement of things or thoughts can not be labeled as revolution. It is quality of Baniyas who change labels of prices as per his wish for profit. Gandhi had hijacked movement of extracting, British, who were tired of acting as rulers of their colonies. Though well privileged ex Judge (?), Mr. Kataju, has declared M.K.Gandhi as British’s agent, I won’t comment on these debate between baniys. My point is, these pretender revolutionaries, M. K. Gandhi and his colleagues have missed a great chance of being called as true revolutionaries, if had not chosen Brahman Neharu and Rajendra Prasad, as P.M. and President, respectively, of free India, with majority of Brahmans dominated Ministry to lead us again, as last 5000 years. There were more talented leaders in India from classes other than Brahmans. Yes your guessing is right, to choose Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as first P.M. or President of free India, could have been labeled as revolutionary act, in not only, in this country of majority of fooled by handful Brahmans, but all over the world, before USA, who made a foreign oriented negro Barrak Obama , whose ancestors were traded there as slaves, as President of that most developed and advanced country. Babasaheb Ambedkar was most educated, not only from scheduled castes only, among all leaders of then India. He had no stable family back ground, whereby he had worked as all time freedom fighter, like other, from above untouchables. HE had declared that he was Indian, and will remain Indian, till his death. His conversion to Indian oriented Buddhism, than to desert connected faiths and people is significant evidence of his patriotism. He was a greatest model of leadership from lowest class of universal, for all time leaders of downtrodden, deprived, and suppressed, out castes. In the world Mr. Martin Luther King of Negro’s community from USA, is considered as a great leader of deprived class. Negros were treated, in discriminating manner, on the base of their color and being out sided, but they were not free and public slaves, as their single master had to pay their value, and hence, were valuable asset for their single master and that master’s family only. Most importantly they were not subjected to forced cleaning and carrying stool of any of their single master’s family, were not subjected to cruel and brutal punishments like beheading or pouring molten lead, into their ears, as per any law or rules, were and are, in Hindu’s so called holy books, except regular punishment of whipping or starving. Where as Indian untouchables were not foreigners in this land, they were more original natives of this land than their enslaver castism generator Brahmans , they were as common free slaves, not for any single master or single group of master, but were slaves for all upper castes, any where, any time, in India, they were meant to provide any thing and services, to any upper castes, including unnatural sex, they were forced to eat dead cattle, forced to clean stool of upper castes(shameless bastards upper castes),and above it, were subjected to punishments as described above frequently that to, on the basis of their holy books, scripted by the invader Brahmans only. On comparing status of livings of slave Negros and enslaved Indian Untouchables, whose freeing is a great process? Of course, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s. That’s why I estimate Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as not only greater than Mr. King only, but greatest in the field of leadership of deprived who are many thousands time more than established ones. Fortunately communists Karl Marks and Mr. Angels, fighting only for labor class of society, were born before Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Otherwise they also had accepted leadership of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, as labor has at least chance to free himself at his own will, and has chance to become master, where as castism based slavery was supposed to be unending till death of all untouchables. African Negros has vast continent Africa, which is comparatively very thin population than comparatively area wise very small India. Hence rehabilitation of Negros after freeing was not a serious problem for UNO. But native untouchables of India are unlucky in this matter also; they have no land out of India as their place of refuge or rehabilitation other than India. By the by while extracting, here all other things also, stored in my mind and experiences, in flow of expressing how I feel honored on my inclusion in your RSS supporter group, I can not control my self, from exposing how pretention is exhibited by many Indian leaders, who are being remembered respectfully for contribution in the mission of castism removal. In USA it is well known how that revered Abraham Lincoln worked hard to erase black of slavery of Negros. Of course though it was no hard as India, but was not that easy also. Efforts of Lincoln and later leaders were in the direction of uplifting of those deprived and to bring those deprived ones standard of living equal to others. And success of those efforts