Spineless~ #####################. Mr. Jagjivanram, was a spineless character. No sacrifice for his Untouchables’ communities like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. No achievements too, like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Untouchables’ Ambedkar only created space in Indian politics & Indians, for all such Untouchable peoples like Mr. Jagjivanram on his own merit, credit & hard work. Upper castes’ Orthodox Hindu Politicians favoured Mr. Jagjivanram to Dr B.R. Ambedkar, as a part of their mission of pulling down untouchable’s only leader, Dr B.R. Ambedkar. Why did they chose Mr Jagjivanram only for this mission? Mr Jagjivanram was devoted Hindu where as Dr B.R. Ambedkar was became anti Hindu due to it’s dirtiest caste system & it’s provision of inhuman restrictions on it’s Untouchable people. Caste system’s toppers Brahmans have divided all untouchables further in many divisions, like Jatav, Chamar, kahar Mahar & Mang or Matang etc. Some divisions were allotted work of watchmen, some of messangers & some of disposal of dead cattle & dirt of village some cobler. Mr Jagjivanram was a cobbler by caste which is one of the castes from India’s untouchables. Dr B.R. Ambedkar was also from untouchables of India, but not from cobbler’s community. Cobblers also served all upper castes of India like, other untouchables. Their endorsed job was of providing or making foot wares for the India’s upper castes. Though cobblers were also from untouchable’s categories of India, they are not seen severely hated by the Indian upper castes, as other untouchables experienced. Possibly cobblers job of providing daily required utility of foot ware, made them more close to upper castes, than other untouchables. They did not suffer severe torturing by upper castes, like other sects of untouchables did. Naturally cobblers of India might have developed superiority complex in them than other untouchables of India. Hindu Indians’ toppers, Brahmans always enjoyed divisions in Indian society. Cobbler’s mentality of superiority, among other untouchables was useful for Brahmans’ theory of divide and rule. Being educated Mr. Jagjivanram must know how India’s untouchable were treated and severely punished by all upper castes of India. He too knew how common human rights too were denied to untouchables by Hindus, who acted as per guidance and instructions of Brahmans and Hindu holy books. He was definitely supposed to know also that Hindu’s most revered Lord Rama had murdered untouchable’s Hermit Shambuka, just for his declared wish of conducting meditation. In spite of being educated, at the mercy of then kind British rulers only, he also revered Brahmans, like all Hindus, who had denied right of education to all Non Brahman Indians. This compromising or condition less surrendering to Brahmans, attitude of Mr. Jagjivanram, like all Non Brahman Hindus might have made him eligible for inclusion in the first ministry comprising mostly of Brahmans ministers, of independent India. It is interesting to note that, the first Indian Govt. was dominating by majority of Brahmans, starting from Brahman president and prime minister. Brahman Nehru was first Prime Minister, and Brahman Rajendraprasad was first President of freed India. On the other hand, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was witnessed opposing Brahman’s dominance in every field, in Indians. He stood strongly for uplifting of all untouchables and suppressed people of India. He knew that Hindu’s so called holy book “Manusmruti”, is the only cause of creation of caste system in India. He fought against all bindings, imposed upon untouchables, by upper caste Hindus. All untouchables’ classes and people of India, except few like Mr. Jagjivanram, chose Dr B.R. Ambedkar, as their leaders. It is surprising to know, that some of the Brahmans, who were awarded hereditary leadership in Indians, from last 5000 years, also followed Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, and took initiative in burning that Hindu Holy book, “Manusmruti”, under his leadership. It was not an easy task to burn that most holy book of Hindus in a Hindu dominated country like India, where still torturing of untouchables is taken as pride. Freeing the Indian untouchables, who are original native of India, from free slavery of 5000 years to all upper castes’ of whole India, and making them to stand erect, certainly classifies Dr B.R. Ambedkar, as greatest leader in world, among all leaders, who are known for their contribution, in fighting against slavery and for deprived. Dr Ambedkar only freed the NATIVE Indians, enslaved by Brahmans, via India’s dirtiest caste system. Native Indian untouchables have no refuse any where, out of India. Mr. Martin Luther King fought for enslaved Negroes, who were foreigners in USA and Europe. But Negroes had their whole Africa Continent as their Refuse, if expelled from Europe or USA. Great leaders, of higher posts like Ex USA President Mr. Abraham Lincoln had taken initiative in removing African Negro’s slavery. But in