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<$>A NIT student untouchable girl with required appropriate marks, found hanging, when her case is pending in judicial court <%>Its very sad on part of peoples, who suffered dirty torturing for last thousands of years, yet had never thought of such drastic step. Peoples who enjoyed abnormal benefits & perks of caste system, have increased cases of suicide in them over only 60-65 years of deserved social reservations offered to thousands of years' over all suppressed untouchables & few favored parasites above them. Untouchable Indians remember Darvins' law of "fit to survive". You are only among all natives, who survived this long without mercy of foreign' Brahmans, or on their foot washed water, which is like tonic to Brahmans' body guards made stock. Never think of committing suicide. Wait till your thousands of years' torturers but now badly depressed peoples finish themselves by committing suicide. If Yogis are praising dirty caste system then if guest Muslims snatched Pakistan from your homeland, then being badly suppressed natives you to deserve reserved land like Americas' never tortured native Red Indians. Was not it better if instead of using you untouchables as free slaves & treating you in most heinous inhuman ways in your home land India, foreign Aryan breed's Brahmans had earned wealth more than their tax like Dakshana, had sold you out of India? You had more chances to become rich knights of Gulf' Sultans & President too of boss nation USA, like Negroes Slaves' Obama. Plz do not surrender to these bastard who punished a high court judge from you & intentionally ignoring the fact that when flow of a rivers is to be kept unblocked, removal of barriers at its origin only is not enough & care is to be taken to bar the established & abnormally habitual made blockers from blocking that flow on ahead' every stage, stopped promotions under reservation! Fuck Indian Judiciary!
# Friends, some well wishers from Brahmans & their next inferior upper class’, with their junior sub ordinate’ class’ from Hindus, accosted me for my anti Brahman stand on this platform. Let me apologize first for my naturally harsh became tones. But let me repeat it once again, that except Brahmans’ Peshava ruling wishing few but criminal like fast united ones, I am not at all against of all Brahmans, who are many times more than them but scattered like known qualities of all prudent & gentle men. Present Indian ruling political party BJP’ overall controller & so called social organization, RSS is child of such Peshava rule demanding Brahmans, exclusively owned & controlled too by them. Before proceeding further, let the world, which is being fooled by all Hindu Gurus & Babas, including Svami Vivekanand, swami Arbindo, Hare Rama Hare Krishna cult, to present Shri Shriravi Shankar & Baba Ramdev & Indian P.M. Modi etc. too, by glorifying Hinduism as a religion & hiding its dirt, religion wise status & connection of its anti Islam mask holder Hinduism’ owner & conductor Brahmans’ connections & relations with Islam’ founder prophet Mohammad. Brahmans only are of foreign Aryan breed among all native Indians. They are first intruders in India, before all Muslim & European raiders & rulers. From the beginning now also too, they are only 3, ½% of total Indians population. They too came from west Asia where all Abrahmic religions are born. They are related to Islam’ prophet Mohammed, remembering which they had rushed to help his grand son Hussein in his war at Karbala near Mecca & were honored by Hussein, naming them as Husseini Brahman. Irony is, they are wearing mask of hard anti Islam & are only cause of Hindus’ clashes & riots with India’ Muslims. Indian Supreme court has found that Brahmans’ found Hinduism is not a religion. It has declared it as mere life style or culture of Brahmans, imposed on Indians & world as a religion. They exclusively preserved headship & priests’ posts of Hinduism. Dividing only natives in 3 castes & making 1 topmost caste of exclusively them, they introduced 4 castes’ caste system of Hinduism, which is unique if all 3 groups of natives were made to believe them gods or agents of gods & to serve them free, providing all services like abnormal sex too, with all other provisions. Concept of human untouchablity is their unique invention, which they applied & imposed on natives’ bottom’ caste & made them dirt & untouchables to their other 2 castes’ natives too. These untouchables were placed out & away from any village or town. Job of cleaning village & carrying human dirt too to distant place on their heads for dumping, was made mandatory for them. Their shadow too on others’ lifeless belongings too was decided as sin, making that act punishable with punishments like removing their organs, putting melt lead in their eyes & nose & beheading. Brahman set trend of such dirty torturing of those decided untouchable peoples, is still seen observed joyfully by other natives.@@ Though other natives may be ignorant, but as a quality of mine of saluting impossible things, I have developed great respect too for Brahmans, for their imposed queer dominance on all Indians, though they are of only 3, ½% of population of total population of India. I hate their introduction of caste system with introduction of unique but queer abnormal concept of human untouchablity, but at the same time, appreciate their skill of imposing it & other ideas of them, on such foreign to them natives population, which is nearly 100 times more than them. I appreciate their skill of fooling the natives to believe them like gods or agents of gods & in mere exchange of chanting meaningless Mantras & fake blessings, inducing them to offer gifts, i.e. Dakshana & all other free services to them. In order to disallow their slave made native any chance to escape from their reins, imposed ban on sea journey of natives is too is a great but wily idea of them. To hide art of writing & scripting known only to them, from natives for thousands of years & till arrival of British is also a great job of them. With that skill only they scripted vulgar epics & Hindu religious books whose imaginary & clear immoral heroes are being revered by all non Brahman Indians. Indian courts have stated that Hinduism is mere life style or culture. Skillfully this reality too was hidden from natives by Brahmans, for near about last many thousands of years. Though it is accepted by political head of group of Brahmans, who are on my radar, still Brahmans do not wish to make it public & British’ literate natives too are seen dull to mind it. Above all these skills of Brahmans, I respect & appreciate their only quality of innovativeness & inventiveness, which help to make anybody bold too. They only among all natives only know that change is unending phenomenon while all natives resist changes. When many of them realized dirt of abnormally imposed dominance of small numbered Brahmans over 100 times’ larger numbered natives, & caste system introduced untouchablity, they did not hesitate to kick off Hinduism. They did not feel ashamed to follow Dr B. R. Ambedkar from untouchables, who still are tortured under rules of untouchablity by upper castes’ made colleague natives of them. They burnt Hinduism’ code of conduct defining & a Brahman Manu scripted book, Manusmruti, which is still most revered book for natives Hindus. They accepted Buddhism, whose prophet Lord Buddha is honored as one of incarnations of Hinduism’ main lord Vishnu & being most oldest than all religions’ prophet & native of this land, is not at all connected with Abrahmic religions & their Prophets like Brahmans are connected. Innovativeness & inventiveness are totally absent in native Hindus. Mark well I used word Hindus! Which means, except Hindu natives, converted natives have not remained dulls. I am against Brahmans of Peshava mind’ political group, who strongly wish to keep the natives dull like of the period of before arrival of British rulers, whereby they could push somewhat literate became natives illiterate & dull to enjoy free slavery of natives again, in natives’ motherland. Though that group has comparatively less Brahmans than others, from year 1925 they are strong united & well counseled of their mission. By Hinduism, its caste system with concept of human unique & inhuman untouchablity, invulnerable unity of natives, who are 100 times more than Brahmans, was torn & tattered systematically to divide them in thousands of castes & sub castes. That break of unity of natives in castes-sub castes & licensing a small group of 12, ½% to 20% only of natives to hold weapon under it, made other natives of inactive war spirit & India vulnerable. >..>6th dec.> Torturing > 5000 yrs compare 65 yrs
बम्मनोंके बॉडी गार्ड भडवो ब्राह्मण जैसे मोहम्मद पैगंबर के खानदानी खुनके है, वैसे तुम्हारे पुरखोंने बम्मनोंके पैर धुले पानी तीर्थ स्वरूप पीकर प्राप्त ताकद और आशिष से हि तुम्हे पैदा किया है. खुद कि फटी गांड कि चिंता करो. बम्मन ने सर पर से हाथ निकाला तो भयभीत हो जाने वाले गांडूओं तुम्हारे बम्मनोंको मुस्लीम जमाई नीचे दिखाए है. यहा पे मुस्लीम विरोध दिखाते हो. असली बाप कि पैदास हो तो दिखावो उन मुसलमान जमाई और उनके ससुर बम्मन जो तुम्हारे बाप भी है उन दोनोंको एक भी गाली देकर.
#Bastard priests wrote 10k of books to claim Tajmahal as their temple=Chandra Mandir! Archeologist fucked them, proved it a tomb. # कितनी पटकि थी ताजमहल को चंद्रदेव का मंदिर दिखानेके लिये कपटी बडवोंने! पुरातत्व विभाग ने उसे कबर बताकर उन्हे गाड हि दिया.
नरेंद्र, नटवरलाल दोनो विष्णू अवतार के नाम. दुनिया कि चुतीया मे गिनती करके मोदी तो ठग नटवरलाल हि साबित होता है! Narendra is one name of Krshna like Natvarlal =defamed cheater. Modi too is Natvarlal if he too proved an all round fake.
वो भडवा दोष देता है उन मांओंको जो अस्पतालोंकी जिम्मेदारी समझती है उनके बिमार बच्चे बचानेकी! उसकी माने उसे रास्तेपे जन्म दिया था? That fucker blames poor, depending on doctors for cure of their child, had his mother birthed him on road?
Ignoring their over bursting size, traders & eunuchs suck all till they r dried, warriors don’t rush ahead, spare rivals too, if resistance ends.
