Do not try to mislead untouchables of India, who are loyal with their mother land, though suffered cruel inhuman torturing from last 5000 years and though were brilliant scholars in the shape of Dr B.R. Ambedkar and proven brave and fighters too, if an army of only 500 (five hundreds only) soldiers of their Mahar Regiment had defeated an army of 25000 (twenty five thousands) soldiers of Brahmans' Peshava's Maratha army. Its true that Dr Ambedkar were approached by heads of many religions with huge amount of bribe, for pulling his untouchable peoples in their religions, when he declared Hinduism with its legalized inhuman untouchablity, as dirtiest one. One Bastard Muslim leader Mr. Mohammad Ali, of then National Congress had shamelessly begged off conversion of half of untouchables to Islam, charitably offering remaining half to Hinduism back, on platform of political meeting for freedom of India. It is very disturbing to notify that none of orthodox Brahmans, who are seen no...