India recently, one beggar named as Mr. Yadav also, is seen disliking freeness of untouchables’, when he tortured a minor untouchable girl, when her shadow fell on him. This Yadav’s community is from other backward class’, begging for prescribed facilities of social reservations. Enslaving of Negroes, just for 1 or 1, 1/2 century, has proved beneficial to the Negroes. Their Barrack Obama was given chance to lead that world's most respectable and vast country, as a President. Comparing to those Negroes, USA’s original natives RED Indians and Untouchables of India prove unlucky. Indian untouchables were enslaved, according to Hindu’s caste system. Indian’s Brahman community is Topper of that dirty caste system, made of 4 categories. Out of those four categories, Indian Brahmans are only from Aryan’s DNA. Remaining 3 categories are proved mix of Negroid and Mongoloid DNAs. Africa, which is origin of Negroid breed, was attached to India’s southern parts, before shuffling of world. And East Asia, which is origin of Mongoloid breed, though separated by Himalaya, still is connected with India by land, via Nepal and Bhutan. Toppers Brahmans of Indian caste system are only 3, ½%, of total population of Indians. Brahmans are heads of the Indian’s main religion, Hindu. Brahmans are claimed to be of Aryan breed, whose last camp before entering in India and crossing India’s Sindhu River, was in West Asia, or desert of Middle East. This desert of Middle East is known as birth place of 3 main Abrahamic religions, i.e. Jews, Christian and Islam. This west Asia is witnessed as peace less, from long back history. In the recent past, it was burnt by Crusades, and now it is seen burning their own ones. Indian Brahmans originally belonged to that Rest less West Asia. The topper position of these handful Brahmans among all Indians, and the nature of all free services, to be provided to them by all categories of natives, indicates that they had something special than all Non Aryan and Non Brahman native Indians. Brahmans had reserved rights of education, exclusively for Brahmans only. Non Brahmans were not entitled to right of education till British rulers in India made education free to native Indians too. Indian’s Hinduism is described in Hindu holy books. These Hindu holy books are claimed to be containing every thing, under the sky. Those books contain all rules of routine living and life’s of all categories of all Indians. Incidents of past and future are also claimed to be described in those Hindu Holy books. God knows it is true or false, but renowned Hindu scientists and doctors too claim that all modern inventions of air, space, surface, marine travelling, latest technique of body surgery and latest computer technology are also described in those Hindu holy books, when they were written 5000 years back. Astonishing no? Indian heinous caste system is also originally described in those holy books of Hindu’s. According to that caste system, native Indians are categorized in 3 classes, as per their importance. Actually these three classes are packed in a closed closet; Brahmans are placed on the open top of that closet. Insiders of that closet are strictly bound to obey the rules described in those Hindu holy books, or as per the instructions of topper free Brahmans, in absence of particular rule in particular holy book. Brahmans had freedom of rule less living in private, though not in public. All laborious works for Brahmans was strictly supposed to be duty of all Non Brahman natives. Their farms and cattle’s were also supposed to be looked after by Non Brahman natives only. Brahman had not to pay a single penny, to the natives, for all free services, in every corner of India, provided by all Non Brahman Indian natives. On the contrary, contrary to the rule of Master and Servant’s relation, where in servant bows to the master, who pays him, Hindus were bound to bow before Brahman, after paying them only, in different way as Dakshina, i.e. reward. Brahmans were not witnessed also, as warriors in the past long back, till in 17th century Maratha king Shivaji gave them sword first time. Who awarded this position of toppers to the Brahmans, entitling them for such way unreasonable rights and benefits? Who wrote those Holy books of Hindus, if only Brahmans had the right of education? Why any of the group of Non Brahmans of that caste system, would prefer to bind himself for free services to those handful Brahmans? Indian Brahmans only scripted those Hindu Holy books. Bookish religion is trend and practice of West Asian region, where by the disciples are disallowed to have different views. Indian original native faiths believed in humans’ moral capacity of thinking progressive, according to periods and situations, hence probably did not bind their followers to rigid rules and traditions, by the means of any such holy books. Hindus’ toppers Brahman led Hinduism; hence it is fed by them only. Indians divisions in a large number of groups via caste system, by mean of Brahman’s scripted Hindu Holy books, has vanished the chances