Sure, they are taking me seriously. No, no I am not talking about my Modi devoted friends, who after reading my anti Brahmans’ RSS & its puppet P.M. Modi sermons, to collect guts to abuse & threaten to their wives, rush forward to try & compare their poor capacity with my par excellent skill. I am talking about Indian politicians, who are seen queuing up for abusing Brahmans found & owned Hinduism’ culture’ dirty caste system & are talking of extracting castism, after my longest chase of it. Yes after recipient P.M. Modi of my triple grand salute, next is P. Chidambaram only, who too abused that dirty, cruel inhuman caste system of Hinduism. I have already told that none of Indian politician, who on only base of majority & comparison wise their communities’ peoples well placed economical & social position, never bothered to discuss or think seriously about this issue, which weakened nation & invited intruders to raid & rule India for last 1200 years. On the occasion of independence day Modi first time abused his master Brahmans’ introduced Hinduism’ caste system & now after him first time Congress’ one ex minister Chidambaram has shown guts to abuse it in his article published in Marathi Daily Lok-Satta of 29-8-2017. I claim the credit of this changed mentality of politicians, who from bastard Mahatma Gandhi to so called indiscrimination abuser useless Communists & Naxalites too did not bother to offer importance. If instead of offering weapon licenses to abnormally loyal made natives, all other Indians too were authorized to oppose Muslim & European intruders, Emperors like Ashoka ruled & gold mines’ India was never supposed to be pushed in slavery. Now too India is weakest nation if overall equality is not established in Indians. Ironically orthodox Brahmans controlled Modi is seen first to abuse caste system; it is shameful for secularism claimant congress to abuse caste system so long late. No hope from OBC’ Yadava who though shepherds status’ are seen trying first their hard to show them warriors like Kshatriya, to claim Brahmans’ similarity later. They are reserved force of Brahmans like Brahmans made security guards Kshatriya. 1 True? 2 Half True?
पावसा बद्दल हवामान खात्याचे अंदाज खरे ठरु लागलेत. बाळासाहेबांच गव्हाच पोतं साखरेची पोती कुठल्या कार्यालयात पाठवणार? Meteorologist proved true about raining. Will Bal Thakre’ beloved wheat gunny bag offer sugar gunny bag as promised?

Modi’ aide Mr. Amit Shaha is imposing & boasting that P.M. Modi as wishva guru, i.e. Universal Preacher or knowledgeable Baba! Huh! Had he left his teacher wife after 3 years’ married life, if he had grasped sex’ knowledge, a specialty of all Babas & Gurus like Asaram & Ram-Rahim?
मोदि का चेला अमित शहा घुमते और डिंग मारते दिख रहा है कि मोदी विश्व गुरु है. स्साला कैसे दिन आये है? तीन साल तक टीचर पत्नी के साथ रहकर सेक्स का नॉलेज भी जमा ना कर पाया नाकाबिल, दुनिया के लोगोंको क्या घंटी का ज्ञान दे पायेगा?
GANDHI XX & XXGODASE #############*************** #Great Indian leader, father of India, Mr. Mahatma Gandhi, was murdered by one Mr. Nathuram Godase, who is from India’ Brahman community. Brahmans only are foremost India intruders & exclusively of Aryan breed in Indians. They found & masters Hinduism, which though was imposed on world & native Indians as a religion, is disclosed as culture or life style only, of Brahmans. Under religion imposed culture or life style of them, they introduced well known caste system of Hinduism. They divided natives in 3 main groups, each of which was further divided in several sub divisions. 3 main groups of natives are known as 3 castes of caste system, consisting of four main castes. Fourth caste is exclusively of Brahmans, who were imposed as gods or gods’ only agents on the natives. It is surprising to note that from the time of their entrance in India, till now they are only 3, ½% of total population of India. They knew art of writing, which till intrusion of Europeans in India, was never taught by them to natives kings too. Hence any vulgar too their scripted book was successfully could be imposed on natives as divine gift from gods, by them. They scripted thousands of stories & theories beneficial to maintain their impression or dominance as gods, whereby natives were made fast devotees of them & addicts of sipping their foot washed water for seeking their blessings. Such one book is known as Manusmruti, i.e. memories of one Brahman named Mr. Manu. Manusmruti is made most revered book for Hindus. Manu has laid code of conduct strictly binding on natives & changeable for Brahmans, as per demand of occasion. Surely then only Brahmans are seen developed to make or accept changes, while Manusmruti’ devotees made native have become rigid or frozen minds or mentalities, reluctant to make or accept any changes. Manusmruti has not imposed free slavery of Brahmans on natives only, but it has levied compulsory tax too on natives seeking Brahmans’ or gods’ blessings, through Brahmans. That tax is known as Dakshana, labelled smartly as offerings to gods & Brahmans. Astonishingly forms of such offerings to gods & Brahmans varied as per nature of demand of individual Brahman. Those offerings were not necessary to be in the form of money, wealth, land, home, temple or cattle only, but any type of laborious or physical services to Brahmans, too were labelled as Dakshana. Fortunately 2 only main castes & their sub castes were made eligible for offering such all round services to Brahmans. Once a Brahman preacher had demanded newly wed wife of one of such devote for 3 nights sex, which was naturally fulfilled by that wife looser devotee. Bottom’ caste’ natives are saved from this dirt, as they were decided untouchables like some dirt. They were labelled too as untouchables for Brahmans & ironically for their native colleagues too, of other 2 castes. From last 5000 years Untouchable peoples are treated in very dirty & cruel inhuman ways. Manusmruti has prescribed punishments like removing their ear, nose, limbs etc body parts & pouring melt lead in their ears & beheading for their so called offences of their mere appearances to Brahmans or for accidental falling too of their shadow on lifeless belongings too on any bastard too non untouchable. Recently one such bastard Non Brahman native named Rathod, had beaten one poor untouchable girl when her mere shadow fell on his lunch box. Bastards Brahmans’ attitude of maintaining their abnormal dominance & their poisoned environment was seen at its peak, when they first time were seen thrust a sword in their hands, by turning them from preacher rulers to warrior rulers, which is still unchanged. Gandhi’ murderer Godse is a vulgar & really poor Brahman, induced & deployed by some of agent Brahmans of that bastard Peshava. Fortunately nowadays, number of such Godse & agents of Peshava has remained very small in number in modern Brahmans. Many Brahmans abused Manusmruti & burnt it in open. Many accepted leading of untouchable Dr B.R. Ambedkar. Many followed him to kick Hinduism & to accept Buddhism. I respect Brahman veer Savarkar, as one of the true human Brahmans like Saane Guruji, other Brahmans and semi Brahmans, attached with dalit's achhoot leader, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's mission of making India truly caste less. Though veer Savarkar denied his link with Godase, and his act of murdering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, it is an open secret that Nathuram Godase was his child. Veer Savarkar had the quality of inspiring others. RSS's organizer Dr Baliram Hegadevar was also great admirer of Mr. Savarkar. At the hint of veer Savarkar and inspired by him only, RSS was formed by Mr. Hegadevar. Otherwise till then Mr. Hegadevar was not known, to many. He has no credit also of participation in any activities of freedom fighting. Recent post on Google+ of Godase and though indirectly but in favor of Godase, indicates that Godase was filled with tremendous anger against Mr. M.K. Gandhi. It is not cleared by this particular post, as to why Godase was so furious against Mr. Gandhi? One reason mostly discussed and propagated is Gandhi’s extreme favoritism toward Muslims. If it is rumored as the only reason of murder of Mr. Gandhi, by Godase, then I must say that either he or the creators of that rumor were fool, or are making others fool, taking false cover of patriotism or are psychics like Godase, who did this act of murdering Gandhi, hysterically. It is learnt that Godase was an educated person. Forget about his education, but he himself being from orthodox Brahmans and being veer Savarkar’s pet, he is supposed to be, must well acknowledged with veer Savarkar’s noting about Brahman’s mentality and behavior toward Muslims, from long past. Veer Savarkar has described in his books that, Brahmans from south India had developed practice of circumcise and convert their at least one male family member to Muslim, just for gaining benefit of fishing and sea transport business, as like Arab did. Those converted Muslims are known as Mopalas. These Mopalas had revolted against Hindu ruling in recent past, as being experienced nowadays in Kashmir, where once forcibly converted Muslim Kashmiri pandits (Brahmans) are creating trouble. Godase’s Brahman community had announced their blood link, with Islam founder Prophet Mohammed, and had rushed to help, his grand son Hussein, in his war for Throne, at Karbala, near Mecca in Middle East’s desert. These Godase’s Brahmans served every invaders of India. Godase must knew that, past Congress president and freedom fighter Mr. Baal Gangadhar Tilak’s research that, these Brahmans of India, are Aryans by breed and they were originally effused from North Pole. After effusing from North Pole they spread all over Europe. Before crossing our Sindhu River to enter in India, these Brahman’s last camp was in the west Asia, i.e. Middle East. In that desert three religions claiming Adam and Eave as originators of mankind were born. Prophets of all these three religions have claimed some or other relation with god. God is believed as well doer. They believe in existence of Shaitan or Satan also, who troubles. These all three desert born religions were born very later after native Indian Prophet of Buddhism religion, Lord Buddha introduced Buddhism. Lord Buddha has not claimed any relation with any unknown God and Satan. Lord Buddha was a king of his kingdom; he did not acquired kingdom, caliphate or lord ship, after being known as Prophet. Most importantly he was not Brahman i.e.Aryan, by breed. Brahmans are not witnessed as warrior or kings, till Maratha’s Great King Shivaji first made them to fight and posted as Peshava, in past Indian history. They served all European Christian and Muslim invaders dedicated. They were so dedicated that one Brahman named Kulkarni, had attacked to kill Maratha great king Shivaji also, while protecting Muslim’s Mughal Aurangzeb’s knight