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Bastard Indian Media

All bastard Indian Media owned by orthodox ! Before arrival of a single too vagabond at any public meeting of all Non Untouchable Hindus, editor keeps news of million audience with photo too, ready to print. Dirty smell too is reported by reporters interested to be appointed at outlet or leakage points of any upper caste Hindu from a gutter lane too, addicted of weeping against oppressed especially untouchables' socially reserved status. They boast their impartiality, secularism, great tolerance & being parliamentarian too but decidedly denied to acknowledge dirtiest smell of decomposed cattle in Gujarat. Bastards knew that all international chefs from India are Brahmans, who did not hesitate to cook whole human on demand of their customers & to please them. Banned cow's flesh is their own regular diet too. Bastard all Brahmans' top leaders, of course from their formed & owned RSS only have supplied not their daughters only, but wives & mothers too to Muslims are seen provoking Non Brahmans against Muslims. Muslims are like buffers between Brahmans' obsessed Non Untouchables dumb Hindus & Untouchables. Otherwise these dumb could have been used solely against Untouchables only. Like Dr B.R. Ambedkar & from my personal experience too I am real opponent of Muslim mentality. If they do not prefer Indian language for propagating their faith they must not feed themselves on Indian grain & fund too. Untouchable had not to share fund reserved for them who are only kept beggary from last 5000 years & deserve it being natives of no outer shelter. Is bastard Indian media;s r hatred aroused as reaction against that social reservation of those oppressed, out of envy against proved quality of great captaincy of oppressed @once free slave, though deprived of basic requirement for keeping themselves alive from last 5000 years?. l had preferred to be continuously hated than to be pitiable like them & all of same.


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