in right ways, i.e. uplifting of the deprived by upper class, is clearly visible, when Negro Barrak is elected as USA president and other migrants to USA are offered ruler’s body’s posts, without discrimination. Though names of many leaders or even of past and present Hindu, Muslims or Sikh saints, are taken as castism hater, no one can be matched with work of Lincoln and later other’s of USA. Point out any saint or leader, who wished to break close closet of castism. Point out any one from these leaders, saints who exhibited singing or doing delivery of their speeches and abhangas, or dancing while praising god in Dindis, took company of untouchables, holding untouchables hands, or abusing castism supporter Manusmruti and untouchable hermit Shambuka’s murderer lord Rama!. None of Indian Hindu saints were of thoughts, of opening the closed closet of castism defined by their model preacher Brahmans. None of them insisted for equality of their lower ones with them. They entertained and amused themselves, on the platform provided and restricted for them, as per their rank in caste system. If they were prudent enough as bogusly praised today, they could have tried to find reason of their caste’s position which is below Brahmans, and could have challenged dominance of handful of Brahmans over all other castes. They were of not that caliber. Let their present heirs and bogus admirers weep over this finding. Except examples of great Maratha King, Chhatrapti, Shivaji, King Sahyajirav Gaikavad, King Shaoo Maharaj of Kolhapur and Saint Gadadge Baba, none of these so called socio reformist tried to equalize status of untouchables to their own status. They took pride in trying to estsablish their caste’s greatness over Brahmans and hence over untouchables also. That to taking advantage of wave of anger which had started to take birth, by the efforts of king Shahoo, against Brahman Peshvas, for dooming only Maratha kingdom and indirect help of modern British. I don’t intend to insult any body, like Jotiba Phule, so called maharshi, Mr. Shinde, Mr. Bhaurav Patil. No doubt,Mr. Phule worked hard for education of down trodden, no doubt he was successful in disclosing as exposing Brahmans, as real reason and culprit for dividing Indians, there by making India prone for frequent foreign invasions, no doubt that with the help of Baroda king, he tried for education of untouchables and women, he fought for usage of their public water supply. But point out any incident where in he is seen sat with any untouchables. Show me if he raised voice against system of cleaning and carrying stool of other castes, enforced on untouchables. Why this child less family did not dare to adopt Brahman orphan Yeshwanta, instead of any orphan untouchable child, when they are labeled as revolutionaries. Hi has criticized Brahmans, for many thing, including about their care taking system, created by Peshvas and other Brahman Sardars. On this back ground Mr. Phule was aware of the fact that his adopted Yeshvanta, being Brahman had ample ways of own survival und upraising, comparing with any downtrodden untouchable’s child. If Mr. Jotiba Phule had acted revolting by adopting an untouchable child, apart from great smashing shock to this hideous castism, a process of creating Babasaheb Ambedkar, might have started, long before birth of our revered real Babasaheb. It would have helped to uproot the castism faster. Culprits in dalit torturing had not dared to create scenes like Khairlanji, Javkheda in Maharashtra, and recently in south. Probably at least ex home minister of Maharashtra, mr. Chhagan Bhujabal(included in backward class,) being caste fellow of Mr. Jotiba Phule, had not dared to make a public scene of washing flooring of Hutatma Chowk in Mumbai, with Gaumutra, creating unending grudge in untouchables, against him and his family. Examples of another socio reformist & so called other castism haters like mr. Shinde (maharshi), Patil(karmvir), can be quoted same way as in example of Mr.Jotiba Phule. Their (ant castism leader) all efforts and deeds clearly indicate, their anti Brahman grudge, produced just because of dooming of Maratha rule, by Peshvas. They had common intention of showing down the Brahmans only, under the pretention of anti castism mission, as standing with deprived untouchable was only way of collecting sympathy and funds from the rulers, sympathizers. They did nothing to uplift standard of untouchables, or giving them social status as them. If they had worked genuinely, to uproot the castism, had insisted for inter caste marriages between, Marathas, Kunabis, Malis, Agris, Bhandaris etc. castes between Brahmans and untouchables and untouchables., incidents of dalit torturing like Javkheda or Khairlanji had not taken place. Their pretention can be judged, when none of accused in dalit torturing cases is not from Brahmans. If they were firm, genuinely against castism, and had guts required for a leader, instead of pacifying their grudge against Brahmans for dooming Maratha kingdom only, had burnt the Manusmruti defining castism, scripted by Brahman, before Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. If