Afzal Khan. Brahman Pandit Neharu has intentionally defamed Shivaji as robber, to glorify Rajputs of Rajasthan, though these boasters of culture of SATI and JOHAR had physically and mentally surrendered to invader Muslim rulers, by offering many Hindu princesses like JODHA to Muslim king Akbar and others. Is not this behavior of so called brave and kingly Rajputs of India matching with pimps, and neighboring state Gujarat’s Banyas? Great Shivaji, along with his minor prince Sambhaji, had escaped brilliantly from Muslim Mughal Aurangzeb’s extremely tight custody and travelling long way from Agra, had reached safely in Maharashtra, with his minor prince Sambhaji. Muslim Mughal Aurangzeb’s knight Afzal khan was a mountain and double in height than Shivaji. He had planned to kill Shivaji, by stabbing with a dragger hidden in his person cunningly, while hugging Shivaji by notifying him as his colleague’s son. But great smart Shivaji foiled his plan, and killed that mountain of man Muslim Afazalkhan alone. Not necessary to mention that Shivaji killed that Brahman body guard of Muslim Afazalkhan also, though Brahmans were protected from killing, as per so called Hindu’s Dharma Shastras. When Brahmans did not hesitate to circumcise and convert to Muslim just for gain from sea trade, when they helped Muslim Hussein in his war for Throne in middle east, calling and priding themselves as Husseini Brahmans, when they served dedicated to Muslim rulers (Christians also), and tried to kill Great Shivaji for Muslim, how Godase’s anger against Gandhi can be held as right or reasonable too, if Baniya i. e. trader, Gandhi favored Muslims? Veer Savarkar’s noted observations of Brahmans indicates, they are and were great pretenders in India. When their one family member, voluntarily converted as Muslim Mopala, had not bothered to eat cow’s meat at the time of baptism of Muslim, their government now ban beef eating to, may be forcibly converted Muslims too. When they, objected re conversion of Kashmir’s Muslim to their original identity of Kashmiri Pandits, i. e. Hindus in the past, now they enjoy arranging GHAR WAPSI, i.e. poor Muslims re conversion to Hinduism. By this clear picture of Muslim favoring Brahmans, orthodox Brahman Godase’s stand for anger against Gandhi, just because of his favoring Muslim, totally collapses and foolish. It was his decisive pretention only, or it intentionally is being propagated as such. He, or the propagators are trying to fool the nationals and hence to the nation. Was he psychic? His life history doesn’t say so. More than Gandhi, Godase’s Brahmans helped Muslims. More than not Gandhi only but more than all native Indians also, these first invader batches of Aryans, i.e. Brahmans are closely linked with the Muslims. After discarding Godase ’s claimed reason for his act of murdering Gandhi, blaming him favoritism toward Muslims, now it become necessary to find about true reasons of Godase’s cowardice act of killing that aged Baniya Gandhi, by scanning Godase’s mentor’s policies and fixed targets. Godase’s mentor, Veer Savarkar, and by product of his inspiration RSS’s history, activities, open or hidden targets and aims, then naturally come on anvil, as alone Godase was not at all capable of planning such historical murder and its compliance. As observed above, though one Brahman Arya Chanakya is clamed to be as king maker, i. e. maker of Emperor Chandragupta, (as like Maharashtra’s one of orthodox Brahman’s so called saint, Samarth Ramdas is being imposed, as teacher or mentor of Maratha’s great king Shivaji, though history is different), Brahmans were not known as kings or warriors in Indian History. Otherwise also if, as per Hindu’s holy books like Manusmruti and total Vedas, they were entitled to claim any thing from any body, for their livelihood, they had no binding of fighting for something or plough their gifted fields too. Great king Shivaji first time made them warrior, though he had bad experience from one of their quality, at the time of killing Muslim knight Afazalkhan. Brahmans were posted as Peshava in Shivaji’s kingdom, which as per their treacherous nature doomed that only Maratha kingdom. That taste of ruler ship opened, new field for their dominance, in addition to, totally their dominated field of religious rites. No doubt Brahmans were proved brilliant, as they only created unique caste system of India. By that caste system, these primary Indian invaders cunningly divided the different DNA holder natives of India, in rank wise slaves. By this imposed caste system, India’s original natives were made slaves of caste system’s topper Brahmans, for totally free, and for all types of services, including unnatural sex also. Godase is being treated as hero by mostly Brahmans and their obsessed few native Indians. Veer Savarkar has described Brahmans mentality by the example of Brahman converted Mopalas. It indicates indirectly, their selfish, opportunists and pretender’s qualities. For last five thousands of years Brahman enjoyed all the benefits and perks of this Indian caste system. This caste system which made the natives slaves, in their own country, is mentioned as per so called Holy books of Hindus, which are still revered by every native Hindu Indians strictly. Brahmans had already started to fuck these holy books, when they converted their family’s male person to Muslim as Mopalas for mere gain. They have fucked these Hindu Holy books when many of them, like Pandita Ramabai, Rev. Tilak, converted to Christian voluntarily. They have fucked these Hindu holy books by settling in foreign countries first before all, by breaking rule of banned sea crossing. They fucked Hindu Holy books by eating cow’s meat also, after becoming chefs in continental hotels, and after marrying Muslim or Christian as groom or brides. Can it be stated strongly that, these all Hindu holy books are scripted by any non Brahman or by original Indian natives? How any non Brahman group of native human Indian, will wish to bind him self voluntarily as free slave for these invader Brahman? If some non Brahman native still believes that these Hindu holy books are scripted by god, then he deserves and is bound to be fucked by Brahmans as before, from last five thousand years. Reason of killing of Baniya Gandhi by Godase can not be labeled as killing of any law breaker’s also, though it is born practice of all blood suckers Baniya, as Godase or all Brahmans were not known against such law breakers. Then only reason of killing Gandhi can be guessed and traced, is the starting of freedom fight. This air of fight for freedom was initially blown or created by Brahmans on war field, after fall of Brahman rani Laxmi, and after humiliating fall of peshava’s regime. Then most educated Brahmans, who had turned their loyalty to British, after fall of Muslim rulers, along with Parsees, joined Indian national Congress with the aim of freedom sighting British’ defeats, after 2nd world war. This Indian national Congress was formed by British Madame Query. Brahmans, especially from Maharashtra who had then tasted ruler ship, and learnt lesson of real patriotism and self respect from Maratha Great king Shivaji’s son Sambhaji, wanted alone their dominance again in India, though Baniya Gandhi also had cunningly favored Nehru, Shastri, Rajendra Prasad etc majority of Brahmans in the first ministry of India, after sighted departure of British. It is astonishing that, though these Brahmans were not known as opposing to any invaders, or opposing to conversions carried out by the invaders, they had managed to maintain their dominance over the remaining native Hindus, constant as before. Brahman Shankaracharyas of all Pithas (seats), were revered in same manners by the natives, as they were before intrusion of invaders. These Brahmans of Maharashtra, who only, from all Brahmans of India had tasted experience of ruler ship, do not wish to come out from that mentality. They wished to reestablish their dominance, as it was in Peshava’s ruling. Brahmans from other parts of India had also dominance in Hindus, but limited for religious matters. They were contended with that limited dominance also, as they were entitled to demand any thing from all native Hindus and had not to do any laborious job for their livelihood. Many of them were very near and dear to Baniya Gandhi, but none of them dared to challenge or abuse this Baniya Gandhi, like Maharashtra’s Brahmans and their charmed natives. So behind the murder of Gandhi fierce ambition of Brahmans, of regaining the rulers post also, in addition to the posts of religious posts, can be the only reason. It is noticeable that, though Brahmans in the past Indian history never had sword in their hand, and still so called Hindu religion was protected and saved. This Hindu religion and its heads Brahmans both were protected and saved by these natives, who were in real free slaves to Brahman. Brahmans boast of making Emperor Chandragupta as king. It may be true if laborious work like furrowing their own farm was also done by natives, to fight and spill their blood for their only imposed Hindu religion was hardly impossible thing for them. What did these native gained by these Brahmans? Only blessings of these Brahmans who were next to god or mediator of god were the gifts to these natives, who served these Brahmans. To ask to these natives as, why they were never offered the posts of Shankaracharya of any minor Pith (chair) also, though they protected Brahmans and Hindu religion, or though they spent most of their life’s period in praising gods and Brahman, will be labeled as a silly question. Asking same question to the lowest rankers, i.e. untouchable scheduled caste dalit, is beyond imagination. If for name sake it is taken granted that, Nathuram had a fierce anger against Gandhi which resulted in his murder, then to kill Gandhi was the first right of Indian untouchables fro lowest rank of Indian castism. More than this Brahman Godase, Indian untouchables Dalits had reason to kill this Baniya Gandhi, as he had cheated by opposing Hindu code bill. And untouchable dalits had proven guts and spirit also, when their India’s only untouchable’s army unit, Mahaar Battalion’s five hundred soldiers had defeated twenty five thousands’ army of Maratha Peshava. But they did not want to dirt their hands by killing that Baniya Gandhi. They had full faith in their untouchable leader, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, i.e. Dr B.R. Ambedkar, who had saved life of that Baniya, instead of allowing him to die, like he saved India, by accepting Indian natives religion, Buddhism instead of middle east’s 3rd rank religion Islam, though he was tried to be bribed for that. On this observed back ground Nathuram’s act of killing an aged helpless and useless Baniya Gandhi must be labeled as heinous. Nathuram and his planners behind the curtain are definitely condemnable!