of unification of all Indians completely. Due to these divisions in Indians, India was made prone to all invaders. Only Brahmans are not to be blamed for Indian’s divisions, as they were handful, and proven non fighters then. The large number of Indians, who accepted handful Brahmans’ dominance and divisions among themselves are the main culprits. If they united under Brahmans’ leader ship to expel the British, who being Aryans like Brahmans, had only offered them right of education, denied by Brahmans,then it was more easy for them to expel the Brahmans. British are also of Aryan Breed. See the difference between our Brahman Aryans and these European Aryans. Britain has offered Premiership to any Asian in their nation. American European have made one of their enslaved foreign Negro, Barak Obama as their President and are prepared to accept Indian deserter Bobby Jindal, as their would be President. Do our Brahmans, who still are revered by many Indians, have such human qualities of courtesy and generosity, like their counterpart European Aryans? Though Hindu religion and its leader Brahman were protected and preserved by all Non Brahman Indians, neither any one from these Non Brahman’s upper castes, was offered Hindu’s head’s post of any Shankaracharyas of any Pitha, i.e. bench or throne, in last 5000 years, nor the Non Brahman upper castes exhibited their guts, to demand higher post of Shankaracharyas from the handful of Brahmans. These Non Brahman upper castes were the first Indian natives, who were the worst fools, to be charmed by and lured with offering of these foreigner Brahmans of Middle East, of upper position in caste system, made by dividing them only, in their own mother land India. Our Brahmans prescribed punishments like pouring molten lead into ears of untouchables of Indian caste of bottom of caste system, by their scripted Hindu’s Holy books. Punishments of cutting body parts and beheading the untouchables, may be matching with soldiers of ISIS, but pouring molten lead in some body’s ears, was not exhibited by them or may not be imagined by them too. These punishments were and are meant for Indian untouchables only; others were exempted, as they were used as tools of implementation of those punishments, imposed on untouchables. What was the nature of so called offences of the untouchables, which made them liable for such heinous and cruel punishments? Insubordination of orders of all non Brahman upper castes and of Brahmans by crippled or sick untouchable, was also regularly held as an offence, but merely falling of shadow of any untouchable on any upper caste, or accidental touch of any untouchable’s to any upper caste were also held as offences and the untouchables were punished, for them,in the way described above. To clean the villages entirely and to carry the human wastes and stool of all upper castes, on own head was the bound duty of the untouchables. As described above, Brahman divided the native Indians in 3 categories, packed in closed closet of castism. The uppermost were labeled as warriors; middle ones were labeled as traders and bottom’s one were the Untouchables. Newly created groups labeled as OBC, i.e. other backward class is of people from two groups, above untouchables. Negroes were not free slaves of all Americans or Europeans contrary to Indian untouchables, who were totally free slaves of all higher castes of any corner of whole India. Freeing of Negroes was ensued by Non Negro American leaders like Abraham Lincoln, where as freeing of Indian untouchables is still not digested by any Brahman and these Non Brahman upper castes, including the OBCs also. Indian Brahmans are truly one step clever than other Aryans, as they could fool the large number of Non Brahman natives, 5000 years ago and, as still their charm over those fooled is not over. Being such, they are clever enough to change themselves according to trends. But their fooled natives of Non Untouchable caste are still seen unwilling, to mount down from their position where they were made to sit, Brahmans just with the intention of using them for own protection from the rebellious untouchables and for implementation of imposed punishments on untouchables. Actually in caste system, these Non Brahman upper castes were also enslaved as free slaves for Brahmans. They were bound to offer their wives too to the Brahman as Dakshina, i.e. as reward, if demanded by the Brahman, for just allowing that upper caste non Brahman, to touch feet of that Brahman. Taking limited advantage of anti Brahman Mission started by Mahatma Jotirav Phule, of gardener community, and forwarded by Maratha king Shahoo and other Maratha leaders like, Maharshi Shinde, Karmveer Bhaurav Patil etc, these Non Brahman upper castes tried to avenge the Brahmans, who had humiliated them, taking over, charge of then only kingdom of Maratha, and ordered them in the name of that Maratha kingdom. Except great king Shahoo of Maratha, after his ancestor first Maratha kingdom founder Shivaji, none of the above mentioned so called Mahatmas, Karmveers