they had claimed to be leaders of masses and had guts, had denounced Shambuka murderer Ram and had replaced him with Krishna or other incarnations of Ram or with any from those 33 crore gods and goddesses of Hindus. None of them displayed such guts. Untouchables are proven strong, mentally and physically too, though small in number. Hence only British formed a separate battalion in their army, for Mahar out of all communities of Maharashtra, named as Mahar Battalion, after only Maratha Regiment. This Mahar battalion had defeated Peshava’s large numbered Maratha army, on the strength of few soldiers, at Bhima Koregav in Pune, Maharashtra. Probably that’s why only, to drag the help of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s follower in expected Hindu Muslim’s riot, in 1992, after proposed breaking of Babari mosque, the day of breaking the mosque was fixed on 6/12/1992, which is death anniversary day of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, when thousands of million followers collect at place of his last rituals, at Shivaji park in Mumbai. After Maratha king Sayaji Rav Gaikawad’s and British’s gift of right of education, untouchables, produced greatest personality like Babasaheb Ambedkar. But though ruled in India’s different states, including Maharashtra, for many years, and holding upper status than untouchables in society, all other communities including Brahman, could not produce such personality, after Great king Shivaji’s predecessor King Shahoo Maharaj. As mentioned before, RSS has included name of B.R.Ambedkar, in their morning prayer. Saint Gadage Maharaj is different from all Indian saints. While all other saints prided dancing and singing in the closed closet of castism, as described above, this Gadage Baba only stood upright against castism. He criticized blind faiths harshly, long before more than and now shot dead mr.Narendra Dabholkar and Pansare. Possibly huge support of mass was his body guards; orthodox or ill minded people had no chance of avoiding his natural death. This saint built dormitories for poor in cities, in contrast with trusts and leaders who utilize public and govt. funds for private luxury. This unique saint, whom mass bowed, bowed to B. R. Ambedkar and wished to hand over his trust’s management. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar himself offered his property, which was not collected or looted from public or Government, as seen in other’s cases including father of nation, Mr. M. K. Gandhi, to poor in charity. All other Indian saints danced and sung in the closed closet of castism. They did not even try to open it, as smashing it and uplifting of untouchables, on their level of caste, was not a task of their caliber of mentality. Possibly it was unceasing effect of charming or brain washing, done by invaders Brahmans via, Pravachan, Kirtans, Bhajans, Pathan, Aakhyan, morning+evening prayers, Aartis, Dindis, fests, festivals, and false promises of god’s blessings or threats of his punishments befalling on them, which is still noticed existing. Remember golden era of real native’s real Emperors, like Ashoka, who, if had not scabbarded his sword, for peace, had not left chances of rising of other disciple thirsty faiths, and of course place for more torture of untouchables, which are increasing. Emperor Ashoka was disciple of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was native Indian plus a king, trained with princely skills of ruling, fighting and princely culture alike any other prophets of world, including deserter prophets also. He was world’s first oldest peace defining, idol worshiping rejecter and god denying religion, Buddhism’s founder Prophet. As your group bears name like RSSS supporters group, it must be strong and equipped enough, if have ability of supporting an organization, like RSSS, strong, skilled like German secret agency GESTAPO, and funded all over from world, plus treasures of many temples like one from India, whose treasure has remained still to be counted. I have already expressed my inclination to join you, insisting on denouncing of castism supporting gods and scripts in my twits. I am happy, that like you other few individual, Hinduism supporter tweeters also have shown interest in Add@Rokhtalk’s posts praising RSS BJP as meaning as above. I would be more happy, if you are serious about real strong India, keeping in mind, that if fingers are united, then only blow of fist or slaps, make right sound effect. If any meeting with your group is planned, just give me a hint, I will run too to welcome you, in Shivaji’s soldiers ways and Mahar Battallion’s spirit. By the by assuming you also patriotic as me, let us condemn the cowardice attacks of old helpless Dabholkar and Pansare, as you and me are not cowardice, though physically we are tough enough, I bear capacity to fight the thoughts with thoughts also, more skill fully. I must express my thanks also for inspiring me to place all as above, in gesture of welcome. All the best! Waiting for opportunity of your group member’s meeting. JAI BHIM, JAI SHIVAJI.


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