लिख के रखो, लोगोंको अनजान ऐसे दिन द्याल उपाध्याय का नाम भी मोगल सराई नामके युपी के रेल्वे स्टेशन को दिया जा सकता है. हिडीस पद्धतीसे अपने छोटे भाई कि पत्नी के साथ के घीनौने रिश्ते के लिये उसी छोटे भाई प्रवीण महाजन के गोली का शिकार बना प्रमोद महाजन भी उसके नामसे बनाये गये एक उद्यान के जरीये संस्मरणीय बनाया जा सकता है. उसकी लडकी पूनम महाजन को खासदार बनानेके साथ साथ अभाविप और युवा बीजेपी कि अध्यक्षा भी बनाया जा सकता है. उसके गर्दुल्ले और येडे बेटे राहुल को और उसके साथ गर्द कि नशा करते वक्त, प्रमोद महाजन और संशयास्पद रीतीसे कार एक्सिडेंट के मय्यत गोपीनाथ मुंढे, इन दोनोंके पैसे जमा करने वाला और उसका विनिमय करने वाला संजय मेता कि शायद वोही बेनामी जमा कि गयी संपत्ती के कारण संशयास्पद रितीसे हुई जाहीर मौत को प्रमोद कि और बदनामी टालने के लिये बेमालूम छुपाया जा सकता है. आगे चलकर सारे अर्धनारीनटेश्वर ब्राह्म्नोंको भी इस तरह संस्मरणीय बनाया जा सकता है. उनके येडे, बेवडे बच्चीया और बच्चोंको भी सुस्थापित किया जा सकता है, पर कोई गैर ब्राह्मण सवर्ण तो छोडो पर सेमी ब्राह्मण बालासाहेब ठाकरे जैसे जागतिक कीर्तिमान व्यक्तिमत्व का भी किसी सडक छाप ब्राह्मण के सामने बडा दिखना ब्राह्मणी RSS को मंजूर नही. डाल रहे है ना हजार रोडे उनका स्मारक न बने इसके लिये? उनकी व्याधीओंपर इलाज करने के बहाने जिस कथित वैद्य बालाजी तांबेको षडयांत्रि RSS ने उनके नजदीक किया था, उस बालाजी तांबे का तो RSS निश्चित हि स्मारक करेंगी. उन्होंने बालाजी तांबे के मानो शरणागत हि बने ऐसे बुद्धिमान बालासाहेब ठाकरेजी को यह भूलने पे जैसे मजबूर हि किया था कि हिन्दुत्व के मालिक और चालक केवल ब्राह्मण हि थे, है, और कायम रहेंगे. वे चाणाक्ष कपटी ब्राह्मण यह वास्तव अच्छी तरह जानते थे कि भले बाळासाहेब उनके जमा किये हर धर्म, हर पंथ और अस्पृश्य जाती के मावळेको भी भले कितने भी गर्वसे चील्लाने के लिये मजबूर करे कि वे हिंदू है, तो भी हिंदू धर्म के मलिक बालासाहेब जैसे अर्ध ब्राह्मण नही तो ब्राह्मण हि रहेंगे और उसीके तहत उनके भी साथ उनके बावले मावले भी ब्राह्मनोंके याने ब्राह्मनोंकी RSS के हि अंकित रहेंगे. ब्राह्मनोंकी निजी प्रोपर्टी RSS कि अंकित BJP ने यह काला वास्तव बालासाहेब जैसे चालाक और प्रभावी नेता को भी भूलने लगाया था, और उन्हे वश हि नही तो उन्मादित भी किया था. उन्मादी बनाना यह विशेष खासियत है ब्राह्मनोंकी, जो बालासाहेब सेमी ब्राह्मण होने से उनमे और उनके वंशजोंमे अंशतः हि उतरी दिखती है. कहा वे प्रभावित कर सके थे उनके उन गैर अस्पृश्य सवर्ण चेलोंको, जो उनको केवल मुजरा करने के हद तक हि उनके सामने लीनता दिखाते थे, पर ब्राह्मनोंके तो पैर धुले पानी को भी तीर्थ मानकर पिने का भक्ती भाव जगाते थे. <$> लाडाकू शिवसेना मंदिरो मे भक्तोंसे और महालोंमे रामागडीयों से बदन रगड के लेने के सुख के रोगी बने लोगोंके जोर पर खडी करना मुश्कील हि नही तो सर्वस्वी नामुमकीन हि था. उसे उन्ही सर्व जाती धर्म के मिल मजदूर, घरेलू कामगार और मोल मजदुरी करके रास्ते पे या खुले मे डेरा बसाने वाले कुणबी रामागडी और अस्पृश्य लोगोंने खडी कि है, जो तुरंत उसी रास्तोंपे बालासाहेब कि एक आवाज पर पत्थर लेके खडे होते थे, और कभी काभार हि अपना धर्म और जात याद करते थे. यह वास्तव है, जिसे बालासाहेब भूल जाने पर उनके प्रेमी उनकी हयात मे हि दूर हि नही गये तो दुरसे भी उनकी और उनके वंशजोंकि भी निंदा करते देखे गये है. <$> हमारे पिताजी और हम भी पुरे भारत मे आदर्शवत पुरुशोंकि जन्मभूमी है इसलिये अभिमान के लिये आदर्श ऐसे महाराष्ट्र के मराठी महाराष्ट्रीयन है. संयुक्त महाराष्ट के लिये जॉर्ज फर्नांडीस जैसे केरला वालेने भी साथ दि है, इसलिये उनके भी कृतद्न्य रहने जितने सुविचारी भी है. बालासाहेब जिस धेय्य से शिवसेना स्थापित कि थी वो ध्येय मुंबई मे हम जिस रेल अधिकारी निवासस्थान मे रहते थे, उस माटुंगा मे मद्रासी और कन्नडीग उस वक्त कुछ जादा हि उन्मत्त हुए थे, जो आज उनके पापी पेट के सवाल से वैसे नही रहे है. शायद एकमेव शिस्त प्रिय और उनके राज्योंसे जादा सुरक्षित ऐसे मराठीयोंका महाराष्ट्र उन्हे हि नही तो सारे भारत वासीयोंको किसी संपूर्ण शिस्तबद्ध फोरेन कंट्री का परवडनेबल ऑप्शन लगता होगा. हमारे घरसे मुंबई का शिवाजी पार्क का मैदान कुछ फर्लांग दो फर्लांग भर कि हि दुरीपे था, जहा बाळासाहेब कि सभा सुनने हमारे पिताजी हमे बाल उम्र मे भी लेके जाते थे. उसी प्रभाव मे रेल कॉलनी मे राजकीय पक्षीय एकटीव्हीटी मना होने पर भी हमारे नेतृत्व मे हमने अनधिकृत शिवसेना शाखा बनाके वैसा फलक भी हमारे घर के सामने के पेड पर टांग दिया था. दुसरे हि दिन वो फलक सतर्क दाक्षिणात्य रहिवासीयोंने RPF कि मदतसे मानो गायब हि कर दिया, यह बात अलग. मोरारजी के वक्तव्य पर हुई दंगल मे पत्थरबाजी करनेवाले मेरे १९-२० वर्षीय मामा और हम दोनोंके कानोंके बीच से सनसनाती गयी और पिछेवाली दिवार पर बडा छेद करने वाली बंदुक कि गोली कि आवाज हम आज भी भूल नही पाये है. शायद हुतात्माओंकी लिस्ट मे हमारे मामा या हमारा नाम होता हि था, गर उस गोली पे हम दोनोंमेसे किसी एक का नाम होता था तो. <$> कहने का मतलब यह है कि एक वक्त के हम भी कट्टर शिवसैनिक हि थे. और उसी आत्मीयता कि भावना के तहत हमने बाळासाहेब और शिवसेना के बारेमे लिखना चाहा. <$> कहना यह चाहते है कि जिस बालासाहेब कि मदतसे बीजेपी २ से २ सौ से जादा बन पायी, उन्हे हि वे सेमी ब्राह्मण याने अर्ध ब्राह्मण वा उप ब्राह्मण होते हुए भी जब ब्राह्मण RSS-बीजेपि उनका नमो निशाण भी मिटाने कि सोच रही है, तो वो मरणोपरांत उसके सवर्ण नेताओंको क्या ट्रीटमेंट देगी? उपर बताया वैसे हीन मृत्यू प्राप्त प्रमोद महाजन का जैसे उसने स्मारक बनाया, वैसे उसने उसके एकनिष्ठ और जाने माने मयत अस्पृश्य कार्यकर्ता श्रीमान मोतीराम लहाणे या भिकू इदाते के स्मारक क्यू नही बनाना चाहा? क्यो नही एकमेव दलित माजी बीजेपी अध्यक्ष श्रीयुत बंगारू लक्ष्मण का कोई स्मारक उन्होंने बनाया? क्यो नही पूनम और राहुल महाजन जैसे इन अस्पृश्य नेताओंके वारीसोंको भी कही पे सुस्थापित किया? बंजारा मुंढे को तो मारा तो मारा, पर उसकी लडकीयों को राजनीती मे पूनम के मुकाबले नगण्य हि स्थान दिया है. और उसके कोई स्मारक बनानेकि तो कोई चर्चा भी नही है. ऐसा क्यो? स्वाभिमानी अस्पृश्यो, गर ऐसे हि तुम्हे नगण्य माना जाता दिखता है, तो थू तुम्हारे कोई भी स्थान पर जो तुम्हे RSS ने मतलब से उसमे और बीजेपी मे दिये है उसपर. गंवार साक्षी महाराज का कोई सवाल नही. पर मां उमा भारती और गोविंदाचार्य आप तो सुविद्य है. आप भी आपका RSS मे क्या स्थान है और देशकी सामाजिक विकृतीया और परिस्थिती बदलनेके लिये आपको क्या अधिकार दिये है RSS ने, यह विचार करनेके नाकाबिल या निष्क्रिय बनाये गये हो क्या? तुम्हारे पूर्वज तो ब्राह्मनोंने सवर्नोंके जैसे उनके पैर धुले पानी को तीर्थ स्वरूप मानके पिने के लिये और उतनेहि करीबी बनाये थे वैसे भी तो करीब नही किये थे. ब्राह्मनोंको जाती बनानेका और उन्हे काम बांटनेके अधिकार किसने दिये यह सवाल गर मेरे दिल मे उठते है, तो तुम्हारे दिमागोंमे क्यू नही उठते? चंद लोगोंको हि शस्त्रधारण करनेके लाईसेंस उन्होंने दिये थे, इसलिये दूर आफ्रिका से खरीदे गुलामोंके ताबोंमे भी अपने सैन्यकी कई टूकडिया देकर आक्रमण करने आने वाले शत्रू के पर सारे भारतीय एक दिलसे उठ खडे और शस्त्रसज्ज होकर शत्रुसे भिडने कि बजाय वे केवल वे साडेबारा टक्के के बेचारे लाईसेंस धरीयोंको हि, ब्राह्मनोंने उन्हे दान कि हुए क्षत्रियत्व कि शान और महत्व अबाधित रखने हेतू हि मजबुरन मरने को जाना पडता था. इसलिये तो पूर्वापार सुसंस्कृत सोनेकी चिडिया ऐसे भारत मे ब्राह्मनोंके खून और मुल मुल्क से जुडे पश्चिमी आशियायी लोग और धर्म १२०० साल भारत को पारतंत्र्य मे रख पाए. क्या चीन और पाकिस्तानने लढाई छेडी तो १ केवल क्षत्रिय हि लढने जायेंगे? कि २ वैश्य और क्षत्रिय मिलकर लढेंगे? या ३ ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय और वैश्य ये तीनो हि लढेंगे? या ४ अस्पृश्योंकि महार बटालीयन के साथ साथ सारे भारतीय मिलकर शत्रू को धूल चखाएंगे? या ५ शूरवीर गोराक्षक हि हमारी सीमा रक्षा के लिये काफी है? .