and Maharshis or non untouchable leaders, were deeply concerned and had vision of uniting the Indians for making India strong in real sense, by uplifting of untouchables and demolishing the dirty Indian caste system. Advantages of then started Anti Brahman mission were taken by all sects of Non Brahman upper castes, for uplifting of their individual sects only. They completely ignored nation’s requirement of nationals’ unity and unloading the excessive burden of Brahman’s dominance. It is remarkable that these upper castes, still are not prepared to throw away or burry that dominance permanently. In private, these Non Brahman upper castes still seek for blessing of Brahmans, in their marriages and religious functions. Recent win of Brahmans’ RSS’s created BJP, on the support of Non Brahman upper castes and OBCs is the example of rotten mentality of these Non Brahman upper castes. Gardner community’s so called Mahatma Phule was childless. He abused and criticized Brahmans very badly. It is told that he insisted for educating women. It is also told that he allowed untouchables to his well for water. But while insisting for women education, he had not thought of education to untouchables, who were shining as warriors in British army. Credit of offering free education to the untouchables first time goes, to King Sayaji Rav Gaikwad of Baroda. Childless Mahatma Phule chose a Brahman boy Yeshwant, as his heir by adoption. Had he no guts to adopt any untouchable’s boy as his heir, instead of a Brahman, whom he abused badly, if he is labeled as a revolutionary? I declare him bogus Mahatma and bogus social reformer. If he had chose any untouchable as his heir instead of Brahman boy Yeshwant, possibly untouchables could have prided in creating one more personality like universally renowned Dr B. R. Ambedkar, long before Ambedkar’s birth. And this act of that Mahatma, could have enhanced process of demolition of Indian dirty caste system long back and could have accomplished also, under the strict watch of progressive British Aryan rulers. This so called mahatma could not convince his own community at least, to stand against this dirty caste system, if self claiming leader of Phule’s community and OBCs, Mr. Chhagan Bhujabal from Maharashtra was seen, washing the Hutatma monument which was touched by untouchables, in Mumbai with cow’s urine. Same way another so called Mahatma Mr. M.K. Gandhi also exhibited same mentality, when he chose Brahman Nehru as P.M. and Brahman Dr Rajendraprasad as President, with majority of Brahman’s ministers to lead freed India, instead of other more talented non Brahman leaders, including untouchable Dr B.R. Ambedkar. His so called concern for untouchables was sheer pretension, a remarkable quality of all Baniyas. He cheated and black mailed to Dr B.R. Ambedkar, over the issue of Hindu Code Bill. In my personal view Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar had to allow that Baniya Gandhi to die peacefully, when he had started unending fast, against Hindu Code Bill, instead of dying with bullet shots, at the hands of a Brahman Nathuram. Non Brahmans upper castes along with OBCs, though are seen united their sect wise strongly, still respect Brahmans and their preaching and teachings, administered to them 5000 years ago, loyally and devotedly. Still they seem priding the torturing of untouchables, as endorsed duty, if their children, just expressed their affection toward any untouchable child. It was height when one Yadav was heard torturing an untouchable, when shadow of one minor girl of an untouchable, fell on him. Shame less Bastards, they pride in sipping Brahman’s foot wash, who are foreigners, worst than British Aryans, and comply their orders and at other hand beg for facilities of social reservation, introduced by untouchable leader Dr Ambedkar. Some one must file writ against these bastards in the high court, which prided in being used as tools for punishing their own DNA's, at the hint of foreigner Brahmans. It is notable that, though British awarded right of education to all Indians, just 9 years before birth of untouchable Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, these fooled and charmed of foreigner Brahmans, could not produce any leader of caliber, talent and moral, like Dr Ambedkar. These non Brahman upper castes and OBCs, ignoring Brahman’s bias nature in offering them religious head ship also, still seek leadership in Brahmans or their equivalents, to lead them. In short their views were and are short and selfish. Nation is immaterial for them. They are least bothered about who rules them. A very worrisome situation for our nation, if these people who are large in no. preferred Muslim kings or Pakistn also, as past Mughals rulers, just for maintaining their ego, of being just higher than untouchables. These fools while trying to create their dominance in a space cleared by Dr Ambedkar, did not wish at all to demolish Brahman product of cast ism. Probably they feared loosing their dominance over the communities, lower than them, most especially