22nd October is the day, when Dr B.R. Ambedkar, an universally accepted greatest leader, from a group of peoples of India, who is decided & declared as untouchables by one Non Native group, to their all native colleague’ groups too, discovering a truly Indian & world’s only atheistic faith, ‘Buddhism” enlightened his peoples’ lives with true gift of freedom for them, sidelining so called Indian freedom. It must be agreed that, If India’ Hinduism only has imposed all types’ dirtiest discriminations with sickening inhuman traditions, crueler than most defamed Islam, then it is only a dirtiest faith in the world. Such dirty Hinduism is seen being propagated as a best religion, by falsely imposed great peoples, like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Arbindo, ShriSriRavi Shankar, Ramdev Baba etc. & some missions, by decorating & wrapping its dirt, in golden foil. In fact Hinduism itself is not at all an original Indian religion, if it’s founder, master & imposer Brahmans’ commun...