@पी.एम. मोदी और बम्मनोंकी RSS/BJP बावले भक्त लकड बग्गे जैसे टूट हि पडते उन पर जो उनके पोलखोल कि मामुलीसी भी बात करते है, या उसे पोस्ट करते है तो. RSS मे दंडा नचानेके साथ साथ उनको गालीया भी सिखाया जाता है कि क्या ऐसे उनके गालीयोंके अग्नीत प्रकार और स्टाईल देख कर लगता है. १६-१७ सालके लौन्डोंके साथ साथ छोरीया भी भद्दी गलीया और उन्हे भी मालूम ऐसी खोखली धमाकीया देते है यार! उनको स्तोत्र और स्तवन सिखानेके लिये हि ब्राह्मनोंने RSS कि स्थापना कि है. पर ये गालीया सिखानेका काम निश्चित रूपसे साक्षी महाराज व उमा भारती जैसे अछूत, ओबीसी ऐसे गैर ब्राह्मनोंको हि सौंपा गया होगा. वैसा होगा तो अच्छा हि होगा. साले जीन अस्पृश्योंको पिडना हि जिने ५००० सालोंसे सिखाया गया है, उन्ही अछूत साक्षी महाराज और ओबीसी उमा भारती जैसे गैर ब्राह्मनोंके सामने, ब्राह्मनोंके पैर धुले गंदे पानी को भी पवित्र तीर्थ मानकर पिने के ब्राह्मनोंने करीब करके रोगी बनाए कुछ लोग कमसे कम गालीया सिखने के बहाने तो झुकते होगे ऐसे सुखद विचारोंसे अच्छा लगता है. धडा धड झुटी पोस्तोंका वे मारा हि करते रहते है. एक गहन सवाल यह उठता है दिल मे कि उनके ऐसे पेड (paid) पोस्तोंके मुआवजे उन्हे कौनसे अकौंटोंमेसे पेड होते होंगे? १ भारतीय बेंकोंसे २०-२० हजार करोड रु. के वापस नही करने कि छुट देकर अंबानी, अदानी और बिर्ला जैसे बहुत सारे बनियोंको दिये हुए कर्जोंके अकौंटोंमेसे? या २ सुषमा स्वराज व महाराणी वसुंधराराजे सिंदिया इन पंतप्रधान मोदी नियुक्त गेशा याने जपानी hosteses के आलिंगनो और शान के साथ भारत से भागने दिये गये विजय मल्ल्या और IPL के ललित मोदी के अकौंटोंमेसे? कि ३ अपनी पत्नी से नाजायज रिश्ते से संतप्त छोटे भाई प्रवीण महाजन ने गोली से उडा दिये प्रवीण महाजन ने स्पेक्ट्रम घोटाले मे लुटे अमाप संपती से बावले और गर्दुल्ले चरसी बने राहुल, जो कि प्रवीण महाजन का इकलौता बेटा और अभाविप कि अध्यक्षा बनाई गयी पूनम महाजन का भाई है, और जिसके साथ गर्द कि नशा करते संजय मेता नामका प्रमोद और उसके जिजा गोपीनाथ मुंडे का जॉइंट मनी कलेक्टर मरता हुवा लोगोंने टी व्ही पर देखा था, उस राहुल महाजन के अकौंटमेसे? या ४ व्यापम घोटाले के सर्गना M.P. के C.M. शिवराजसिंघ चव्हान के अकौंटसे या ? ५ RSS /बीजेपी के लाखो छुपे अकौंटोंमेसे ? या ६ सारे मंदिरोंके अकौंटोंमेसे? या ७ इन सभी अकौंटोंमेसे?
दुनिया मे हर एक धर्मने अपने हर अनुयायी कि पहचान के लिये कुछ ना कुछ बाहरी या शारीरिक निशानीया और विधिया अनिवार्य कि है. ज्यू और मुस्लीम धर्मीयोंके लिये सुंथा या खतना कि विधी अनिवार्य है, तो इसाईयोंमे बप्तीस्मा अनिवार्य है. हमारे ब्राह्मनों जैसे पारसीयों मे भी जनुआ पेहेनना आवश्यक है. हमारे ब्राह्मण मुंज कि विधी के बाद हि उनके लडके द्विज कहलाए जा सकते है ऐसे कट्टर धर्म संकेत उनके लिये विहित किये है. संयोगवश ज्यू, इसाई, मुस्लीम और पारशी धर्मानुयायी मूलतः पश्चिमी आशियाई है. इसलिये निसंदेह ऐसी धार्मिक पेहचान निर्माण करनेके रिवाज वहाके लोगोंके दिमागी साम्यता कि हि देन है. और गौर करे तो उनके प्रेषितोंके, जो पेशेसे सर्वसामान्यतः मवेशी हि थे, उनके अपने धर्मानुयायी कि ऐसी पेहचान बनाने कि उनकी पद्धती उनके गाय बैलोंके पेहचान के लिये उनके पुठ्ठोंपे दागे या छापे रंग या क्रमांक या निशानी से या उनके गलोंमे बांधे पट्टे के रंग, बनावट या घंटीयोंकी संख्या यां ड लेकीन यह सच है. को उनके
मेरे प्यारे मित्र मोदिजी (बराक ओबामा, कारगिल, उरी, पठाणकोट के अलावा जहा जहा मौका मिले ठोकने वाला नवाझ शरीफ और डोकलाम मे गांड पे लाथ मारनेवाले शक्तिशाली चीन के प्रेसिडेंट जैसी उससे कही गुना उच्ची और परकीय हस्तीयोंको गर हमारा गांडा भाई मोदी प्रिय दोस्त कह सकता है, तो प्रजासत्ताक भारत के सन्मान्य मतदाता होने के नाते मोदी को मित्र बोलनेके अधिकार हर भारतीय को भी है ना? और वे भी तो हमे संबोधते दोस्तो मित्रो यारो{?} कहते है ना?) आप भारत कि धरोहर का प्रवचन रचाने वाले है ऐसा आपने हाल हि मे कही कहा है. याने क्या करने जा रहे है, यह समज मे नही आ रहा है. चाय के धंदेसे उपर आये हो इसलिये खमण ढोकला या भावनगरी ऐसी चाखणे मे खाई जाने वाली चीजे भी तो बनाने नही जा रहे हो, यह भी विश्वास है. साला ब्राह्मण नही होते हुए भी मुंबई के नामचीन मराठी स्कूल मे ८ वि कक्षा कि संस्कृत परिक्षा मे १००% मार्क लेकर एक ब्राह्मण संस्कृत शिक्षक और व्हाईस प्रिन्सिपॉल श्री कात्रेकर के दावा किये और लाडले विद्यार्थी से ५ जादा मार्क हासील किये थे, इसलिये गुस्सैल हुए कात्रेकर ने मेरे १० मार्क रद करके उपरसे अपनी मर्जीसे छडी का प्रसाद भी दिया था, फिर भी आपके जैसे धरोहर जैसे शब्द आपसे पहले मेरे पढने मे तो छोडो पर कानों पर भी नही पडे थे. आप और ट्रिपल XL मित्र अमित शाह टाइगर को डर के मुंबई मे नही आते है, इसलिये अब शायद फिरसे संकृत छाननी पडेगी या तो किसी हाफ चड्डी वाले काले टोपी के शरण मे जाना पडेगा ऐसा लगता है. दाद देनी पडेगी आपके मालीकों की सही सही कॉपी करने के आपके अप्रतिम अनुकरण क्षमता कि. ओबीसी घांची हो ना? उच्चवर्णीय सवर्ण ठाकूर योगी कि भी अनुकरण क्षमता फिकी है आपके सामने. क्षत्रिय शाहूमहाराज के बाद तो क्षत्रिय मानो जैसे खो हि बैठे वैसे स्वयंप्रज्ञ, स्वाभिमानी, निस्वार्थी और अछूत बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर कि उंचाई के तो छोडो पर उनके पालक रहे क्षत्रिय शाहूमहाराज के जैसे महान और अपने आप जिसके सामने अपने सिर झुक जाते है ऐसे आदरणीय व्यक्तिमत्व पैदा करनेकी क्षमता को. विषयांतर हो रहा है ना? आपका अनुकरण हि है. मुद्दा यह है कि कोई बातोंमे आपकि वह अनुकरण क्षमता ढिली पडती दिख रही है. जब आपके पालक राजमान्य राजश्री मोहन भागवत जी लंडन कि ठंड मे भी बिना सिकुडते और अपेयपान से गर्मी प्राप्त किये बिना गर्मिसे और गुर्मिसे कहते है कि हिंदू यह धर्म नही और एक जिने का रिवाज या संस्कृती है, तो आप उनकी कॉपी करना छोडके हिंदू यह धर्म हि है, ऐसे कहते रहते हो. अब उमर के हिसाबसे आदमी भुलक्कड होता है, यह बात ठीक है. पर आप आपकि पतंग को इतनी उंचाई पाने कि ढील देने वाले आपके मसीहा भागवत जी कि बात नही मान रहे है, इस बातका खेद जरूर है. भले आपके उमरके कुछ आदमी आपसे ढिले दिखते होंगे. पर सारी उमर भर उन्होंने उनकी पत्नीयोंके साथ अंगमेहनत कि है, जो आपने टाली थी यह बात भी तो नजर अंदाज नही कर सकते. सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने भी तो हिंदू यह जीवन शैली हि है ऐसा फैसला किया है. तो १ सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फैसले का अवमान कौन कर रहा है? १ गांडा भाई मोदी? या २ भारतीय ? ३ आदरणीय भागवत जी? <.> दोस्तो भारतीय बदल रहे है. सर्व्हे मे सभी लोगोंने मोदी के विरोध मे वोटिंग किया है.<+>
Mere pyare mitra Modi ji ( Barrak Obama aur gandpe laath marne vale China ke shaktishali president ko agar tea vendor Modi dost keh sakta he to is desh ka nagrik ke naate unko dost bolaneka aadhikar muze nahi kya?) Apne Bharat ki Dharohar ka pravachan rachane vale he esa yahi kahi me ne dekha.Woh Bharat ko Hindusthan kehte he. Sharam aani chahiye imandar kehlane vale kuttonki jaat ko agar unka malik kuch aur adesh de aur kutta bina aadeshit jagah par tang upar kare, jab Modi ji ke palak (guardian you know/) RSS chief Mohan Bhagvat khud keh rahe he ki Hindu yah dharam he hi nahi aur woh ek jine ka rivaz (culture) hi keval he to Mutthibhar abhi bhi khudko Hindu Dharmiya kehne vale buddhuonse jyada abadi vale Gair Hinduonke Bharat ko Hindusthan kehna yah to (plz do not mix it with brilliant & human Buddhism) malik virodh he he na? Kher chhodo. Unke Atulya Bharat ke dharohar ke karyakram me kuchh yogdan mera bhi chahiye, is hisabse jab woh ek ek kadi rachate jayenge, me bhi yogdan ke swarup mer samz ke mutabik mer art pesh karata rahunga. To pesh he mera pehla shatkar!(Fatkar mat samzo dusmano!)