the untouchables. When Brahmans are witnessed as supporters cow eater Veer Savarkar, while Brahmans scholars are witnessed adopting Christianity also, in protest of orthodox Hindu traditions, while Brahmans are seen marrying the untouchables also, these once fooled rank wise enslaved could not bring themselves up to 1/4 mark of thinking of Brahmans. These all Non Brahman upper castes, including OBC probably are deeply hypnotized and charmed by Brahmans’ personality and skilled eloquence with hereditarily preserved vocabulary. Probably continuous hammering of preaching and teaching by Brahmans, via their introduced religious festivals and rituals of their introduced 33 crore deities, these upper castes non Brahmans are Brain washed, and have lost natural sense also of differentiating between bad and good or between human and inhuman. Their mentality has become rigid. They are seen reluctant to come out hereditary ambiance, imposed upon them 5000 years ago, by the Brahmans. Their brains gates are locked permanently which do not allow entrance of inventive and innovative ideas and thoughts. They have lost their confidence or they have awarded all rights of thinking of and for them, to their Masters, who may be their revered Brahman or any foreign rulers, but will not be ready to accept any untouchable as their colleague also, though the untouchables has stock of all super qualities, than those masters. They will import Carl Marx and Martin Luther king as their inspiring leader but will never care to Judge that Dr Ambedkar was greater than Carl Marx and Martin. Carl Marx, defined only two classes of people i.e. Masters and Servants or labor and worked around these two factors only, where as Dr Ambedkar dealt with whole Indian mass, which was master of all unpaid untouchables, including their wives and children. Marx knew that labor can be a master, but he did not know that Indian untouchables were permanent servants. Actually if he had visited India, he might have become follower of Dr Ambedkar. Same way as explained above Martin Luther king’s mission was started first by leaders like ex USA president Mr. Abraham Lincoln, who was from his en-slavers group. Luther’s Negroes had vast Africa as refuse and all Africans as supporters. Such easy condition was not in India, in case of Dr Ambedkar. If Karl Marx and Luther had accepted Dr Ambedkar’s leadership then these Indian Bastards, who praise them, might have denounced them too. They have no ability to create new system and thing; hence they are adamant and stuck to old mentality. All recent cases of torturing the untouchables are seen done at the hands of these non Brahmans people only. Though they were from ruler’s community, now due to their incompetency they are vividly seen lagging behind, before innovative Brahmans and progressing untouchables. Irony is till now they abused Dr Ambedkar, and his followers, for various reasons. Mainly they abused for the facilities of social reservation for deprived and suppressed class. But now this bastards also have been facilitated to rob those facilities of untouchables same way as past. They are also now enlisted reserved category, hanging their shame and wealth on the Mumbai’s Drama Theater Shivaji Mandir. All politicians and leaders in India, choose untouchables, who are Hindus only, i.e. those who implies consent for caste system, those are still of the mentality of bowing the Brahmans, those prefer still to pay Dakshina to Brahmans who allows them to touch their feet. All Untouchables so called leaders calling themselves as Dalits are the fruit eaters of Ambedkar's struggle, brilliance, talent and unending fight of still deprives. Mr. Jagjivanram is one of those untouchables, who are chosen as dear and near to all upper castes, that groups and their political parties and wings. Like him many people can be named, who have acquired their high positions in Indian political and other groups. But, those high positions of those leaders, is part of mission of downing Dr Ambedkar. It is a sort of reward to them of denying greatness of Dr Ambedkar. It was a sort of reward to them, for their help in maintaining trends and traditions of Hinduism. It was a sort of reward to them for preserving the topper’s position of Brahmans, as last 5000 years. I.e. indirectly they were rewarded out of fear of Greatness of Dr Ambedkar. Otherwise these all so called famous untouchable leaders or personalities were not of the caliber of leaders of any lane or square, from any Non Untouchable’s group. Their earned wealth may help in shining them for some more time, but after stipulated period, they will be pushed in dark, by the upper castes, which had used them for downing Dr Ambedkar only. They will not be lucky enough also, to have any park or road named, after them, as defamed Brahman BJP’s leader Mr. Pramod Mahajan was. Possibly in the future their remnants also may start abusing them. Remember, Congress president Sitaram Kesari, Sushil Kumar Shinde of congress, Bhiku Idate, Motiram Lahane and Bangaroo Laxman of BJP. ( other political