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Nostrodam X Bhrugu Sanhita

<*NOSTRADAM OR VEDIC BHRUGU SAMHITA?*><*~~~~ Narendra Modi is from Baniyas of Gujarat. Baniyas are expert in selling useless things at 4 to 5 times of real value, on the strength of their eloquence, next to Brahmans. Brahmans ' being foreigner Iranis or Prussians imposed their written Hinduism's Manifesto Manusmruti on native Indians as most Holy book for native Indian Hindus, who are nearly 100 times more than Brahmans. That Manusmruti defined Brahmans importance as next to god, for all Hindus. It also dissected native Indians into 100 sections. It separated one group of native Indians, describing them untouchable for other sections of natives and Brahmans. !00 time more original native Indians are still obsessed of that Manusmruti and Brahmans, from last 5000 (five thousand years). Frequent incidents of torturing of untouchable natives at the hands of their own DNA holder natives only is conclusive proof of obsession of Brahmans on the Indians. It has such a deep effect on Indians, that, secular and rebellious organizations of poor or labor like Communist's or Naxalites also are seen established and led by socially top placed Brahmans. Of course all organizations of Hindus are either established by Brahmans or run on direct or indirect hints of Brahmans, following agenda Hinduism's chiefs Brahmans. Recently only Yadavs from northern India are seen challenging the dominance of Brahmans. Yadavs are from OBCs of Indians. Irony is till Dr. B.R. Ambedkar delivered lit the lantern of self respect in all non Brahmans, these Lord Krishna's relatives also used to sip Brahmans' foot wash, as Hindu's holy Epic Bhagavad Gita was owned by Brahman Vyas. Yadavs and many alike chose Dr Lohiya and other from their upper castes as their guides and leaders, hereditarily denying proven superior leader and their benefactor Dr B.R. Ambedkar, only for his untouchable caste. When Brahmans burnt Manusmruti under leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, and preferred matrimonial relations too, with untouchables, some of these Yadavs are still take pride in torturing of untouchables for mere offence of falling their shadows on Yadav’s food. P.M. Mr. Modi is Brahmans' fed and raised baby. To serve Brahmans' RSS dedicatedly, he abandoned his wife. Due to Brahmans only this Baniya Modi could become India's P.M. It is true that sometime these Baniyas like Rashtrapita Mr. M.K. Gandhi and Mr. Morarji Desai hijacked Brahmans dominance, with the support of Brahmans only they survived. Non warriors and non fighter Baniyas were never seen as king or rulers in past Indian history. All outsiders ruled in Gujarat. They could not prevent frequent looting of their most prided holy temple of Sorati Somanath and trade city Surat, from Muslim and Maratha raiders. Brahmans use such pawns for their keeping their dominance intact. Maratha King Shivaji made these Worshipper Brahmans as Warriors first time. Tasting fruits of ruler ship as Peshavas, sighting departure of British these Brahmans were aspirant of becoming rulers of India. Hence Brahmans of Maharashtra are seen in leading role in our freedom fighting. It is dreamt of Marathi Brahmans to become India's ruler. Marathi Brahman Mr. Gokhale favored Baniya Gandhi but Gandhi favored North India's Brahmans. North India's pilgrimage Kashi or Banaras is revered as head quarter of Hinduism owned by Brahmans. Possibly that's why only Ram's devotee Gandhi chose all northern Brahmans, to dominate first ministry of freed India though Mr. Nehru was not competent like untouchable Dr B.R. Ambedkar. It will not improper to mention here that this so called Mahatma actually was a great pretender sympathizer of India's untouchables. If he had chose Dr B.R. Ambedkar as first P.M. of India, it could have been a first revolution of its type, and Gandhi could have been stamped as greater revolutionist than only 200 years Negroes slavery ender Mr. Abraham Lincoln and others. Wherever monarchy or well settled and well established ones are gelatinized or uprooted and finished through revolution, there the nationals become strongly united, making the nation strong and progressive, like all strong and advanced European countries. If we revere Brahmans next to god, if Vedas are claimed oldest, then Brahmans' Bhrugu Sanhita also is more trustworthy than any other horoscopic predictions. That Vedic Bhrugu Sanhita has no mention of any powerful ruler of India of this age. If it was there situation or story encasher Brahmans could have placed and imposed it on we fools. Modi's chest is seen shrinking now. Brahman Chanakya Vishnu Sharma overturned great empire of king Nand with help of Nand' illegitimate heir, over issue of ego. Brahmans has only plus quality than others and that is their most cunningness. They are not going to wash out their dream of becoming Indian ruler by carrying OBC Modi's importance. Last counting is already started in RSS' Chanakya Mandali. This giant majority in Parliament is the only chance for them to fulfill their dream of becoming India's rulers. Otherwise also being smart predictor they can’t overlook possibility of coming again on no 2 of their M.P.s. These original Iranis Brahmans do not bother to use useless or their most hated too material, in support of their stand. Of course they do not hesitate too repent also, when abused, keeping us ever fooled Indians more confused or Badhir. .


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