To exhibit closeness & friendship with venomous cobra too, his masters are seen kissing on his mouth too. Nothing can be that dirty to avoid its touch, odor or shadow & imagining too, if every living creature too does not feel ashamed or hurt & dirtied, when it wipes out its stool too by using any part of its body. On the contrary to exhibit its feelings of enmity or friendliness with his race’ or strange creature too try to reach nearer. Falling of their shadow on each other is a natural phenomenon & trivial thing for them. But here in India touching par apart, but falling of shadow too of some peoples on their blood’ special made colleagues too is held as a great sin or crime. They are Shudras from hinduismAlong with touching such specials’ non live stuff shadow too on it of prefer either they choose to Any forehead
F शिवाजी महाराज के फौज मे सिदनाक, एसनाक नामके अछूत सरदार व अछूत सैनिक भी होते थे, जिनकी वफादारीसे महाराज खुश थे. ब्राह्मण पेशवा ने अछुतोंको शिवाजी के मराठा फौजसे हटा दिया था. पेशवा ने अंगरेझोंको भी उनकी सेना मे वे अछूतोंको भरती नही करे ऐसी गुंजाईश उनसे कि थी. सज्जन अंगरेझ उन विकृत पिल्लोंकि मानने वालोंमेसे भारतीय तो नही थे.<> गर पुने के भीमा कोरेगाव मे हुई पेशवा और अंग्रेझोंके फौजोंकी लढाई मे अंगरेझोंकि तरफसे लढने वाली अछुतोंके महार बटालियन के केवल ५०० अछूत सैनिक पेशवा के ब्राह्मण सरदार गोखले के हाथ के नीचे लढने वाले मराठोंके २८००० हजार सैनिकोंको गारद कर सके थे, तो पानिपत कि लढाई मे बम्मन पेशवा के हाथ के निचेकी मराठा फौजको पानी पिलाने वाले अब्दाली के फौजके मानो २८००० x ४ = ११२००० (एक लाख बारा हजार) भी सैनिक होते ते महार रेजिमेंट के केवल ५०० x ४ = २०००(दो हजार) अछूत भी अब्दाली कि फौज का बेडा पार कर हि देते थे. उनके बल पर साला पेशवा तो अंगरेझोंको भी मात दे हि सकता था और वहा दूर पानिपत मे पिछवाडे पे जो लाथ खाई, उससे उसका पिछवाडा फटनेसे भी बच जाता और फालतू मे कोई बडी फौज ले के जाने का खर्चा भी उसे उठाना नही पडता था. १ सही के २ नही?
(GOOGLE + से चुराके लाया माल) समीर जैन साब आप भी राजस्थानी हो. अभी अभी हाई कोर्ट जज के पदसे सेवानिवृत्त हुए एक राजस्थानी ब्राह्मण जज ने मोरनी मोरके कुछ भी शारीरिक कसरत के और निकटता के बिना, केवल मोरके आंखोंसे निकले आंसूओंके पानीसे गर्भवती रहती है, ऐसे जज कि पोष्ट का और ब्राह्मण होने के नाते जाती प्रथा मे हिंदूंके उन परम वंदनीय ब्राह्मनोंके अत्युच्च स्थान का गरिमा बढाने वाले अगाध ज्ञान से सारे भारतीयोंको प्रभावित किया था. ब्राह्मनोंको हि अछूत समझने वाले हमे भी बहुत सारे गैर अछूत हिंदू जन जैसे ब्राह्मण के पैर धुले पानी को पवित्र तीर्थ मानकर पिते है, वैसे उस ब्राह्मण जज साब के पैर धुले पानी को कमसे कम माथे लगाने कि तो इच्छा कुछ पल के लिये हो हि गयी थी. राजस्थान कि जितनी भी तारीफ करू उतनी कम हि होगी. सती और जोहार कि प्रथाओंका का कितना वो बोलबाला! यवन के हाथ नही लगे इसलिये राजस्थानी औरते जला लेती थी, ऐसा बताया गया है. तो अकबर जैसे मुसलमानोंको अपनी राजपुत्री, बहने और बिबिया देने वाले राजा जयसिंग जैसे राजपूत क्या राजस्थान के बाहर के थे ? मुसलमानोंके कट्टर दुश्मन होने के दावे करते है तो राजस्थान के हि बुंदी संस्थान के जो दो राजपुत्रोंने मुसलमान धर्म स्वीकार कर मुसलमान सरदार से मिलकर अपने सग्गे बडे भाई का खून किया था, उनमे क्या किसी भंगी का खून था? एक मुसलमान सरदार के अंकित वही के एक राजपूत संस्थानिक ने उसके चिकणे ब्राह्मण नौकर पर उस मुसलमान सरदार कि नियत फिर गयी तो उस चिकणे को उस मुसलमान सरदार को एक लौंडे के रूप मे तोहफे मे दे दिया था. तब क्या वो राजपूत भडवे या दलाल के खून का था? वोही चिकणा ब्राह्मण लौंडा आगे चलकर हिंदू अत्याचारी मुसलमान सरदार मीर काफिर बना था. राजस्थान सचमुच विरला हि है. भारत मे सबसे जादा अछूत अत्याचारोंके वारदात वही होते है. जहा दुश्मन का सेरा बांधे मुसलमानोंको वहा के उच्च वर्णीय शादी का सेरा भी पेहनाते अपने दामाद या जीजू बनाते है, वही अपने हि हिंदू अछुतोंको पिडते है. शायद राजस्थानी ब्राह्मण और उच्च वर्णीय मोर के जैसे हि पिता के कोई शारीरिक कष्ट और पत्नी से निकटता के बिना हि केवल आंसूओंसे बच्चे पैदा करके जो उनके शारीरिक श्रम और ताकद बचती है, उसे वे दलित अत्याचारोंमे लगाते होंगे. मारवाडी जो ठहरे. खून चुस कर सूद वसुलने मे सदा जादा व्यस्त रहते होंगे तो औरत कि तरफ देखने कि भी फुरसत नही मिलती होंगी उन बेचारे सूदखोरोंको. नशिबवान हो जैन साब जो आपका जनम भी उस निवृत्त प्रकांड पंडीत ब्राह्मण हाईकोर्ट जज के जैसा हि उस महान राजस्थान मे हि हुआ है और जिसके कारण उस महान ब्राह्मण जज के पैर धुले पानी को पिने भाग्य जो मुझसे जादा गम्य और सुलभ है!
@Save your teenager boys from abnormal’ rape, girls remain as woman with sympathy, but boys don’t remain as men with hatred. 1 Right? 2 Wrong ? Hey dud let him come in us no?