parties are formed exclusively by persons of before mentioned rigid mentality and nature, people from untouchables are really untouchables to them, their locked or dumb brain may be incapable of thinking of advantages of nearing any untouchable for name sake also) etc.? What is their contribution in nation building? Leave aside question about their contribution in uplifting of, at lest their particular sect of untouchables, as they could have been expelled immediately from their parties, by their upper caste’s mentors, if they had touched that subject, most hated by them. They forgot that their ancestors were used to be punished, with punishments like pouring molten lead into their ears, for mere offence of unknowingly touching the upper caste, which did pride in drinking cow's urine and eating her dung. Hinduism and its traditions are imposed upon us original natives, by first Indian invaders Brahmans. Hence Dr. Ambedkar who stated that, till his death, he will be Indian only, but took oath that though he was born as Hindu, he will not continued to be a Hindu. As per his oath, with many followers, he grasped Buddhism. Lord Buddha's kicking off of his kingdom, his being first prophet in the world, his rejecting existence of god and idol worshiping, and his being original native Indian Prophet are well known facts in the history, contrary to imaginary concepts and fictitious images being worshiped as god. He had great followers, like Emperor Asoka, who if had not scabbarded his sword, and had acted as other later born religion's kings, surely had made births of other religions in world impossible. Same way Emperor Harshvardhan, defined real charity by his act, when begged from his sister, for offering to needy and poor. All Indians who abuse to religions born in desert, i.e. Christian and Islam, for their greed of collecting disciples, should be thankful for ever to Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, for choosing only great religion of this Indian soil, i.e. Buddhism. Though, representatives of those desert born religions had offered huge bribe and various facilities, benefits and opportunities to Dr. Ambedkar for choosing their religions, this talented leader of greatest morality refused those lucrative offers, only for his patriotism toward this nation and only for great respect of culture of India, in the shape of Lord Buddha. If these so called Dalit untouchable leaders referred above, wished to prove existence of their spine, then they must have to exhibit significant characteristic of untouchables, which they prided from long back, and honored by others. Bravery, honesty, self respect and loyalty are some of significant characteristic attached with untouchable i.e. Dalits. Creation of untouchables’, Mahar Battallion only from all other communities of non dalits, by British after Maratha regiment is vibrant receipt of Bravery of Dalits. Only 500 soldiers of Mahar Battalion had defeated army of 25000(twenty five thousands) soldiers of Peshava’s Maratha army. When one Dalit, was to be posted as guard of a Harem of one Muslim king, to assure that king about own loyalty, that dalit cut own penis. Cunning Brahmans were afraid of untouchables’ talent, strength and abilities from last 5000 years. Their fear about untouchables, proved true, by their action of including only Dr Ambedkar, in the Morning Prayer of RSS after Maratha king Shivaji. Untouchables were main risk to dominating position of Brahman, in Indian society. As a part of mission of deleting that risk, untouchables were intentionally kept away from all chances of their challenging to coward Brahmans, by placing them at the bottom of the caste system, that too with the help of easily fooled Non Brahman upper castes. All untouchables are rebellious by original blood. Only majority of united disloyal natives of their own DNA was used to suppress them, by Brahmans. No doubt, these non Buddhist untouchables dalit leaders will continue to serve their non Dalit mentors loyally, but if they have original spirit of untouchables’, balance in their possibly original blood, don’t they wish to preserve that spirit, which is respected from all, to make them also some what valuable? Dr Ambedkar chose Buddhism to finish dominance of first invaders Brahmans. Invasion of Brahmans caused division in native Indians. Due to division of natives more invaders dared to invade. They all looted India and Indians. I.e. to finish dominance of first invaders Brahmans, and to choose Buddhism, was a most important patriotic act. And Dr Ambedkar has accomplished it by accepting Buddhism with all untouchables. Regime of such spine less creatures was deemed in recent past. But, since from win of Brahman dominated win of Indian P.M. Modi, spineless people including Modi are sure to get importance in Indian politics, at least for some time. I wish them the best if they want to push the untouchables back in past era, or to kick the Hinduism dominated by foreigner Brahmans.########## Jai Hind, Jai Bhim!
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