<||> TRIPPLE GRAND SALUTE <||> Indian P.M. Modi!  Bravo, after Untouchable decided Indian natives’ & world’ too undisputable greatest leader, Dr B. R. Ambedkar & his Brahman followers, who abused Hinduism, (which was & recently is found by Indian Supreme courts, as a mere culture or life style & not a religion as imposed falsely, from last nearly 5000 years of then first India intruder foreign origin’ ancestors of India’ Brahmans’ community) its dirty & inhuman caste system & burnt its most revered religious book Manusmruti, Indian P.M. Modi is proved as first native Indian, from all Non Brahman & Non Untouchable decided natives, who may be unknowingly or unintentionally but unfortunately for him in real, has abused that dirty caste system of that Hinduism, for which propagation & imposition as a greatest religion, he is seen working hard & touring continuously around the world, sidelining his prime duties as a premier of any nation toward its subjects, as an ambassador or devoted missionary. <||> Mind well Hinduism is a mere culture only & not a religion. <||> From last about 5000 years falsely or better to say cunningly, Hinduism culture’ introducer Brahmans have imposed & glorified it as a religion. Still Brahmans only master it, though they are not at all from native Indians & nearly 100 times smaller in numbers than natives. India’ Untouchables are natives separated by Brahmans from their colleagues, deciding them dirty to touch, for their colleagues too. Joke is, except any Brahman’ foot, those non untouchable decided natives too were not allowed to touch & wash any other part of body of any Brahman. It developed sense of being highly obliged & making them addict of sipping of that foot wash. Except some dull untouchable natives, all native Indians’ castes, including P.M. Modi’ & India’ kings’ blood claimants community too, who are nearly 100 times more than all Brahmans, revere all Brahmans like their gods or like only agents of god. They all are fast devotees of Brahmans of the dirtiest level of sippers of Brahmans’ foot washed water or liquid. Though Mr. Modi’ state of Gujarat is known as a state of non warrior, non gutsy & non kingly blood’ peoples, none from any caste’ of native non untouchables & native gutsy or warriors’ blood claiming peoples, including lord Krishna’ philosopher pretentious Yadavas too, till now have not proved themselves such gutsy like Modi. Irony is, on the base of majority only, these gutless proved non untouchable communities’ leaders are seen keen interested in taking Modi’ place. They want to rule Indians, boasting of making it strong. But proud of what so ever upper status offered to their castes than untouchables by handful Brahmans, they fool still do not wish to diagnosis & decide causes of past enslaved India by foreign rulers for last 1200 years. They project image of Israel in their speeches as model for India, but priding of own caste & its peoples, conveniently avoid thinking of all round equality among nationals, which is backbone of any strong nation like Israel. Actually now except BJP, which works on orders & instructions from solely Brahman owned social organization RSS, none of other political parties have appointed any Brahman as adviser, at least in open. RSS is founded with only intention of bringing Brahmans’ old abnormal dominance back, which was at its peak in ruling of Brahman Peshava, which is possible only with help of Hinduism & its mad obsessed natives. On this back ground, if Brahmans’ RSS’ such height’ raised Baniya Modi has spoken against caste system’ dirt, which is great insult of his master Brahmans’ owned Hinduism, then he only has traces of revolutionary or innovative blood, capable of making mass changes. Modi is first to pin point main hindrance in establishing overall equality of Indians, when in his notification published in Indian newspapers, he declared his intention of eradication of castism & castes from Indian society. <*> I don’t feel guilty at all, when I abused him & his most revered mentor & abnormal Peshavai mentality’ Brahmans’ organization RSS, for their corrupt practices, open mean & abnormal selfish intentions, from long before their last L.S. election’ campaigning. I abused him for fooling Indians by promises of bringing black money back with his Hanuman Baba Ramdev, & offering Re. 15 lakhs to every Indian. I abused him when hiding his intention of propagating Hinduism; he imposed importance of its useless side product Yoga. I abused him for his offered warm sendoffs to IPL scammer Mr. Lalit Modi & United brewery’ Vijay Mallya. I abused him for offering sure to be duped loans of Re.15-20 lakhs karod, to his Baniya peoples namely Ambani, Adani, Birla & Vedant group. I abused him for offering education ministry to uneducated stage dancer Begam Smruti Irani. I abused him for starting useless mission of Swachh i.e. clean Bharat in Indians, who intentionally are made undisciplined by introducing certain events of Hinduisms, in which only Brahmans’ part is of collecting the offerings of the mobs of natives, who are allowed to be full naked in Kumbh Mela or to make Romba Somba dance with women. I abused him for not starting any mission to make Indians disciplined, which may remove bad habits of fooling each other & pretending from them, which are abused often by all Europeans. I abused him for not making scout & guides training in each school & NCC in each college compulsory for every student. I abused him for not starting paramilitary training to each worker of every factory & garages too, to make every Indian aware of his duties toward nation. I abused him for not thinking of overall equality, which he is seen doing now only. I abused him & his master Brahmans’ RSS for making India always vulnerable like incident of first India intruder raider Mir Kasim to till now when Congress’ torn ass’ Pakistan kicked India first in Kargil in their last term again now in Pathankot, Uri & Punchh. I abused him & his master RSS for demonetization, killing peoples in lines for changing currency & calling peoples eunuchs, who died in queues. I abused him & his mother too, when he ordered her too to make traditional Dandia dance in front of public in lines of currency changing while she too did it shamelessly. I always abused his party for making people fool to feed milk to lord Ganesha’ images on papers of litter too, by spreading a rumor generated by one drug addict dead friend Mr. Sanjay Mohata of drug addict son Rahul Mahajan of dirty dead top BJP leader Mr. Pramod Mahajan, in year 1996. I will continue to abuse BJP, RSS & its vulgar local Senas, who cowardice to build Hindu lord Rama’ temple in Ayodhya, instead of fixing any day of any Hindu festival, fixed Babri Mosque falling on the date of death anniversary Day i.e. 6th Dec. of great untouchable leader, Dr Babasaheb i.e. B.R. Ambedkar, with the intention of pulling gutsiest untouchable followers of Ambedkar in planned riots with Muslims & of disturbing importance of that Day & Ambedkar too. & may be lastly but I abused him for hiding his impotency & abandoning his poor school teacher wife sister Jasodaben after 3 years’ married life, when he boasts of women empowerment & shows deep respect for teachers, calling them Guru. But he smart, though momentarily, has made me to salute him for his this grand & unique action of abusing castism & caste system, which till now too none from any political parties like all small & big Congresses, all Communists, all Socialites & locals has dared to speak too in private too. <*> Hope like his predecessor Baniya Mahatma Gandhi, at least Modi too has no wily plans to ditch untouchables. Generosity apart, his Hinduism’ boasting party with some useless local organizations were seen mean & cowardice in fixing Babari Mosque falling day, on exact date of death anniversary day of Dr B.R. Ambedkar, to avoid harm to importance of any festival of Hinduism or their falsely shown enemies religions, Christian or Islam. <*> Beyond doubt Modi is only admirable among all Indians, including Brahmans’ foot wash sipping addicted upper caste Kshatriyas & Yadavas too if he only gave importance to eradication of human untouchablity defining dirty inhuman caste system only of Hinduism & castism.<*> NARENDRA BHAI, GRAND SALUTE! Grand Salute! Grand Salute! 1 Refreshed? Saddened? Cornered?1 => Digestible? 2 => Appetizer? 3 => Not Digestible?
तिवारी जी, हमने पी.एम. मोदी को ग्रांड सेल्युट क्यू अर्पण किया इस सवाल के उत्तर मे एक जवाब. भय्या तिवारी मतलब बिलकुल साफ है, जिसका आग्रह प्रथमतः न्यायमूर्ती रानडे, उनके शिष्यगण आगरकर, गोखले और बादमे स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकर, साने गुरुजी ऐसे मराठी ब्राह्मनोंने हि किया था वो जातभेद के समूल उच्चाटन का संकल्प मोदी ने अखीरमे उसके कार्यकाल के तीन साल बाद हि क्यो न किया हो, पर किया यह महत्वपूर्ण है. उसकी वजहसे समस्त भारतीयोंमे समानता प्रस्थापित होगी जो उनको इकजूट करेगी और वो कोई भी समर्थ शक्तिशाली देश का प्राधान्य क्रमसे प्रथम अजेंडा रहता है. उन प्रगतीशील और मानवतावादी ब्राह्मनोंकि जीवन यात्राये गांधी के प्रथम खतम होने के बाद गांधी ने गोखले को गुरु तो माना पर उनके क्रांतिकारी विचारोंको बनिये कि मानसिकता मे ढाल कर, सावरकरजी ने जैसे आंबेडकर उनसे ८ सालसे कम उम्र के और अछुतोंमेसे एक होते हुए भी खुदके ब्राह्मण्य का वृथा अहंगंड बाजू मे रख कर उनके सम्मान मे एक समारंभ रखा था, वैसे गांधी भी बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर कि महानता से प्रभावित होने के बावजुद अपना जातीय अहंकार नही भुलते बाबासाहेबजी का सन्मान बढाने के बजाय उन्हे नीचे हि दिखाना चाहता था. वो जैसे ब्राह्मनोंको हि पूज्यनीय मानता था वैसे प्रचंड विद्याविभूषित लेकीन कोई मंदिर, मस्जिद और गिरिजाघर का भी पैसा पास न होने के कंगाल होने के बावजुद भी मरे जैसे अछुतोंमे जान फुंक कर उन्हे प्रखर स्वाभिमानी भी और इकजूट भी बनानेकी क्षमता के पूरे भारत मे बेजोड नेतृत्व वाले महान ऐसे बाबासाहेब भी उसे और ब्राह्मनोंको पूज्य माने ऐसे वोह चाहता था. अगर जाती भेद को खुदके हिंदू धर्म के तहत मान्य बनाने वाले ब्राह्मण हि उसे गाली देते हुए उन्होंने अनुभव किया था, तो जातीभेद के तहत उनके बापजादोंने जो हाल भूगते थे, उस हालोंको मान्यता देने वाले जाती प्रथा, उसे आम करने वाला हिंदू धर्म और उसके स्थापक ब्राह्मनोंके सामने उनका झुकना सर्वस्वी असंभव था. जाती प्रथा से विच्छिन्न होने कि वजहसे हि पहला यवन आक्रमक मीर कासीम दुरसे छोटा सैन्यदल लेके आकर भी भारत मे डेरा जमा पाया था. अछुतोंको ब्राह्मनोंने हि पेशवा काल मे उनके सैन्य मे भरती करना वर्ज्य किया था, जिन्हे शिवाजी महाराज ने उनके सेनादलोंमे सेनापती भी बनाया था. २८००० हजार कि ब्राह्मण पेशवा सरदार गोखले के हाथ के नीचे लढने वाली मारठोन्की फौज को अंग्रेजोंके सैन्यदल कि अछुतोंके महार रेजिमेंट के केवल ५०० अछुत फौजीयोंने आसमान दिखा दिया था, यह वास्तव अगर देखे तो, वो प्रथम यवन मीर कासीम कि सेना से उस वक्त अछुतोंकी सेना को भिडने कि अनुमती देते थे, तो शायद मुसलमानोंका ८०० सालोंका हम पर राज करनेका लज्जास्पद धब्बा नही लगता था. वो बात छोडो मगर पेशवाने जो अछुतोंको उनकी सेना मे स्थान नही देने का निर्णय लिया था, वो वैसा नही करता था तो १७७२ कि पानिपत कि लढाई मे आफघानी अबदाली कि एक लाख कि फौज को २८००० को ४ से गुनने के बाद (११२०००) जो एक लाख बारा हजार कि सेना होती थी, वो जो अब्दाली कि १ लाख कि सेना कि संख्यासे १२ हजार से जादा होने के बावजुद उसे मारने अछुतोंकी केवल [५०० x ४ = २००० याने] दो हजार कि फौज हि काफी साबित होती थी. पानिपत कि हार का कलंक तो कमसे कम नही लगता था. यह सारा विवेचन जातीभेद और उसके तहत विच्छिन्न कि गयी भारतीयोंके इकजूट के बुरे नतिजे क्या थे यह दिखानेका प्रयास था. नुकसान हि हुआ है उससे. और देशभर कायम कलह सदृश्य परिस्थिती! अच्छी बात है क्या? मोदी को सेल्युट इसीलिये कि मेरे इस बात को अखंड पेश करने के बावजुद मै जिनको अभीतक गाली देना शुरू नही किया, वे ठाकूर, पटेल, जाट मराठा और यादव, कुर्मी आदि कोई भी जाती के संघटनाओंके नेता ने मेरे विचारोंपे गौर नही करते, अभी अभी वीरता के मामले मे मैने जैसे उपर साबित किया वैसी अछुतोंके सामने उनकी जाती का साबित नाटे पन का हि गर्व मानते रहे और देश हित को गौण समज रहे है. इस पार्श्वभूमीपर केवल मोदी ने मेरे विचार पढके देश हितके लिये जातीयवाद और जातीयोंका अस्तित्व मिटानेका संकल्प किया है तो वोह निश्चित सराहनीय है.[ ९ आगस्त कि मोदी सरकार द्वारा प्रसारित जाहिरात मे मोदी ने वे संकल्प जाहीर किये है.] मेरी RSS से कोई निजी दुष्मनी नही है. केवल अभी अभी बताया वैसे उनकी विकृती कि वजहसे पानिपत का कलंक लगा था उस पेशवा कि विकृत मानसिकता से वे बाहर आये. ब्राह्मण हि केवल ऐसे भारतीय है जो नया सोच भी सकते है और स्वीकार भी. बाकी सब तो बोझे के गधे के हि कामके है. बाबासाहेब के पहले ब्राह्मण हि ब्राह्मण लिखित मनुस्मृती जलानेका धैर्य दिखा सके है. जो बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जी के सामने झुकना अबतक उनका अपमान समझते है लेकीन जिनके पैर धुले पानी को तीर्थ समझकर जो गैर अछूत खुद को धन्य मानते है ऐसे केवल ब्राह्मनोंने हि बाबासाहेब के अनुयायी बनके वे हि सबसे अच्छे गुणग्राहक और दिलदार है यह भी साबित होता. है. उनकी महानता के कारण हि विष्णू के ९ वे अवतार बनाये गये ऐसे बुद्ध को देवोंके नाम पर ब्राह्मण जो दक्षणा ऐंठते थे, वो मान्य नही था. इसलिये भगवान बुद्ध कि प्रतिमा केवल दक्षणा जीवी ब्राह्मनोंके कुछ काम कि नही रहनेसे, उन्हे ९ वा विष्णू अवतार बनाके भी केवल रोकडी लेनेके लिये उपयुक्त इसी ब्राह्मण लाभदायक निष्कर्षानुसार अनेक लीलाओंसे भरपूर चरित्रोंवाले राम कृष्ण ये बुद्ध के पूर्वावतार होने के नाते बुद्धसे बुढे होते हुए भी अर्वाचीन पिढी के बुद्ध को उन्होंने केवल अज्ञातवास मे हि नही भेजा तो छुपे तंत्र के माहीर ब्राह्मनोंने उनका अवलंब करते उन्हे हिंदूओंके नफरत का भी विषय बनाया. बाबानुयायी ब्राह्मनोंने और फिलहाल सुरेश भट जैसे नामचीन गझलकार ब्राह्मनोंने भी स्वखुशीने से बुद्ध धर्म स्वीकारके वे हि सुझबुझ वाले भारतीय है यह भी साबित किया है. सारे मुल्ला, पादरी और ग्रंथी भी पैसोंकी लॉरीया लेकर बाबासाहेब को खरीदने चाहते थे. पर हिंदूधर्म यह आगे चलकर केवल संस्कृती हि माना जाने वाला है ऐसे भविष्यवेधी दृष्टी के बाबासाहेबने उस संस्कृती के अस्तित्व सिद्ध ऐसे एकमेव भगवान बुद्धावतार को हि उनके अनुयायीयोंके लिये भी स्वीकारा. शुकर मानो कि उन्होंने किसी भी पैसे कि लॉरी को उनके आहाते मे भी पार्क नही करने दिया, जो अगर होता तो इस भारत कि पहचान हिन्दुस्थान तो छोडो पर बुद्ध कि धरती ऐसी भी नही होती थी. अपने स्पष्टीकरण मांगने के कष्ट उठाये मुझे यह विवरण देने कि संधी दि इस लिये धन्यवाद. आपसे ऐसे हि सहकार्य कि उम्मीद रखता हुं. क्या १ जवाब सही है? या २ नही है?
मोदी को ग्रांड सेल्युट! साला बनिया पी. एम. मोदी ने तो हिला हि दिया. दि. ९ ऑगस्ट कि जाहिरात मे उसने जातीयवाद और जातमुक्त भारत बनाने का कलम डालके भारत के सभी पंतप्रधानोंमे तो छोडो पर कम्युनिस्ट, समाजवादी, नक्सली, और कॉंग्रेस से लेकर सभी गैर ब्राह्मण और गैर अछूत सर्व सामान्य जनोंमे भी वोह अकेला ऐसा इंसान है जो अन्य कोई समस्याओंसे भी जात और जातीयवाद यही भारत कि मुख्य समस्या है इस त्रिकालाबाधित सत्य को स्वीकारता दिखा है.
Brahman community of India is actually not originally from Indian sub continent. Its peoples who, from beginning are of only 3, 1/2% of population of total population of native Indians, only are of pure Aryan blood, among all natives of India. Surprisingly they are founders & controllers of all activities of Hinduism & its follower natives of India, who are nearly 100 times large in number, than them. Like other gangs of Aryans, who had started their journey by land road from North Pole to reach in Europe & its attached west Asia, they too had camped in Europe & west Asia. West Asia was their last camping place, wherefrom their gang moved toward East Asia’ India. Naturally they were nomadic strugglers for survival. It developed greed, possessiveness, selfish & hence extreme cunningness or treacherous qualities in them. Of course any creature & animal being sure source of food; they must have tamed stray cattle to keep that sure source of food with them. Thus shepherd made them must have developed quality of making & telling imaginary or their different experiences based, but exaggerated & decorated forms’ interesting stories & songs, for their entertainment. Obviously those from their nomadic gangs’ heads, who had more stock of more interesting or adventurous stories, was bound to be crowd puller & deemed as wisest in range or capacity of their uncivilized under developed thinking power or intelligence among all gangs’ heads & respectful too for peoples of other gangs, who used to seek advise & counseling from him. Probably that was beginning of process of birthing of a prophet, for peoples of different gangs settled in hamlets scattered long away from each other, in that hot & barren land of Sahara desert. It is astonishing but true that, that barren land of uncivilized & under developed thinking power’ or intelligence’ peoples, has birthed more faiths & prophets than other parts of world. Unfortunately history tells that those all religions’ fought with each other, either to finish or extract each other’ followers or to pull them with them. Nomadic’ style of possessiveness & greed! Birth of word Crusades too must be from there. Poor but stern Jews too had to run away from that birth of their known oldest Prophet Mosses when most recent prophet Mohammed’ followers had forced. Still situation is same there. I had put my observation on tweeter that hottest heat of their sun evaporates wetness of people there, to develop hot temper’ DNA in their brain, which was later stamped as true by a woman environment scientist named Mrs. Perry, who had visited India then. However fortunately those all desert born faiths believe in concept that one Abraham was great, great grandfather of 3 mainly known prophets, i.e. Mosses, Jesus & Mohammad. Concept all there born Fortunately all prophets believe in they
## Brahmans made selective natives as untouchables or indirectly enemies of them & their guards or protector chose native. They barred them from possessing any weapon or self respect too by humiliating them with imposed traditions or duties like carrying human dirt on their heads & cleaning the road behind them on which they walked by tying one more broom to their waist. They did not allow them in military. If had taken only 2500 soldiers of untouchables they could have won battle of Panipat> Mahar battalion
# $ By Indian Supreme court’ finding, Hinduism was basically a culture or life styles of their own, introduced & falsely imposed on native Indians as a religion, by Hinduism’ dirty caste system’ topper Brahmans, actually originally related with Islam’ Prophet Mohammad’ family’ blood & birth place. They only are of Aryan blood, who settled in Europe & its attached West Asia after emerging in North Pole. Cutting their most of the time in sharing their exaggerated & decorated experiences or self made storied with each others, those settled in nomadic style in barren desert’ West Asia, mostly lived shepherd’ life.## As a rule of nepotism, which generally is seen loved by all, who are not selfless & not impartial, that wisest man’ status too was seen handed over to the predecessor heir of same family hereditary, as nomadic’ life style is bound to be developed as most selfish opportunists, in survival race. Seems prophet Abraham was such hereditary hair of first chose wisest gang leader. Starting from world’ known faiths, like Moses’ Judaism, Jesus’ Christianity to last Mohammad’ Islam, birthed in hottest west Asia, Abraham is known as father of them.
#They are fools if not pretenders, if they abuse Muslims & Europeans for robbing & so called torturing of them by intruding India, if they ignore cause of vulnerable made India or cause of situations which made ways & minds of Muslims & Christians to fuck Indians & India, which was known as a strong & rich nation, because of strong unity of its peoples, in its golden past. They ignore or made to ignore causes of break in their once strong unity, believing that later imposed break in their unity as god’ wish, not created or owned by them or their blood’ peoples. I.e. before Muslims or Christians there were peoples who had entered India, to break unity of Indians, which lured & facilitated later intruders like Muslims & Christians, who were less cultured gutless too to look at it as pierce able other . on land of gold mines & of great respect ed as strong nation ’ united, strong & their as truders


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